Topic: well i did something stupid

Posted under General

ok so i was just going through flash's because i was looking for a certain one. i thought the scroll down feature right under the search place called "mode" was to narrow it down even more so without thinking i put it down to safe. i clicked about five images and i was like wtf? its not loading anything? but then the red letters at the top of the site caught my attention saying "post updated" 0.0
i then took a better look at the "mode" and it said "rate safe." it was only about 4 or 5 but ill look through the flash's and see if i can fix them. sorry about that everyone X.X

Updated by Fox2K9

Ok you lost me for good XD

So you have rated some flashes safe? Just go to their page, click edit and add their right ratting back.

Updated by anonymous

yep i just did that.
just felt like sharing my stupidity with everyone =P

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
yep i just did that.
just felt like sharing my stupidity with everyone =P

Don't sweat it it happens. :)

Updated by anonymous

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