Topic: Creepy Comments

Posted under General

Okay, I know this sounds like me whining, but here goes. Is there anything that can be done about these creepy-ass comments like 'murr id fuck dat sweet ass hard till i cumm all up in him'? I mean, I know free speech and all that shit, but I'd rather not shiver every time I read comments.

Updated by Wulfeh

Free speech was clearly never a concern on this site, but regardless, how hard are they to ignore, really...?

The comment boxes are hardly meant to be taken seriously. Not that you would have guessed from their typical contents.

Updated by anonymous

thedxm said:
Free speech was clearly never a concern on this site, but regardless, how hard are they to ignore, really...?

The comment boxes are hardly meant to be taken seriously. Not that you would have guessed from their typical contents.

Well, I know they're 'easy to ignore', but it pretty much just shows the state of the place, you know?

Updated by anonymous

Xaniseth said:
Okay, I know this sounds like me whining, but here goes. Is there anything that can be done about these creepy-ass comments like 'murr id fuck dat sweet ass hard till i cumm all up in him'? I mean, I know free speech and all that shit, but I'd rather not shiver every time I read comments.

furries are always gonna be that way.. you just gotta get used to it.

Updated by anonymous

I like snooping around people's profiles, and I see many many bans for creepy comments. Thing is, there's no way the admins can catch them all. Just ignore them.

Updated by anonymous

If this kind of stuff bothers you, you shouldn't be here... much less on the internet.

Updated by anonymous

<em>I think there is nothing wrong with them. Sometimes they're quite humorous! xD
People bitch too much for my taste...</em>
<em>If people get banned just for making comments that express what they're feeling--no matter how ridiculous they may sound to others--then I have lost all hope in this website.</em>

<em>...and I believe a Tourettes Guy quote is in order here:</em>

Updated by anonymous

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
<em>I think there is nothing wrong with them. Sometimes they're quite humorous! xD
People bitch too much for my taste...</em>
<em>If people get banned just for making comments that express what they're feeling--no matter how ridiculous they may sound to others--then I have lost all hope in this website.</em>

<em>...and I believe a Tourettes Guy quote is in order here:</em>

You're all for free speech in comments... So it's safe to assume you'll never complain about people saying mean things about Allan again, yeah? Just expressing what they're feeling, after all.

Updated by anonymous

Johnny_Five_Aces said:
You're all for free speech in comments... So it's safe to assume you'll never complain about people saying mean things about Allan again, yeah? Just expressing what they're feeling, after all.

Everyone has the right to voice their opinions, no matter how wrong or strange they appear to others. It's your decision to react to it.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
If this kind of stuff bothers you, you shouldn't be here... much less on the internet.

You, sir, made me lol.

Updated by anonymous

Johnny_Five_Aces said:
So it's safe to assume you'll never complain about people saying mean things about Allan again, yeah? Just expressing what they're feeling, after all.

<em>You got it, bro! If people don't like him, then fine, they don't like him. Now, if they say something that's completely wrong about him, then I will try to correct them on their error. If they don't listen, then I'll back out of the conversation and let someone else step in. (They seem to always do...) Keep in mind though, I can't stop LA's other fans from saying their peace to the haturz. =^_^=</em>

Updated by anonymous

Johnny_Five_Aces said:
You're all for free speech in comments... So it's safe to assume you'll never complain about people saying mean things about Allan again, yeah? Just expressing what they're feeling, after all.

There is a difference between stating an opinion and intentionally being malicious or mean spirited. However, one could argue that Allan may be incapable of further defamation (which as I understand is an actual legal defense against slander or libel charges in which a persons reputation is already so damaged that further defamation causes no new injury to the said person).

However, I wouldn't suggest trying to use that claim here. The site administration will judge what constitutes opinion or maliciousness :-)

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
There is no free speech in a private forum.


Updated by anonymous

I really annoys me when people comment with "Oh murr...", usually followed by an emoticon of some kind, or a heart.

Updated by anonymous

Wulfeh said:
I really annoys me when people comment with "Oh murr...", usually followed by an emoticon of some kind, or a heart.

