Topic: just an observation

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some things on this site make me think the human race is going down hill. then i read one news article that says we are incredibly close to invisibility, and another that shows a device that helps blind people see (it's still just a prototype). then i go to youtube, and lose all hope in humanity. so now i wonder. Were do we really stand? are we advanced or primitive?

Updated by luvdaporn

nme22 said:
some things on this site make me think the human race is going down hill. then i read one news article that says we are incredibly close to invisibility, and another that shows a device that helps blind people see (it's still just a prototype). then i go to youtube, and lose all hope in humanity. so now i wonder. Were do we really stand? are we advanced or primitive?

Some areas show great promise, others... not so much.

Updated by anonymous

nme22 said:
are we advanced or primitive?

I'm going to steal a choice quote from Walden, by Henry David Thoreau:

Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things. They are but improved means to an unimproved end, an end which it was already but too easy to arrive at.

Surprisingly true then, surprisingly true now.

Updated by anonymous

i see your problem, you're judging humanity by the internet

Updated by anonymous

nme22 said:
some things on this site make me think the human race is going down hill.

You have obviously never studied history.

10 years ago: only 16 countries had legal rights for same gender relationships now it's over 50

30 years ago: conscription ended in the west.

40 years ago: Non-whites didn't have equal rights in the US, Australia and South Africa.

70 years ago: child pornography could be purchased legally in most countries including the US

80 years ago: Jewish and Chinese genocide several million dead.

<100 years ago most of Africa was being taken over by the British, French and Spanish.

nme22 said:
are we advanced or primitive?

we are still the animal we where 10,000 years ago. We have exactly the same drives, it's just now we have space age technology.

Updated by anonymous

edward said:
i see your problem, you're judging humanity by the internet

He is 100% right about this man :/
Every one is different on some places than usual. People are different at school than at home, at work than out side. And its the same for the Internet.

No matter what we do, blow up half of the world, or any thing else for that matter, we are still advancing.

We are humans, we make mistakes, and we learn from those mistakes.

Also -> <em>Time goes by so slowly for those who wait.</em>

Updated by anonymous

erica_wolf said:
we are still the animal we where 10,000 years ago. We have exactly the same drives, it's just now we have space age technology.

How can you say that? We are everything, but not same as 10 000 years ago. Lol.

its like saying our clothes are as same as 10 000 years ago, but only we have pockets.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
He is 100% right about this man :/
Every one is different on some places than usual. People are different at school than at home, at work than out side. And its the same for the Internet.

No matter what we do, blow up half of the world, or any thing else for that matter, we are still advancing.

We are humans, we make mistakes, and we learn from those mistakes.

Also -> <em>Time goes by so slowly for those who wait.</em>

well said

P.S. it took me 8 minutes to respond XD

Updated by anonymous

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