Topic: unable to view posts, tried EVERYTHING in every fix it post!!!

Posted under General

Okay So far I've tried every browser I could think of including, safari, chrome, IE, mozilla, and opera.

Also I have used about:config to change the value of my sendreferrerheader to 2.

I've reformatted my computer in hopes it would fix it, nothing still.

Please do NOT give me links to any fix it forum posts since I've literally tried ALL of them except a few things.

Some things I tried yet (because I do NOT know how and nobody ever gives detailed steps on how to do it) are checking my blacklisted things, because I dont know what that is or what it even means. I have cleared my cache because of the same thing. I am terrible with computers so if steps arent posted it wont be of any help.

Please help!!! I miss e621 and dont want to abandon it.

Updated by WolfieWolfie1992

when I check the page source it shows things like this...

<span class="thumb" id="p72996"><a href="/post/show/72996/2010-balls-feline-hat-joystick-male-mountain_lion-" onclick="return"><img src="" alt="2010 balls feline hat joystick male mountain_lion nude penis rukis sheath sketch solo rating:Explicit score:0 user:tony311" class="preview" title="2010 balls feline hat joystick male mountain_lion nude penis rukis sheath sketch solo rating:Explicit score:0 user:tony311" width="117" height="150"><span class="plid">#pl</span></a></span>

Updated by anonymous

Also, this prblem only happens with e621. ychan, gelbooru and every other place I've checked works perfectly, but my favorite site is the only one that messes up. /cry

Updated by anonymous

Also when I click the tags where the pictures should be the load instantly.

Updated by anonymous

Nvm, the pictres dont even load when I click them anyymore /sigh

Updated by anonymous

either bad connection, or something in your pc is telling e621 something it doesn't like.. when this happened to me, my firewall turned up to be stripping browser data.. which (for some odd reason) e621 needs to load things proper.

Updated by anonymous

If not your antivirus or firewall, have you checked the settings on your net nanny software?

Updated by anonymous

I dont have any antivirus, and I do not know how to check what my firewall is blocking or allowing. And I dont know what net nanny software is...

Updated by anonymous

Lol no anti virus. Reinstall windows and get an anti virus!

Updated by anonymous

reinstall windows? if you mean reformat I tried that yesterday...

Updated by anonymous

xholy said:
reinstall windows? if you mean reformat I tried that yesterday...

No no, get a windows CD and install a fresh windows copy. If you don't know how to do this, i suggest you ask some one. But it isn't very hard.
Also i strongly suggest you get anti virus software! Try Avast free or Avira.

Updated by anonymous

Wow dude, I would have never thought of that. I had some old Norton antivirus, I removed it and got avast, and now the thumbnails are visible again. Well at least some of them are... apparently the thumbnails on the first page wont load, but every other one will. At least its a start though, thanks a lot Fox2k9, I can like e621 again :)

Updated by anonymous

xholy said:
Wow dude, I would have never thought of that. I had some old Norton antivirus, I removed it and got avast, and now the thumbnails are visible again. Well at least some of them are... apparently the thumbnails on the first page wont load, but every other one will. At least its a start though, thanks a lot Fox2k9, I can like e621 again :)

Heh :)
Notrtin sucks, have that in mind xD

Updated by anonymous

xholy said:
Wow dude, I would have never thought of that. I had some old Norton antivirus, I removed it and got avast, and now the thumbnails are visible again. Well at least some of them are... apparently the thumbnails on the first page wont load, but every other one will. At least its a start though, thanks a lot Fox2k9, I can like e621 again :)

norton's firewall protection has a setting that makes e621 misbehave..

Updated by anonymous

I never had Norton on this system, and one out of maybe every 20 visits, the thumbnails are the text. I've run everything, and nothing is infected or out of place.

I just shrug, go do something else for 5 minutes, come back and it's all normal.

Updated by anonymous

temporal_crux said:
I never had Norton on this system, and one out of maybe every 20 visits, the thumbnails are the text. I've run everything, and nothing is infected or out of place.

I just shrug, go do something else for 5 minutes, come back and it's all normal.

I dunno, I know if you don't tell e621 what browser you are running, it blows up on ya.. and one of norton's settings does just that.

Updated by anonymous

<em>That's why I would never have Dr. Norton treat my injuries...HE'S A QUACK! xD</em>

Updated by anonymous

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