<em>OH MURRR! ♥♥♥</em>

<em>Like that? xD</em>

Updated by anonymous


Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

post #44010
"This is why we can't have nice things."

This does bother me too, especially when posted on pics which aren't so much sexually oriented.

And to remind everyone : forum #244

Mellis said:
DO NOT: Make the majority of your comments 'oh man I want to yiff this' and then go into graphic detailed fanfiction of how you will accomplish this, or other similarly creepy comments about your masturbation habits. Post if you like it, but keep the really creepy stuff to a minimum, folks.

Updated by anonymous

People who do this are ultracreepers. I imagine that at night, they burrow out of loose soil covered in some sort of earthworm slime, stalking the comments section in search of misguided attempts at human interaction. Eugh.

I've been letting it slide lately, I might start pruning the creepsters back again, though.

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:

Not that creepy made me lol but even though some people say that you support free speech 110% then would you vote for someone even if he wishes he could bone a 4 year old even though he would never really do it its still something to consider. You guys are not as open minded as you think you are.

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
Not that creepy made me lol but even though some people say that you support free speech 110% then would you vote for someone even if he wishes he could bone a 4 year old even though he would never really do it its still something to consider. You guys are not as open minded as you think you are.

you obviosly don't speak english as your primary language do you? from what i could understand, theres some things we consider illegal (i'm sayign we because i THINK you're not from america) and boning a 4 year old is one of them, so no, we wouldn't vote for them

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
you obviosly don't speak english as your primary language do you? from what i could understand, theres some things we consider illegal (i'm sayign we because i THINK you're not from america) and boning a 4 year old is one of them, so no, we wouldn't vote for them

And this good people of our planet earth is what im talking about. So what this guy is saying is America is now making thinking and having fantasys illegal.Ugh I need to get out of the U.S I hate being associated with this place.

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
And this good people of our planet earth is what im talking about. So what this guy is saying is America is now making thinking and having fantasys illegal.Ugh I need to get out of the U.S I hate being associated with this place.

no, im saying pedophilia IS illegal, go read a book on laws, or even easier, look it up on google. and why do you hate teh united states? because it doesn't support your fetish? that's a pretty lousy excuse to hate a nation that's harboring you.

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
no, im saying pedophilia IS illegal, go read a book on laws, or even easier, look it up on google. and why do you hate teh united states? because it doesn't support your fetish? that's a pretty lousy excuse to hate a nation that's harboring you.

No the reason I don't care for the U.S is that were so bloody two faced. As in oh yeah sure you can be gay but you can't get married. Oh fine you can get married but you can't adopt a kid.

It's that this country has fallen so far from its grand roots and it saddens me to see that.

I really don't care that they have pedophilia as an illegal thing because kids are cute but NOT fuckable its simply the innocents that I like but what ever I'm just beating my head against the wall.

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
And this good people of our planet earth is what im talking about. So what this guy is saying is America is now making thinking and having fantasys illegal.Ugh I need to get out of the U.S I hate being associated with this place.

Fantasies are fine as long as you keep them to yourself. You won't find many people anywhere in the world that think of pedophilia as a fine and natural thing.

EinTheCorgi said:
No the reason I don't care for the U.S is that were so bloody two faced. As in oh yeah sure you can be gay but you can't get married. Oh fine you can get married but you can't adopt a kid.

It's that this country has fallen so far from its grand roots and it saddens me to see that.

I really don't care that they have pedophilia as an illegal thing because kids are cute but NOT fuckable its simply the innocents that I like but what ever I'm just beating my head against the wall.

Uh, lol? Sorry man but you need to read up on your history. The USA was founded on religious ideals and racism/prejudice soon followed that. If anything, the US has moved forward, but still has a ways to go.

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
It's that this country has fallen so far from its grand roots and it saddens me to see that.

....... sir, if i may call you sir, may i ask how old are you? And have you ever payed attentino in a history class / read a REAL history book?

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:
Fantasies are fine as long as you keep them to yourself. You won't find many people anywhere in the world that think of pedophilia as a fine and natural thing.

exactly because people are quick to forget how a 30+ year old man could marry a 12 year old I understand that that was "back in the day" but it still doesn't explain why it's no longer fine.

