Topic: Comment glitch?

Posted under General

I've been seeing some weird things with comments lately. A lot of people, when responding to quotes, have just had the quote as their comment, with no added info. Here's an example:
Evangel's comment is just a quote of XToxicEnvyX's comment. At first I assumed that people were just seconding what other people had said by repeating it, but then I saw a thread that went like this:
In which someone commented with what looked like just a straight-up quote of a comment, but then a later commenter quoted that person as having said something else.

So now I'm wondering if there's some glitch that is making certain comments not display properly. Has anyone else been seeing this lately?


eh no it´s not glitching, your thirst though is correct as for the second observation, quotes can be edited just like the rest of the text in your post thus people willingly edit a persons quote to insult or trying to be funny or some other motive.

so no glitching.

Updated by anonymous

I just looked it over again and figured it out, yeah. I had been confused because people nested it and fix'd a fix'd fix'd.

Updated by anonymous

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