Topic: Easyer way to find images

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Hay e621 other then your Mirror Board Furrybooru i found out the master image board that adds the following boards including yours to its called

Yes it aslo includes Gelbooru and Something called Safebooru boards in along with other unknown I hopely help sniffed out and another copy image board

Updated by Snowy

That's...very unusable. You need to know the tagging style of each different booru (or boros) to find what you want, so it's not likely that you'll get much better results.

Also, some other boorus have really bad tagging. An image of two males having sex might be tagged gay, or maybe not. It might be tagged yaoi instead of gay, or both yaoi and gay, or maybe just "2boys". And that's just from one booru (gelbooru, to be precise). Take this sort of confusion, multiply by a whole bunch of different imageboards, and you've got an unsearchable mess.

Updated by anonymous

Well, based on the grammar of this individual who has chosen themselves to represent this "master image board", I have no interest in visiting.

Updated by anonymous

Even if the tags are different it still copys post or uploads like Furrybooru does.

Updated by anonymous

How often do they copy uploads? We can upload Bernal's stuff for a few hours, they'll copy, we'll remove them, they probably won't. Then we report TBIB to Bernal and watch all the FUN! *evil grin*

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
How often do they copy uploads? We can upload Bernal's stuff for a few hours, they'll copy, we'll remove them, they probably won't. Then we report TBIB to Bernal and watch all the FUN! *evil grin*

I'm going to go out on a limb and say "no" to that.
1. Enjoy your ban from e621 after uploading all that Bernal stuff.
2. e621 could still get in trouble for being the source of the material.

Obviously there are other ways, but at this point I just don't care about Bernal anymore. If he wants to keep his art on for-pay pr0n sites, he can. Good for him. And if he's making money off of people, good for him.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
How often do they copy uploads? We can upload Bernal's stuff for a few hours, they'll copy, we'll remove them, they probably won't. Then we report TBIB to Bernal and watch all the FUN! *evil grin*

Or we could go to tbib, search for "jeremy_bernal", and realize that they already have some of his work.

Updated by anonymous