Topic: Current Overloading

Posted under General

As you are aware, there are periods when this site is overloaded. This is because we were slowly creeping towards capacity on our current server (Which we've had for a good many months now), and then.. bam! FA went down and we had a massive influx of people.

This means that from time to time, a periods of high load, you'll get a "We're currently overloaded" message. This will stop the server from going nuts and allow things to calm down.

This'll last until FA comes back up, most likely. Unless someone wants to donate so we can get a second server (And if you do want to, well hey! Email!).

So please bear with us.

Updated by nme22

Ah yes, furries need their fapping. Totally saw this coming (No pun intended).

Updated by anonymous

um ive benn hearing bout this i dont go on FA but does any one know how it went down cuz thats the 1 thing i havent heard

Updated by anonymous

doggiecockknot22 said:
um ive benn hearing bout this i dont go on FA but does any one know how it went down cuz thats the 1 thing i havent heard

Fibre-optic line broke.

Updated by anonymous

Silent-Hunter said:
Fibre-optic line broke.

Fiber optic line shattered. It can't break. Stupid.

Updated by anonymous

Kamoku said:
Fiber optic line shattered. It can't break. Stupid.

Shattered is a more specific synonym of break. Stupid.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Shattered is a more specific synonym of break. Stupid.

It's a sarcastic joke referring to fiber optic lines being glass, and only glass and materials like such can shatter, where cable lines can only be cut.

Updated by anonymous

Well, you know what they say about sarcasm and text.

Updated by anonymous

You should put up a counter for money currently given towards a new server, and an easy Paypal link for people to donate. we're all lazy, and i'm sure you'll get more donations if you not only make it easier, but give them a clear goal.

Specifically include this link on your 'overload' page. you'd be surprised how many people will donate when they are frustrated over the downtime.

Updated by anonymous

Unfortunately, we cannot take donations through PayPal. If only we could!

But that's a great idea. Thanks.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Well, you know what they say about sarcasm and text.

You know what they say about idiots who can't read sarcasm. (btw: When something is obviously ~that~ stupid, and is spelled ~correctly~ then it's probably going to be sarcastic, or at least not srs bidnus)

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
Unfortunately, we cannot take donations through PayPal. If only we could!

But that's a great idea. Thanks.

However, ~you~ as a team at E621 can not. I believe you as an ~individual~ who ~financially supports E621~ can. :3 Loophole? I THINK I FOUND ONE! 8D..No. Just a thought, though. Doesn't hurt to think..Unless it does. Then you should consider bleaching your hair blond, if it isn't already.

Updated by anonymous

Kamoku said:
However, ~you~ as a team at E621 can not. I believe you as an ~individual~ who ~financially supports E621~ can. :3 Loophole? I THINK I FOUND ONE! 8D..No. Just a thought, though. Doesn't hurt to think..Unless it does. Then you should consider bleaching your hair blond, if it isn't already.

Biatching for putting blonde folks in one drawer. Completely idealistic tho'. About the loophole... Yeah, it can work that way. Who cares on what you spend money that people decided to give to you. You're not a politician, or anything. :p

Updated by anonymous

Kamoku said:
You know what they say about idiots who can't read sarcasm. (btw: When something is obviously ~that~ stupid, and is spelled ~correctly~ then it's probably going to be sarcastic, or at least not srs bidnus)

I don't know, there are definitely a lot of people that stupid around here (just ask mellis). Also, sarcasm usually relies on a lot of non-verbal cues that don't exist in text form, so you can't blame someone for not catching it.

Updated by anonymous

AishaLove said:
Yes Blame FA...... LOL

Actually, yes. Because of their downtime, we've had a flood of new users.

Updated by anonymous

Kamoku said:
Fiber optic line shattered. It can't break. Stupid.

If it shatters it is broken, stupid.

FA is aiming to be back up and running on monday now that they are in the process of shifting to a new co-location.

Updated by anonymous

AishaLove said:
Yes Blame FA...... LOL

A site goes down, and so the users, during the downtime, go to a site with similar content and theme. Furthermore, the spike in traffic lines up exactly with the timing of the FA crash, and many of our users are also FA users. This isn't exactly rocket science, here, but, you know, 'LOL' e621 users. Ugh.