Updated by anonymous

Ok I'm 18 and im talking about how before everything the rules were so painfully simple /dont steal,murder ect you have the right to have guns ect but now theres all oh you can do this but only this way ect

Updated by anonymous

the united states were founded on teh principle of no taxes, don't believe the "freedom" hocus pocus, that was only secondary

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
the united states were founded on teh principle of no taxes, don't believe the "freedom" hocus pocus, that was only secondary

US Constitution Article I Section 8:
"The Congress shall have Power <em>To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises</em>, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;"

Try again.

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
No the reason I don't care for the U.S is that were so bloody two faced. As in oh yeah sure you can be gay but you can't get married. Oh fine you can get married but you can't adopt a kid.

*yawns* We do eventually plan to immigrate out of the country more or less for that reason. Just really tired of the crap in America towards LGBT. I don't see it getting fixed anytime soon, and I figure it's my life, might as well enjoy it by not dealing with idiotic religious drama.

Too much turbulence here in America. I mean hell, of all the places in the country, Prop 8 passed in California. This country has a long way to go.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
*yawns* We do eventually plan to immigrate out of the country more or less for that reason. Just really tired of the crap in America towards LGBT. I don't see it getting fixed anytime soon, and I figure it's my life, might as well enjoy it by not dealing with idiotic religious drama.

Too much turbulence here in America. I mean hell, of all the places in the country, Prop 8 passed in California. This country has a long way to go.

Perhaps if we could get more Americans away from their TV's and out to the Polling booths?

Updated by anonymous

It's definitely an issue of apathy. There are, in my mind, three main groups that have an interest in LGBT legislation...

1. LGBT People (duh)
2. Christian-types who view homosexuality to be the end of EVERYTHING
3. Non-LGBT People who feel sympathetic towards LGBT people.

The problem is this... In America, the 2nd group OBVIOUSLY outnumbers the 1st group by a healthy margin. And the 3rd group, while sympathetic, tends to be apathetic too. While they feel sorry for all the LGBT people who are really getting screwed over, it just isn't their problem, and they don't care enough to go out and vote to help.

Until either group 3 becomes less apathetic, or group 2 shrinks substantially, America has little hope of changing.

I'm generally of the opinion if EVERYONE in America placed a vote on the subject, pro-LGBT stuff would pass by a healthy margin. It's just apathy in the majority (group 3), which causes group 2 to dominate everything.

Updated by anonymous

i'd move to mexico, i live about 10 minuets from the border, but there's been so much gang warfare on the border that i think i actually feel safer on this side for once.

RNVP said:
US Constitution Article I Section 8:
"The Congress shall have Power <em>To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises</em>, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;"

Try again.

you should probably read a history book, immigration started to escape that, what it has turned to is another story

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
exactly because people are quick to forget how a 30+ year old man could marry a 12 year old I understand that that was "back in the day" but it still doesn't explain why it's no longer fine.

It's no longer fine because of a general improvement in prosperity, an acceptance that marrying for love is better than any other reason, and idealistic activists found a cause to rally around.

Child brides were once considered acceptable because most families lived in abject poverty and people had short lifespans. By marrying them off early, the girls stood a good chance of improving their lot, however slightly. If a girl wasn't married by 21, she was considered too old.

Also, love was once considered one of the dumbest reasons to marry someone. Marriages once typically served as a means of forging alliances between families and providing a labor source when the parents hit old age at 30 (assuming they lived that long). Actually liking your spouse was irrelevant.

Since then; as improved health care lengthened lifespans, people were able to earn and keep more money, women got a greater role in choose who to marry, and misty-eyed activists got into the act; it became more and more practical to allow a child to develop into adulthood before she married/had sex with anyone too much older than her.

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
you should probably read a history book, immigration started to escape that, what it has turned to is another story

Sorry, but I can't parse that sentence. Immigration started to escape part of the constitution?

The US was founded in opposition to taxation without representation in the British Parliament. The point was that we were paying in, but had no say in our own governance. The US was not founded on "the principle of no taxes".

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
The point was that we were paying in, but had no say in our own governance.

