Topic: An Artist emailed me saying not to upload his work anymore...

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Sent by prom3th3an 2 days ago

Hi There,

Please do not upload art of my character(s) [Leon] to third party websites as you did so with Submission 344312.

I have submitted a take down request for that submission accordingly.



This person is claiming to be this guy

I don't know if this is legit what should i do?

Updated by Aurali

Ask him in a PM on inkbunny?

If he is the correct person he will tell you accordingly.

Updated by anonymous

He's filled out a take down, it will be handled. You really should have asked before hand though :/

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
... You really should have asked before hand though :/

Eh, rules say ask the artist.
Aogami has over 100 images posted here, so an assumption that it was ok isn't unreasonable.

Unless you want everyone to ask Hasbro for permission before posting any images with characters from MLP :3

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Eh, rules say ask the artist.
Aogami has over 100 images posted here, so an assumption that it was ok isn't unreasonable.

Unless you want everyone to ask Hasbro for permission before posting any images with characters from MLP :3

I thought it was the artist who wasn't asked XD

Also, don't worry about Hasbro, already dealt with <3

Updated by anonymous

I never understood character takedowns. What actually separates generic fox #1 from generic fox #2.

I could probably make a generic looking fox fursona and file a takedown against any image with a similar looking character. Actually! I now have a new character, generic fox #52465. She has nothing distinctive about her appearance at all, but is © me anyway. I've got my solicitor on speed dial if any of you want to steal my hard work.

Updated by anonymous

Takedowns are just for artists or commissioners who don't want their art or commissioned picture on e621. Some people just don't like the extra attention, I guess.

Updated by anonymous

Seems if this prom3th3an is who he say he is then It seems something happened on this post #274093 to make him not want his character here any more. Since he did tag his character on it out of the 3 tags edits he has done. He most have rage quit after someone made a comment about his cunt boy character. Nothing really lost tho if that was the reason.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Seven_Twenty said:
I never understood character takedowns. What actually separates generic fox #1 from generic fox #2.

I could probably make a generic looking fox fursona and file a takedown against any image with a similar looking character. Actually! I now have a new character, generic fox #52465. She has nothing distinctive about her appearance at all, but is © me anyway. I've got my solicitor on speed dial if any of you want to steal my hard work.

They have to actually be able to prove that it's their character. Usually this is as simple as them just verifying their identity via an FA/IB/DA note (which all takedown request submitters are required to do anyway). If the image that they want removed is also located in their FA/IB/DA/etc, then it's a pretty safe assumption that it's theirs, usually.

I've had to deny very few takedown requests on the grounds that the character was too generic in a particular image or too similar to another character (I can only think of one instance off the top of my head).

Updated by anonymous

Okami_Amaterasu said:
i messaged him 2 days ago in Inkbunny, still no reply.

Well he know now, the rest is up to him to contact the site

Updated by anonymous

I responded to your PM yesterday Okami. I've clearly stated my stance on my Inkbunny profile that I do not permit re-uploads of my art. There are reasons for this. Aogami is aware of and supportive of my stance, having taken down images of my character in the past when he spotted them.

I've listed my E621 account on my profile to prevent any further confusion in the future.

Updated by anonymous

prom3th3an said:
I responded to your PM yesterday Okami. I've clearly stated my stance on my Inkbunny profile that I do not permit re-uploads of my art. There are reasons for this. Aogami is aware of and supportive of my stance, having taken down images of my character in the past when he spotted them.

I've listed my E621 account on my profile to prevent any further confusion in the future.

From what I can see. It not your art, It's just your character.

Updated by anonymous

Falord said:
From what I can see. It not your art, It's just your character.

Character owners can submit takedown requests. From the Takedown Help Page :

If you are an artist or character owner who has your work hosted on this site and you do not wish for it to be, please submit a takedown request. The request will be handled as soon as possible.

Please note: We will honor art removal requests ONLY from the legal copyright holder of the art or character(s). Simply commissioning artwork from an artist does NOT automatically transfer copyright of that image to the commissioner. If you find a commissioned piece on this site that you wish to see removed, you MUST go through the copyright holder of the artwork (typically the original artist) unless one of your own characters is depicted in the artwork. The intention of this policy is not to give anyone a hard time. It is only to make sure that artists' copyrighted works are protected.

Please consult the guide below for further information regarding when it's acceptable to submit a takedown request and when it's not.

You SHOULD submit a takedown request if you are one of the following:

Artist wanting their own artwork removed.
Character owner wanting artwork featuring their character removed.
Publisher wanting a publication or excerpts of a publication removed. Please note that these takedowns can potentially be a little trickier to handle properly, and so communication with a site admin will likely be needed after submitting the takedown request.

So in other words, you need be able to reasonably prove that it's your unique character and not just Fox #291, your character actually has to be in the image in question, and you must hold a copyright on that character.