It's a free service, so ultimately users get what we have the resources for, and we currently don't have the resources to handle prolonged surges like this at the moment. So, users can either tough it out until FA comes back online and our traffic goes back to the old traffic levels, or, if they're the types that simply must have their furry artwork THIS VERY INSTANT, they can offer to help build funds for a new server that is powerful enough to counteract the rare, and generally sparse, patches of overloading.

Updated by anonymous

I will donate, just give me an email. I cant find it :P

Updated by anonymous

I'd have some €15 to donate, but well, I'm not going to send a mail to request the place to send the money to, sorry. I bet almost everyone else thinks the same way.

This seems to be the problem with all things furry art-related - everyone wants money, while no one/few provide a proper way for people to give them said money.

From my experience, the easier it is for people to give away their money, the most probably they will do so (iTunes or Amazon One-Click *hint* *hint*).

How about ChipIn? Provide a PayPal link that is not directly related to this site (not providing a usage description of "fappable material for the furry fandom")? Just provide a PayPal enabled email address where people can just send money to, without further comment? Jeez.

Updated by anonymous

That won't work. PayPal will shut you down. It happened to FA already. I won't risk it.

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
That won't work. PayPal will shut you down. It happened to FA already. I won't risk it.

I cant remember really well. but theres someone that have a site with adult content and a development blog. he asks for donations in his blog; last month, paypal donation link still was up.. it will make a year or so now;

give a try?

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
That won't work. PayPal will shut you down. It happened to FA already. I won't risk it.

Updated by anonymous

raupius said:
I cant remember really well. but theres someone that have a site with adult content and a development blog. he asks for donations in his blog; last month, paypal donation link still was up.. it will make a year or so now;

give a try?

e621 is a bigger target than some nameless dude's nameless blog

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
That won't work. PayPal will shut you down. It happened to FA already. I won't risk it.

Maybe request donations for e961 instead? (I am assuming Paypal's problem with it has something to do with "adult services"...)

Updated by anonymous

lurkingfox said:
Maybe request donations for e961 instead?

I think they won't forgive deeming them as idiots

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
I think they won't forgive deeming them as idiots

Seems to do okay for Furcadia. All right, it might need a bit more rebranding work than just the URL change....

Updated by anonymous

Maybe ebay? sale of a picture, and pay for it through paypal?

Updated by anonymous

lizard77 said:
Maybe ebay? sale of a picture, and pay for it through paypal?

Nice, we just need to find a picture for sale without violating copyright

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Nice, we just need to find a picture for sale without violating copyright

Like the logo that's being in use?

Updated by anonymous

So your telling me when FA was down, with no art to repost from there, this site got slammed harder? that's hard to believe, seeing as all the art on here is off FA (or Fchan).

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

AishaLove said:
So your telling me when FA was down, with no art to repost from there, this site got slammed harder? that's hard to believe, seeing as all the art on here is off FA (or Fchan).

It's not about the uploading, but the downloading, furries were going here and there to get their daily dose of porn, including on e621.
Now there is possibly a few people that got hooked by the site's concept and who remain as regular visitors from now on.

Updated by anonymous

AishaLove said:
So your telling me when FA was down, with no art to repost from there, this site got slammed harder? that's hard to believe, seeing as all the art on here is off FA (or Fchan).

FA is down, so every visitor to FA who still wanted to look at furry art they hadn't already seen/saved/wanted to see again, had to go to visit another site during the downtime? And largely, they went to the site with one of the biggest image repositories available, which mirrors most of FA's content? MIND BLOWN!!!

I like how this has been explained to you like, a half dozen different ways now and you still somehow fail to grasp these extremely basic ideas.

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
I like how this has been explained to you like, a half dozen different ways now and you still somehow fail to grasp these extremely basic ideas.

it was only explained to me by 2 different people in about maybe 3 different ways, I have not yet responded to any of these comments either.

While I see your points, and I understand them. I guess what I meant to say was I'm surprised the influx was so massive, given the fact that the main source of content to this site had been offline.

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
That won't work. PayPal will shut you down. It happened to FA already. I won't risk it.

why don't you have people physically mail you money? if i'm correct, since everyone on this site is assumed to be adults, its perfectly legal. but you might want to double check the laws. if you don't want to give away your mailing adress, use a po box.

Updated by anonymous

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