Topic: Policy on Bumping

Posted under General

What, if I may ask, is e621's policy on bumping "old" image posts where either the submission date or last comment is at least half a year ago? Some sites and forums have a strict policy against bumping old threads, while others couldn't care less.

I realize there is a box that prevents bumping the image, and the uselessness of bumping an image which has already had a good amount of conversation and comments. I'd just like to know though, if I should ration my commenting habits.

Updated by mellis

Ive actually noticed that the thing will automatically not bump some times. Whether it's a bug or something, I don't know.

Updated by anonymous

Unless it's bumping to stir up drama on months-old comments, or purposely being obnoxious/spamming inane comments about your sexual preferences, I couldn't care less. Images stop bumping after a pretty tiny number of comments anyways. Basically, keep it constructive and keep the creepy factor to a minimum, and there isn't a problem here.

Updated by anonymous

thedxm said:
Ive actually noticed that the thing will automatically not bump some times. Whether it's a bug or something, I don't know.

The times I've seen this happen tends to be when a conversation gets going really long under the image. When it hits around 20 posts or so, it seems to stop bumping. I'm not positive if that's a feature, a bug, or a coincidence though.

Updated by anonymous

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