Okay I mean REALLY stupid people. Douchebags morons who never shut up idiots who preach about how pious they are and how everyone who doesn't follow their example is going to hell. Yeah that trash. I want to know how you get back at them personally every dirty funny detail. :P I personally always wear a small satchel around my shoulder with little doggie treats in it when I go out to town or something and when someone does some ignorant shit like trying to start a fight with me when i've never even seen them before in my life to impress their little douchebitch friends i'll belittle them and make them look like idiots in front of EVERYONE who happens to be in the general area usually by correcting their grammar and asking them if they have managed to shovel all the shit from their family cess pools yet and after i'm done with them I say something along the lines of "Now sit there and be quiet like a good dog." Then I whip out a dog treat and flick it right into their faces lmao it feels SOOO good every single time! :D
Updated by ktkr