Topic: The CSS

Posted under General

Hi! I was going to use a blip but still don't know how to use them. Anyway, here it is:


  • Some textboxes are not styled, because some use id's with apparently random numbers (reply-text-*post id*)
  • The comment author is clipped to the right side
  • Each comment has a separator

... that's all, I think. Sorry if I took a while, had to clean it up

Updated by Aurali

Rainbow_Slash said:
What does this CSS do?

pretty sure it has something to do with counter strike

Updated by anonymous

xLuna said:
Hi! I was going to use a blip but still don't know how to use them. Anyway, here it is:


  • Some textboxes are not styled, because some use id's with apparently random numbers (reply-text-*post id*) [killboxes]
  • The comment author is clipped to the right side ^*
  • Each comment has a separator. Pokehidden pistoled| Applejack

... that's all, I think. Sorry if I took a while, had to clean it up

Talk toValve about this :^)

Updated by anonymous

Mario583 said:
Talk toValve about this :^)

they'll put a hat on it

Updated by anonymous

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