Topic: Server Host Structure Idea

Posted under General

Since the massive traffic increase on the site, I have come up with an amazing idea. Now this method has been used before many times with projects other than web hosting like torrents, generating rainbow tables for cracking hashes and rendering animated video predicting future heat patterns on Earth thousands of years into the future, and much more. I am talking about peer to peer web hosting and it may revolutionize the way people host web servers. Now, with peer to peer networking, you can have public clients download a software that downloads an encrypted file that contains the source and databases of the website and the contents of that file will be hosted to a server controller that directs traffic evenly throughout the system. With this, there would be an endless supply of computer power and the site will be at peak performance all the time because hundreds of computers would be hosting the site worldwide.

Updated by Aurali

Yeah, e-hentai does something like that for their galleries.
Problem is, you have to have some sort of rewards system to convince people to actually take part.
This site isn't exactly structured for that.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
lolwut? You mean sort of like BitCoins?

Yeah something like that but comparing the system to downloading a torrent gives a much clearer picture where there is a bunch of seeders but instead of connecting to multiple seeders at the same time, a server directs each client currently connecting to the domain to a single random seeder to download off of evenly throughout.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I'd like to see what Aurali or Tony thinks of this

"We just bought a bigger server which we are currently setting up but we now scrap that, make a toaster out of the new server and reprogram everything to be hosted by the community."

I'll go out on a limb and say, won't happen anytime soon, Aurali hopes the new server is ready to rumble in the next 48h so simply try to wait till monday.
Hopefully then everything will be going smoothly once again.

Updated by anonymous

If it's encrypted then how does the computer know what to process? and if we unencrypt to process, then what's stopping someone with the ability to reverse it to do just that?

I appreciate the idea, I really do, if you think of anything else let us know :3 (Heck when I was helping with blue taboo we were planning something like this), but for a site like e621 It wouldn't be so easy. any gains we could make by offloading would be lost in the additional transit it would require spreading out between multiple people. it would be slow just from distance in communication.

Anyhow.We already have the equipment, and are attempting to get everything straightened away without taking down the live website (Who else can do that?) but at the same time we wanna make sure we do it right, (We are installing a hand made caching system, and unlike FA, have it thuroughly tested before it goes online), and all this needs to be configured

Updated by anonymous

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