Topic: Prohibit everything from palcomix

Posted under General

I really think I dont need to bring any arguments about this, because it should be obvious.
We wouldnt lose anything of value if all palcomix content was deleted, they wouldnt bitch about people copying their work anymore, everyone would be happy.
just show me one single palcomix picture that doesnt suck and ill say im wrong.

Updated by Fox2K9

Sajeth said:
I really think I dont need to bring any arguments about this, because it should be obvious.
We wouldnt lose anything of value if all palcomix content was deleted, they wouldnt bitch about people copying their work anymore, everyone would be happy.
just show me one single palcomix picture that doesnt suck and ill say im wrong.

You know, this could get you banned for whining. There are a lot of artists who's pictures are the ugliest thing i ever saw, but they did not get deleted.

So add it to your black list and delete this topic before mellis replies... (People tend to cry after his replies

Updated by anonymous

If you do not like content on this site, you are free to either ignore it, blacklist it, or leave the site, as you feel is appropriate. If you are unable to figure out blacklisting, we have a robust community who I am sure is more than happy to help you out with any confusion or problems you may have.

If you find an image that is missing a tag on your blacklist, say, for example, you have 'male' blacklisted and find an image of a male which is not tagged as such, please spend a moment to properly tag it, ensuring you will never see it again afterwards, if you feel strongly about it. We have filtering options available specifically because we are aware not all users will like all material on the site, and just because one user doesn't like an image, doesn't mean another will. If you (in the general user sense, not specifically "you") cannot handle this policy, then this site may not be for you.

Thank you.

Updated by anonymous

long story short, go to "My Account"-->"Settings"--->type "palcomix" in the "tag blacklist" section. sorry if this sounds condesending

Updated by anonymous

Get rid of all furry art and nobody will bitch about art being stolen.

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
Get rid of all furry art and nobody will bitch about art being stolen.


Updated by anonymous

Sajeth said:
I really think I dont need to bring any arguments about this, because it should be obvious.
We wouldnt lose anything of value if all palcomix content was deleted, they wouldnt bitch about people copying their work anymore, everyone would be happy.
just show me one single palcomix picture that doesnt suck and ill say im wrong.

you obviously haven't seen bad art yet if you think that is bad enough to make a forum topic about it. go to home page and put in tag: nightmare_fuel

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
you obviously haven't seen bad art yet if you think that is bad enough to make a forum topic about it. go to home page and put in tag: nightmare_fuel

There is a difference between fucked up and bad art :D

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
There is a difference between fucked up and bad art :D

i always get those two confused!
well if some of that stuff gets to stay, then so does palcomix then -.-

Sajeth said:
just show me one single palcomix picture that doesnt suck and ill say im wrong.

post #48591 post #24175 post #23711
must i name more?
P.S. don't say yes because that is all i got XD

Updated by anonymous

Hehe, the tab title in Google Chrome made me laugh.

e621:Prohibit everything ...

Updated by anonymous

Kitsu~ said:
Hehe, the tab title in Google Chrome made me laugh.

e621:Prohibit everything ...

Lol XD

Updated by anonymous

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