Kinda like Congress of the past decade?

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
Sorry, but I can't parse that sentence. Immigration started to escape part of the constitution?

He meant a lot of the initial immigrants to the British colonies originally immigrated to the country because taxes were nearly non-existant in the early days.

He's still wrong in principle, as the main reason wasn't for taxes; it was for religious freedom because of heavy persecution in britain at the time what with the Church of England being the only allowed religion at the time.

Updated by anonymous

EinTheCorgi said:
No the reason I don't care for the U.S is that were so bloody two faced. As in oh yeah sure you can be gay but you can't get married. Oh fine you can get married but you can't adopt a kid.

It's that this country has fallen so far from its grand roots and it saddens me to see that.

i have issues on the "illegal aliens" issue. technically the country itself was founded by illegal aliens and warheads out for blood. by this i mean any man who isn't American Indian should be considered an illegal alien, as they came to the states bringing disease and war with them. and no, this isn't me being racist, this is me being honest. aside from that, this country is more nosy and likely to cause trouble than any other country. the war in Iraq, "Operation Iraqi FREEDOM" was proof of that. it wasn't our business how Husein decided to run HIS OWN country.
aside from that, i agree with the quote above also.

that's my problem with the United States, and why i don't like living in it.

Updated by anonymous

chancethewolf said:
i have issues on the "illegal aliens" issue. technically the country itself was founded by illegal aliens and warheads out for blood. by this i mean any man who isn't American Indian should be considered an illegal alien, as they came to the states bringing disease and war with them. and no, this isn't me being racist, this is me being honest. aside from that, this country is more nosy and likely to cause trouble than any other country. the war in Iraq, "Operation Iraqi FREEDOM" was proof of that. it wasn't our business how Husein decided to run HIS OWN country.
aside from that, i agree with the quote above also.

that's my problem with the United States, and why i don't like living in it.

This was my hardest lol to date. You obviously demonstrate a fifth grade view on things. Politics, situations change over the years. Whoohoo, let's make EVERYONE WHO ISN'T AN AMERICAN INDIAN AN ILLEGAL ALIEN! Then the term dosn't make sense and can't be used, much like printing more money just decreases the value of it. Plus, we believed (wrongly, mind you, but at the moment believed) that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. You gonna let some psycho launch nukes or are you gonna do something about it?

chancethewolf said:
and no, this isn't me being racist, this is me being honest

Then obviously you've got your words mixed up there, bucko. Come back when you've got some education and some life experience under that patent-leather parent-bought belt, eh?

chancethewolf said:
that's my problem with the United States, and why i don't like living in it.

Then leave. Not being a douche, but you've got the freedom to skedaddle if you don't like it. Which is a LOT more than some dictatorships.

Updated by anonymous

Xaniseth said:

Then leave. Not being a douche, but you've got the freedom to skedaddle if you don't like it. Which is a LOT more than some dictatorships.

if it was so easy, trust me buddy, i would. i have no money, no passport, no nothin. sure, i could leave the US, but i can't enter any other country.

Updated by anonymous

chancethewolf said:
if it was so easy, trust me buddy, i would. i have no money, no passport, no nothin. sure, i could leave the US, but i can't enter any other country.

Then go get a job, work honestly for a while, get your passport and leave. Nothing's stopping you. I am seriously not trying to be a douchebag, but you've got some logical fallacies all up in hurr.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
He meant a lot of the initial immigrants to the British colonies originally immigrated to the country because taxes were nearly non-existant in the early days.

He's still wrong in principle, as the main reason wasn't for taxes; it was for religious freedom because of heavy persecution in britain at the time what with the Church of England being the only allowed religion at the time.

Ah, that's what he meant. I was wondering, but wasn't totally sure.

Even then, that's why most people moved to the American colonies, not why the American Revolution (the actual event of the founding) took place. It's relevant (the initial Americans included a group of people who moved here to gain freedom of religion, so it's obv. a core value), but I don't know if we could say it was really a reason for the founding of the USA itself.

