Topic: Your Fursona?

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Well here it is... not sure if theres already a post like this if there is let me know so i can delete this one anywho.(before you read on note i am a really bad speller if this bugs you i am sry)
I want to know about your fursonas. Things like Fur pattern and color what you wear where you live What weapon you use (if you use one at all) ya know stuff like that once im done creating my fursona (been at it for like a month now and im still not ready to settle down on the final product)Ill post the details.
OH ya and if you have any pic by you or another of your fursona please post it with the artist name. I thank you all for reading this!! I cant wait to see what kinda fursonas we have here!!!

Updated by temporal crux

Marbles said:
Skunk. Slightly goth-ish.

Never drew myself though. These are the only two things I ever made for my fursona. If I might say so, I do think the second one is rather awesome /rimshot

slightly gothiish? sir you shit bats

i trashed my persona, mostly because i never really saw a point to having one. if a persona is really just you, then wouldnt the actual me just really be my persona?

Updated by anonymous

My 'fursona' is a rainbow coloured cat named Kitty Ko that I made up when I was 3. She's how I picture myself in my dreams.

No pictures because I lack drawing ability, and money. And I have no idea how I could get anyone to draw a 'rainbow cat' without it looking like a unicorn barfed on it.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not big into the whole furry culture thing, but out of curiosity I have wondered what animal would most fit me. I came up with a grey and white ferret like this one:

So I guess that's my fursona.

And I guess I am starting to get into the furry culture thing a little bit, despite myself, as I've started to wonder what my "characters" would be like beyond using them for porn.

Updated by anonymous

at one point i started a story on my character, tried to make it as unmary sue as i could, i got bored and stopped at chapter five. it had time travel.

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
slightly gothiish? sir you shit bats

I don't know if that's supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing.

I just sorta dressed her like me :/

I don't really think of myself as a goth though so I don't know whatever.

RlctntFr said:
And I guess I am starting to get into the furry culture thing a little bit, despite myself, as I've started to wonder what my "characters" would be like beyond using them for porn.

That's how it starts. Then next think you know you are at a convention wearing a fursuit. And a harmless little scritch becomes a furpile and suddenly everyone is yiffing and you have nobody to blame but yourself. /CSI'd

Updated by anonymous

i swear, the next person that tries to scritch me is leaving in a stretcher. and you dress heavily as goth, so people will call you goth even if you don't consider yourself one. it's kinda like dressing a fischent shirt and short shorts and not being expected to be called gay

Updated by anonymous

I think of fursonas as a character of your imagination. Goth or no, we think of them how we like.

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
and you dress heavily as goth, so people will call you goth even if you don't consider yourself one. it's kinda like dressing a fischent shirt and short shorts and not being expected to be called gay

I have a pair of fishnet gloves that I think are cool.

But I'm WAY too bubbly to be goth. I just happen to think black is a pretty color so I wear it a lot along with purple. Just cause when I a manicure I get my nails done black, or whatever, doesn't mean I'm necessarily goth. Or maybe it does? Besides, black is totally the sexiest color of lipstick. Do not deny it.

Did date a goth girl once though. She was cool. How cool? She went to her prom in a hearse. Truly it was epic. Takes 10 pound balls to do something that awesome. Then again she was into infantilism, and that was kinda weird.

Updated by anonymous

fishnet gloves are actually versatile, and can be worn with other stuff and don't look goth. and the color black doesnt automatically make you goth, hell i have bigass black boots and alot of black band shirts and black cargo pants, but im waaaay too far from goth. however, in that picture that collar and chain is just plain giveaway goth when worn like that.

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
however, in that picture that collar and chain is just plain giveaway goth when worn like that.

Was supposed to be more furry than goth. Collar and leash thing. No, I'm not one of those insane furries that actually wears that shit in public. But it's cool at home.

Updated by anonymous

Better than a lesbian vampire.

It would be totally lame to only have sex once a month.

Updated by anonymous

Male Hat will do it with men in the day, female Hat will take women in the night and somewhere along the line there should be time for sleep.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
Was supposed to be more furry than goth. Collar and leash thing. No, I'm not one of those insane furries that actually wears that shit in public. But it's cool at home.