I don't really like that character owners can submit takedown requests, since it's the artists who should be making the decisions on the pieces they make, but I understand the stance on it. If we disallow character owners from making takedown requests, they then go and pester the artists to try and force them to do it, and that would ultimately end up leading to artists performing takedown requests of all their work and asking to be put on the DNP list just so they don't have to deal with it any more, which is bad for the site.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
If we disallow character owners from making takedown requests, they then go and pester the artists to try and force them to do it, and that would ultimately end up leading to artists performing takedown requests of all their work and asking to be put on the DNP list just so they don't have to deal with it any more, which is bad for the site.

This isn't my first takedown. But with that being said I have no quarrel with users of this site and respect that it has its place within the furry community. However it must be said that part of that respect is earned by giving equal respect to those who might not want their works featured on this site. That extends to both physical works (in the form of art) and others.

Updated by anonymous

prom3th3an said:
This isn't my first takedown. But with that being said I have no quarrel with users of this site and respect that it has its place within the furry community. However it must be said that part of that respect is earned by giving equal respect to those who might not want their works featured on this site. That extends to both physical works (in the form of art) and others.

And I think that if you don't want it spread about the Internet, you shouldn't put it on the Internet at all, and if you do anyway, you have no business complaining. The only time I feel you should be respected in wanting it down is if it was supposed to be private between individuals and someone broke that privacy to upload it.

But I'm just a user, not an administrator, and the administrators have expressed complete disagreement with my position. So there.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
And I think that if you don't want it spread about the Internet, you shouldn't put it on the Internet at all, and if you do anyway, you have no business complaining.

The truth. Who knows, some dudes could have saved it and uploaded it somewhere else and the next person saved it, and the next, and the next, and the next, etc.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
But I'm just a user, not an administrator, and the administrators have expressed complete disagreement with my position. So there.

Good thing that I didn't need your support to see to it's removal.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I think this thread is just about done

Aw. But it was so young. =>.<=

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Aw. But it was so young. =>.<=

Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices to protect the ones we love most

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Sometimes, we have to make sacrifices to protect the ones we love most

Whelp, call in Chainsaw Pinkie...

Updated by anonymous

prom3th3an said:
Good thing that I didn't need your support to see to it's removal.

It is removal.
it is removal.

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
And I think that if you don't want it spread about the Internet, you shouldn't put it on the Internet at all, and if you do anyway, you have no business complaining. The only time I feel you should be respected in wanting it down is if it was supposed to be private between individuals and someone broke that privacy to upload it

it's the same line of thought that is slowly suffocating the game industry and making companies like EA create the horrible drm systems they do.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
it's the same line of thought that is slowly suffocating the game industry and making companies like EA create the horrible drm systems they do.

OC art isn't the same as a game.

You might be able to make that analogy with pay to view content (which we don't allow before a certain time threshold, so it's a moot point to make), but you can't compare shitty OC art that someone commissioned and willingly put on the internet in a venue that displays art for free with the multi-million dollar potential profit from a game sometimes cost millions to make.

That's the way the internet works nowadays. If you put it up there with no failsafes to prevent its spread (and simply saying 'this is mine don't touch it' doesn't cut it, and never will), you are waiving any right to be surprised when it shows up somewhere else. Expecting anonymous people on the internet to be courteous and respective of your property is incredibly naive, and just setting you up for headaches. The moment people learn that the internet is a public place, and that sharing an image on an open, public website means it's going to get spread around, the sooner they'll stop getting panty wedgies about it.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket_Corgi said:
OC art isn't the same as a game.

You might be able to make that analogy with pay to view content (which we don't allow before a certain time threshold, so it's a moot point to make), but you can't compare shitty OC art that someone commissioned and willingly put on the internet in a venue that displays art for free with the multi-million dollar potential profit from a game sometimes cost millions to make.

even the games that are made without a budget have a high risk of being pirated, and this is what the analogy is. "Why are you so upset it's someplace else? You released it, it's gonna end up X" and you know, that's why we don't have multi million amazing games and TF2 is now a hat simulator. Cause we had to find a way to make money off of people who were gonna play for free regardless.

[qoute]That's the way the internet works nowadays.[/quote] and you can blame the same internet for this change of environment.

The moment people learn that the internet is a public place, and that sharing an image on an open, public website means it's going to get spread around, the sooner they'll stop getting panty wedgies about it.

I'm not arguing that. I am arguing the people who get their panties all wedgified that people might NOT want their art spread around and ask respectfully to take them down. The people who turn around, and start making a "You need to realize you are on the internet and we are gonna share your art regardless". This.. is just disrespectful, and makes me wonder if you are breaking OUR rule of asking before uploading.

Updated by anonymous

[qoute]and you can blame the same internet for this change of environment.[/quote]
I'm not sure what internet you've been using Aurali, but the internet has ALWAYS been like this. Nothing has changed in that regard.

I'm not arguing that. I am arguing the people who get their panties all wedgified that people might NOT want their art spread around and ask respectfully to take them down. The people who turn around, and start making a "You need to realize you are on the internet and we are gonna share your art regardless". This.. is just disrespectful, and makes me wonder if you are breaking OUR rule of asking before uploading.

Call it disrespectful, but I call it being realistic. And don't go jumping to conclusions that I'm 'breaking your rule' of asking before uploading, considering I rarely upload things, because that's just making you look like you're trying to shunt attention away from the discussion.