@ikdind, we have a representative democracy. If you don't like what your representatives are doing, vote for their opponents next time. The system is set up so that it is "fire and forget." We elect an official at the start of their term who professes opinions similar to our own, and that person goes on to govern as they see fit to the term's conclusion. You can also send your rep letters if you want to give them more info to base their decisions on.

As long as you vote, you have a say - this doesn't always guarantee you'll get what you want, though, because lots of other people are voting, too. It's easy to make a cute quip "oh, they're taxing us without representing us!" but the reality is that we are represented very well and taxed very little, both historically and compared to other countries.

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
Ah, that's what he meant. I was wondering, but wasn't totally sure.

Even then, that's why most people moved to the American colonies, not why the American Revolution (the actual event of the founding) took place. It's relevant (the initial Americans included a group of people who moved here to gain freedom of religion, so it's obv. a core value), but I don't know if we could say it was really a reason for the founding of the USA itself.

@ikdind, we have a representative democracy. If you don't like what your representatives are doing, vote for their opponents next time. The system is set up so that it is "fire and forget." We elect an official at the start of their term who professes opinions similar to our own, and that person goes on to govern as they see fit to the term's conclusion. You can also send your rep letters if you want to give them more info to base their decisions on.

As long as you vote, you have a say - this doesn't always guarantee you'll get what you want, though, because lots of other people are voting, too. It's easy to make a cute quip "oh, they're taxing us without representing us!" but the reality is that we are represented very well and taxed very little, both historically and compared to other countries.

Exactly. People bitch and whine about how much we're taxed, then refuse to look at the dictatorships where people have nothing but the clothes on their backs (and sometimes not even then) due to taxes and corrupt governments.

Side note, this topic went off topic really, really fast.

Updated by anonymous

all this politics is giving me a hardon

example of real topic

Updated by anonymous

I just looked at the title and was like... We aren't talking about that anymore, are we?

It's ok, it beats the forum being a totally dead wasteland like it used to be.

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
I just looked at the title and was like... We aren't talking about that anymore, are we?

It's ok, it beats the forum being a totally dead wasteland like it used to be.

I'm actually pretty sure the lot of us are gonna get banned for off topic discussion... >_>

Updated by anonymous

namaste said:
all this politics is giving me a hardon

example of real topic

No, topic being 'i read about the tax policy and I whipped it right out, but my hands were too sweaty from arousal and i had to lube it'.

Updated by anonymous

Xaniseth said:
No, topic being 'i read about the tax policy and I whipped it right out, but my hands were too sweaty from arousal and i had to lube it'.

Best creepy comment of all time. OF ALL TIME!

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
Best creepy comment of all time. OF ALL TIME!


Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
It's definitely an issue of apathy. There are, in my mind, three main groups that have an interest in LGBT legislation...

1. LGBT People (duh)
2. Christian-types who view homosexuality to be the end of EVERYTHING
3. Non-LGBT People who feel sympathetic towards LGBT people.

The problem is this... In America, the 2nd group OBVIOUSLY outnumbers the 1st group by a healthy margin. And the 3rd group, while sympathetic, tends to be apathetic too. While they feel sorry for all the LGBT people who are really getting screwed over, it just isn't their problem, and they don't care enough to go out and vote to help.

Until either group 3 becomes less apathetic, or group 2 shrinks substantially, America has little hope of changing.

I'm generally of the opinion if EVERYONE in America placed a vote on the subject, pro-LGBT stuff would pass by a healthy margin. It's just apathy in the majority (group 3), which causes group 2 to dominate everything.

Actually from the extensive polling the LBGT community is tollerated at a distance, but do not want them to get marriage. Up close most of the public's opinion of the LBGT community is the revulsion at the pride parades, or the preening oversensitivity in the political sphere.

Most of the furries I know live on the coasts, and lead lives of lower, to solid middle class income, But social isolation, except among the rest of the fandom, and tend not to have that much knowledge or interest of current events, much less history, other than specifics relating to historical periods that are fashionably trendy among the furries at the moment (medieval, steampunk) So they tend not to have a lot of perspective.

