Topic: help with mass uploading

Posted under General

nice day.

i hope i will be understandable...

my buddy (Kaldyh) spent a lot of time searching and gathering furry art at deviantart, furrafinity and other sites and now he has a huge collection. I toke one of his folders with art of Kacey and removed duplicates with e621 (14.06.2012) and now i want to upload rest of pictures (422 of them) here but have some troubles.

1. is there a mass upload to e621?
2. should i set rating of all pictures "questionable"?
3. what about tags? will it be normal if i add all pictures with tags "kacey tagme"?

if this pack will be uploaded good i can check other artist from kaldyh's ftp.


No, there isn't.
No, you shouldn't.
No, it wouldn't.

At least 4 tags and the correct rating are required. And dates are a must for kacey pics.

Updated by anonymous

maybe it will be usefull

i downloaded kaldyh's folder with kacey's art and then downloaded all pictures from e621 with tag "kacey" in same directory and searched duplicates with "Gqview" viewer by checksumms, size, dimensions, and by similarity (medium) with previews.

Updated by anonymous

well, that sucks i hoped to use users of e621, because it's too hard for me to write tags for 422 pictures.

maybe i should to create topic with asking help for this? i could upload an archive somewhere and let people to make tags and then upload it to e621...

Updated by anonymous

Also remember, ask the artist, that many posts get deleted and you'll never be allowed to post again

Updated by anonymous

i will ask. but there are >600 of his pictures here. i doubt he won't allow to upload 422 more.

Updated by anonymous

Raiden_Gekkou said:
Why are dates needed for Kacey's images?

i believe it's because his watermarks often have years in them. but not always, though.

Updated by anonymous

You can only upload ten at a time anyway so I'd go through and tag each one thoroughly with the correct rating

Updated by anonymous

ok kacey already has hundreds of posts on the site, so I don't think you need to ask her permission. And the dates thing is because it makes it easier to go through them when you want to post something of hers in the future. She dates pretty much all of her art so there's really no reason not to. I post a ton of her stuff when I find it and the first thing I type into the search to see if it's a repost is the date. And if you're worried about not having time to tag all the images, I'll help you with it. I could do that in an afternoon.

Updated by anonymous

It's also better to upload directly from the source as that fills the source category and then everyone knows where you got it from.

Tags are important. We appreciate that you want to add art to the site but you need to tag everything you upload, and tag it properly so others can find it, or avoid finding it, depending on what they like/dislike.

In short, please don't be lazy with your uploads.

Updated by anonymous

yes, it was really good idea with dates. easy to remember and easy to search.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
It's also better to upload directly from the source as that fills the source category and then everyone knows where you got it from.

Tags are important. We appreciate that you want to add art to the site but you need to tag everything you upload, and tag it properly so others can find it, or avoid finding it, depending on what they like/dislike.

In short, please don't be lazy with your uploads.

i'm totally not a lazy guy ^_^ so i just have no enough time for this :(

i guess i will create a thread with asking help from community with tags and if it will be successful i will check next artist.

and how about to write in sourse kacey's site (

Updated by anonymous

i uploaded one picture and have two questions - how to upload up to ten pics and is there an ability to read tags from the name of file?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Open multiple upload tabs and fire away.

Updated by anonymous

You upload them one at a time. When yo reach ten you're done until they get approved. What do you mean from the file name?

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
You upload them one at a time. When yo reach ten you're done until they get approved. What do you mean from the file name?

i mean i write tags in file manager with previews and then upload it here without copying tags.

Updated by anonymous

Sounds like you are making more work for yourself. I'd just tag it in the tag container on the site.

Updated by anonymous

stranger_furry said:
i'm totally not a lazy guy ^_^ so i just have no enough time for this :(

i guess i will create a thread with asking help from community with tags and if it will be successful i will check next artist.

and how about to write in sourse kacey's site (

That might be enough as it's a personal site. In fact, when I add art from Furaffinity using a direct link it shortens it to the user whose gallery it came from. So in your case "" would be sufficient.

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Slash said:
Sounds like you are making more work for yourself. I'd just tag it in the tag container on the site.

nope. i make it for two sites - e621 and sfw furry booru. after i will upload it i remove it from my hard. file manager is just more comfortable for such work.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
It's also better to upload directly from the source as that fills the source category and then everyone knows where you got it from.

I disagree. It's better to provide an appropriate source link manually. In order of usefulness, here are possible source fields for an image: (uploading from a URL gets you this, which tells you what site it's on and who the user is, but then you have to find the user on the website manually (unless it's a FA link, since the site has special handling for direct FA image links that produces a link to the artist's userpage)) (direct link to the artist's userpage (this is what you get if you upload from a URL associated with furaffinity)) (direct link to the work's page, so you don't have to go digging through the artist's gallery to find out more about the image)

Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
Open multiple upload tabs and fire away.

For massive success: upload as many as you can WITH (proper) tags.
Submit pics/flashes AFTER [/b]

  • Open upload link/tab
  • browse, tag, rating
    • repeat step 1+2
  • Submit

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
For massive success: upload as many as you can WITH (proper) tags.
Submit pics/flashes AFTER [/b]

  • Open upload link/tab
  • browse, tag, rating
    • repeat step 1+2
  • Submit

it's not a mass uploaad. i have 55 pictures with tags in name. but i still should make all these steps indeat of just one.

Updated by anonymous

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