Updated by anonymous

Rocket Corgi, your last two posts really do portray a vast ignorance of the issues at hand and how they relate to Furthermore you seem to make some pretty interesting assumptions that I can't be bothered correcting at this point in time. My advice is that you disengage from this "discussion" as its continuation serves no purpose, you yourself have already stated that you understand the need for the takedown policy as it stands so I fail to see what you think will become of any continuation.

Updated by anonymous

prom3th3an said:
that I can't be bothered correcting at this point in time

In other words, you're talking out of your ass.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I thought this thread was done........

So did I.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said: [snip]
I'm not arguing that. I am arguing the people who get their panties all wedgified that people might NOT want their art spread around and ask respectfully to take them down. The people who turn around, and start making a "You need to realize you are on the internet and we are gonna share your art regardless". This.. is just disrespectful, and makes me wonder if you are breaking OUR rule of asking before uploading.

The vast majority of people who say that never ever created anything in their lives worth sharing. That's why they hold this belief.

Updated by anonymous

redisdead said:
The vast majority of people who say that never ever created anything in their lives worth sharing. That's why they hold this belief.

X.X I'm a software developer, I have 2 games, Ouroboros (this), a forum software, a tumblr clone and a purchasing software that I've brought into the world. Some free ware, some private only, some for purchase.

Rocket_Corgi said:
I'm not sure what internet you've been using Aurali, but the internet has ALWAYS been like this. Nothing has changed in that regard.

Not really, piracy has only became bad in the years of broadband, before that pirates thought buying it was cheaper then using a modem for 3 weeks :)

Call it disrespectful, but I call it being realistic.

It's blunt and it makes someone have to step in and make sure people understand that not everyone agrees with him.

And don't go jumping to conclusions that I'm 'breaking your rule' of asking before uploading, considering I rarely upload things, because that's just making you look like you're trying to shunt attention away from the discussion.

It's been a rule forever, like blacklist or die or the other policies that I've spearheaded :/

But I didn't mean to direct that at you

Updated by anonymous

Foobaria said:
And I think that if you don't want it spread about the Internet, you shouldn't put it on the Internet at all, and if you do anyway, you have no business complaining. The only time I feel you should be respected in wanting it down is if it was supposed to be private between individuals and someone broke that privacy to upload it.


Updated by anonymous

Helio said:

Thankfully, there are enough people that that disagree with your benighted point of view.

Again, this thread is done, stop beating a dead horse.

Updated by anonymous

prom3th3an said:
Thankfully, there are enough people that that disagree with your benighted point of view.

Again, this thread is done, stop beating a dead horse.

You've already gotten what you've come here for, right? You're basically just egging others on at this point. You should put your beating instrument down as well.

Updated by anonymous

Dogenzaka said:
You're basically just egging others on at this point.

Dogenzaka said:
You should put your beating instrument down as well.

Ha ha ha... not.

I really fail to see how he is provoking others, and how you are the one to decide whether he "got what he has come here for."

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
Ha ha ha... not.

I really fail to see how he is provoking others, and how you are the one to decide whether he "got what he has come here for."

Really, Gilda?

prom3th3an said:
Thankfully, there are enough people that that disagree with your benighted point of view.

prom3th3an said:
Furthermore you seem to make some pretty interesting assumptions that I can't be bothered correcting at this point in time. My advice is that you disengage from this "discussion" as its continuation serves no purpose, you yourself have already stated that you understand the need for the takedown policy as it stands so I fail to see what you think will become of any continuation.

prom3th3an said:
Good thing that I didn't need your support to see to it's removal.

Updated by anonymous

Guys, this site allows for the creator of the artpiece and/or the holder of the intellectual property to successfully file a take down request. Why in the name of all that is properly tagged do we have to have this discussion time and time again?
This rule is made out of courtesy and courtesy is the only reason that needs to be to make this rule a good one.
This site is aimed to respect the creator of things, be it by drawing things directly or by creating characters to be drawn later, and we simply respect both if either of them wishes to not have their things posted on here.
Once again, this is simple courtesy, just because other people on the internet like to piss in each other faces all the time doesn't mean we have to, too.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
Ha ha ha... not.

I really fail to see how he is provoking others, and how you are the one to decide whether he "got what he has come here for."

He wanted a picture taken down. It happened. And who am I to decide? I'm the guy who remembered that his request has already been approved, and therefore, his wish has been granted. He just keeps replying to others with scathing remarks that serve to egg people on, even though he already has received what he asked for. How are you blind to this? I haven't even bothered commenting in this thread until now because there was nothing I needed to say that hadn't already been said. If he wants people to stop beating a dead horse, he should do the same.

And we should probably start locking threads when civilized discussions turn into bitchfests.

Updated by anonymous

Gilda_The_Gryphon said:
Ha ha ha... not.

I really fail to see how he is provoking others, and how you are the one to decide whether he "got what he has come here for."

Yeah, sometimes I'm randomly completely incapable of reading tone and malicious intent from text either. It happens.

Updated by anonymous

Dogenzaka said:
And we should probably start locking threads when civilized discussions turn into bitchfests.

Good idea!

Updated by anonymous

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