Topic: So... Um... Yeah.

Posted under General

I never particularly had any interest in the furry fandom, and never considered myself furry at all, but since I looked at it, I've realized that somethings, I'm attracted to it somewhat... Now, that being said, the particular images that I found attractive had similar qualities to what I find attractive in my girlfriend- So I'm just wondering if perhaps this is not really some kind of latent 'furriness' but instead is just my subconcious being attracted to the same qualities that I originally fell in love with my girlfriend for? Just thought I'd get some opinions or something like that- I just don't particularly like anything at all about the furry fandom except some of the artwork involved in it and even then I'm very picky about it... So... Um... Yeah. Just wondering what people thought?

Just to add- Up until today, with full knowledge of what furry fandom was, I had no thoughts about anything to do with anything furry in any sense- be it furry porn, furry drawings, or anything to do with furriness at all for what must have been a year (a year being probably around the time that I stumbled upon a forum that had a furry section (most of the site was about PC/Console gaming and other random sections) and ended up perusing around the forum until I found the furry section)

Updated by Zogar

Well, I definitely look for the features that I find attractive in my real life partners in furry pornography. (Although there's some things that can't be illustrated) I can't honestly see myself fursuiting or going to furry conventions at all.

I've probably been looking at furry "art" (porn) for maybe 4, or 5 years. But I do prefer real life relationships. And I am pretty picky about the stuff that I view, they must have the same qualities that I prefer in my real life partners.

Regardless, furry porn is porn, you enjoy the features (large tatas, big rumps, etc) and therefore use it to, ahem, 'meet your needs.' Just don't take it too seriously and you'll be fine.

Updated by anonymous

If you like it, you like it.
If you don't, you don't.

Don't let the terminology get to you. Think of it as a word to find more of what you like, nothing more.

Updated by anonymous

Another reason you may be attaracted to furry porn is due to the more, and im not joking here, natural qualities of furry girls. I enjoy furry porn due to the wide variety of girls out there. each girl has their own body style instead of the typical "HOT GIRL" (skinny body with huge boobs and ass). Along with the body types, the different body parts mean that some furries have sex differently then humans example are nagas and taurs. The exotic positions that they preform may entice you. dont be afraid to search out some of your fansties. ALSO, lucky you to have a girl like that XD!!!

Updated by anonymous

I don't consider myself a "furry" either, but I really enjoy the artwork. I don't classify myself as belonging to any social group save for being part of the "poor". A lot of this artwork takes extreme amounts of skill, patience, and imagination, and the results are fantastic!

Updated by anonymous

Alot of be enjoy furry but dont admit it cause their afraid they'll be branded a furry. To become a furry you must embrace it usually by coming up with a fursona (furry version of yourself) I have one so im a furry even though ive never been to a convention or have a suit.

Updated by anonymous

porn has absolutely nothing at all to do with furry. your attracted to what you are, me, im nota furry, but i love the porn, some peoples dont like the porn but are furrys, and some like both, some like none :p

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
porn has absolutely nothing at all to do with furry.


Updated by anonymous

mellis said:

Keep it down plz, trying to fap here...

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
im nota furry

Keep telling yourself that :3

Updated by anonymous

Wolfie said:
Keep telling yourself that :3

actually wolfie bellas right. i knowsome fur suiters who hate the porn and vise-versa

Updated by anonymous

Zogar said:
actually wolfie bellas right. i knowsome fur suiters who hate the porn and vise-versa

Yes, and these people are in the vast minority. Remember, this is a site where any furry, anywhere, can upload any furry image, from any source (barring a tiny tiny few exceptions) with no restrictions as to the specific content of the image. There is a literal cross-section of the entire fanbase represented here over tens of thousands of unique images from thousands of artists from all nations, backgrounds, and walks of life. Uploaded by themselves, or their fans, who enjoy their work enough to seek it out and repost it here to help expose those artists to potential new fans. And it's vastly pornographic hellsmut.

To suggest that furry and smut are mutually exclusive is to ignore the mountain of contrary evidence on the very site you are now posting on, not to mention most of the other high profile furry sites, such as FA or fchan. I would go so far as to say anyone who thinks that sexual images have nothing to do with 'furry' in either the public perception, or in the 'fandom' itself, by and large, are either delusional or have an agenda to push.

I don't even know why I am arguing this, seriously, just spend like 10 minutes on this site.

Updated by anonymous

mellis said:
And it's vastly pornographic hellsmut.

Well, 3:1 is not really much xD

I believe it's okay to exploit sexuality (even not in explicit ways) in anthropomorphism, either half-animal half-human often comes out like nightmare fuel

Updated by anonymous

*sracthes back of head* well then im fucked cause ive had some dreams that would be considered nightmare fuel know that i think about them.

Updated by anonymous

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