The U.S. is a center Right Country, that looks towards the future, btu conversely holds to past traditions, such as contempt for failure, Religious devotion, and making money. Ideas like social justice, and identity politics, are foreign, and distrusted by your average non coastal citizen. In general Americans like to be left alone, and will leave others alone so long as they all behave in a conformist manner if out in public. Americans are pretty frirndly and generous, as long as their sensibilities are not offended.

But no, the pro -LBGT stuff won't pass as long as their is a threat that it wasn't passed by a broad vote of the people, and that won't happen for another 20 years, until older people aren't here to be creeped out by the LBGT community. It's not hate, it's being creeped out.

Updated by anonymous

Kang said:
Actually from the extensive polling the LBGT community is tollerated at a distance, but do not want them to get marriage. Up close most of the public's opinion of the LBGT community is the revulsion at the pride parades, or the preening oversensitivity in the political sphere.

Most of the furries I know live on the coasts, and lead lives of lower, to solid middle class income, But social isolation, except among the rest of the fandom, and tend not to have that much knowledge or interest of current events, much less history, other than specifics relating to historical periods that are fashionably trendy among the furries at the moment (medieval, steampunk) So they tend not to have a lot of perspective.

The U.S. is a center Right Country, that looks towards the future, btu conversely holds to past traditions, such as contempt for failure, Religious devotion, and making money. Ideas like social justice, and identity politics, are foreign, and distrusted by your average non coastal citizen. In general Americans like to be left alone, and will leave others alone so long as they all behave in a conformist manner if out in public. Americans are pretty frirndly and generous, as long as their sensibilities are not offended.

But no, the pro -LBGT stuff won't pass as long as their is a threat that it wasn't passed by a broad vote of the people, and that won't happen for another 20 years, until older people aren't here to be creeped out by the LBGT community. It's not hate, it's being creeped out.

I largely agree that the problem is that the majority is largely creeped out, but I'd argue that it's an oversimplification to call the US a center-right country in general. It seems more that the country is center-right country socially.

Updated by anonymous

YO DOG IMA LET YOU FINISH BUT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YA POLITICS. If you want to discuss this somewhere, call your local congressman and bitch at him. The creepy comments thread isn't for people who want to bitch about how butthurt they are about this LGBT nonsense. People are people. Gay, straight, or pig fucker, we all pay taxes and whatnot. Now kiss, make up, and shut up.

You should put some explosives on your ban hammer and chuck it into the midst of these creepy ass commenters, and let the ban frags fly.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
You should put some explosives on your ban hammer and chuck it into the midst of these creepy ass commenters, and let the ban frags fly.

I second this thought.

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
I largely agree that the problem is that the majority is largely creeped out, but I'd argue that it's an oversimplification to call the US a center-right country in general. It seems more that the country is center-right country socially.

I think it's oversimplification to say that the US is a center anything.

They country has fairly split. Anyone who says the US isn't, hasn't had deal with far too many hardcore conservative "Bible is 100% accurate in every single word (except for the words we ignore)" christians like I have. I'm certainly tired of it in general. Too many people in this country have no respect for other people who don't share their religious beliefs.

Meh, all the more reason to move out of the country. I'd like to actually marry my girlfriend before we die of old age.

Updated by anonymous

How do you spell... "in before ban evasion"? :)

Updated by anonymous

namaste3 said:
<b>not first account, not last account<b>

Jesus Christ, go away.

Updated by anonymous

Anyone else wants to take part in special olympics too? If not, then, namaste, I declare you a winner. Go away now.

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Anyone else wants to take part in special olympics too? If not, then, namaste, I declare you a winner. Go away now.

I think mods here need to start banning by IP.

Updated by anonymous

Xaniseth said:
I think mods here need to start banning by IP.

I think they already do, but I'd assume they only IP ban when it's absolutely necessary.

Updated by anonymous

Haha, check out the year on that one. I don't think there'll even be an internet then, lol.

Updated by anonymous

RNVP said:
Haha, check out the year on that one. I don't think there'll even be an internet then, lol.


Updated by anonymous

WolfieWolfie1992 said:
<em>OH MURRR! ♥♥♥</em>

<em>Like that? xD</em>

Meh, less creepier yelled like such, but yeah.

Updated by anonymous

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