Topic: Unable to view posts

Posted under General

e621 is still being screwy with me after I've done everything I can think of. I've used everything I can think of, IE, mozilla, opera, safari and even a few others. I've cleared and uncleared everything I can think of. This new CDN is BS, I havent been able to view a thing since it came about.

Updated by leo nine

When you look at the source code, is the image URL showing?

It should look something like this - - (under < div id="note-container", >

If it is there, the problem is on your end, and as you say you've tried everything, I don't know what to suggest, other than (for completeness' sake, really) flushing your DNS cache

at the command line, type [ipconfig /flushdns] (without the square brackets...), then press [enter].

and/or running this test - (note: requires java)- and see what, if anything is being blocked, throttled or redirected.

Updated by anonymous

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