Topic: Tags-pliotation: The Vidya Game!

Posted under General

How it works: The person before decides on a tag. Since there is no person before me, I decided on Popsicle.

Find a "wholesome" Popsicle picture. By "wholesome", I mean one that isn't porn. In fact, the farther the image is from porn, better. You get a +1 if its UGLY (as in, the artist intentionally designed it make the audience disgusted, scared, freak out, etc.), you get no points if a clean picture (IE, dressed or liberal arts "artistic") and you lose a point if it is porn.

I choose this one: Because it is ugly, I get a point.

I then look for a tag on the left side for next player (me, again). I choose "", because I know obese and the like will only give the person under me a point, and because the other tags are either for the artist, for the character, have only one picture, or is the tag that was just used (Popsicle).

Oh crap! The only Ugly picture in the hueg tag is one that's been used before. There's no clean pictures either. With no options, I clicked on this:

I lost a point and now I must make the tag selection for the next player. I'll chooooosee...

I choose it because it's illegal to select obviously pornographic tags, like Penis, Gay, Butt, Vagina, Ballgag, Scat, Zoo, Loli, etc. Male, Female, Dickgirl, Herm, and Inter-sexed are also illegal to select, because they're way too generalized. Of course, if this picture had a Popsicle in it and was tagged as such, I could selected Popsicle, if I wanted to.

Anyway, I'm now at Zero points and the person below me must find a non porn (preferably "ugly") picture in this tag:

Obviously, they must find that picture, add/subtract their points, link it in their message, then link the next tag.

Enjoy! :D


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