+1 to you. me and my friends hve this thing where we point and laugh hysterically at anyone we see like that

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
Male Hat will do it with men in the day, female Hat will take women in the night and somewhere along the line there should be time for sleep.

You forgot to mention in-between!... Although you never explained anywhere whether half-and-half Hat is attracted to everyone or is purely narcissistic.

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
+1 to you. me and my friends hve this thing where we point and laugh hysterically at anyone we see like that

Hey. It's kinky as hell in the bedroom.

Updated by anonymous

Ok ok so i was up half the night on Microsoft Word trying to create my fursona i kinda went over board a little (as i cant show you a pic i went into some detail) also you'll notice the artest notes i created in case i ever got someone to draw it there are also to extra things i added my Terms of use for my fursona and a to whom it may concern section but if you have no intrest in using my fursona you can just skip the last two paragraphs any ways here it is.

Name: Zer0 0okami
Age: 19
Born: 4/20/91
Species: Wolf
Fur color: Red/Black
Anthro/Non-Anrthro: both
Fur Details
My fur is mainly a darkish red with some black as patterns. The pattern detail is pretty simple Starting at the tip of the nose there are three black stripes. The center stripe runs all the way down to the tip of my tail the left and right stripes slowly branch off and go down the outer side of my legs (Note: the branching off of the stripes begins at the middle back area) My claws are black and thin black stripes go down my fingers and end in a point at my knuckles (Note: these lines can be straight, wavy, or zigzagged) the same goes with my toes (Note: these lines can go up to my ankle or end in the mid foot) My fur has some cuts in it along the arms do to battle. That’s it for the fur!

My fursonas personality is much like my own Laid back and easy for the most part but also a hot head. I won’t back down from a battle no matter what the odds and I firmly believe I cannot die (Note: I can die however) In battle I’m cocky and have fun there’s not one part of a fighting do not enjoy I seem to lose my mind when in a heated battle I start laughing and talking to myself yet I remain focused on the battle. I speak in riddles and mostly for my own amusement I even sometimes speak in rhymes. When ever a pack is mentioned I get moody (Note: as a cub my pack was killed I managed to escape and now carry the burden with me)

I wear all black. I wear a trench coat and leather pants the trench coat has a red paw print with a black stripe going from top right to bottom left of the paw print.(Note: the pants have cuts in them that my fur sometimes sticks out of) I stand at 6’6 in anthro form I have an athletic build I also have semi long black spiked back hair with bits of red strands (Note: This color should come out sanguine) I also have a katana on my back which has a red diamond hilt the rest of the blade is black except the sharp end which is a bright shade of red. (Note: the katana lines up with the stripe on the paw print) I also smoke pot Most of the time I have a joint in my mouth or on me somewhere.(Note: i joke all the time about how cigs will kill you and if your not ok with the use of bud you can take it out but please dont turn it into a cig)

Terms of usage
My fursona is open game for anything I would enjoy seeing art of it. Reading about it in a story seeing it in a flash ect. As for more adult pics I am Bi so feel free to do what ever you choose. I do ask that my Fursonas name and personality not be changed If you wish to change clothing tell me what you wana put me in and ill probably go for it just give me a heads up first. I do request there be no herm or female art of my fursona but that’s pretty much the only thing off limits.

To whom it may concern
I myself can not draw I am a story teller frankly so if anyone wants to take a crack a drawing my fursona I would deeply appreciate it and I hope I don’t come off as asking you readers to draw it all I am saying is if your interested I wont stop you. I thank everyone who took the time to read this.

Updated by anonymous

Lone survivor of his family who wears a trenchcoat, uses a katana and smokes weed? That's pretty bad, man.

The terms of use is rather pointless too. Nobody but a close friend will ever draw you surprise gift art and then they shouldn't need to be told about what you prefer.

Updated by anonymous

Zer0=0reZ said alot of stuff

mary sue, look it up

Marbles said:
Hey. It's kinky as hell in the bedroom.

no doubt, i myself own a couple of leashes, but you wouldn't catch me dead wearing them in public, except one my woman got for me, but only at her request

Updated by anonymous

I once wore a collar+leash in public, but some lady started bitching at me about "human rights". Hah. for my own fursona..... haven't exactly defined him yet too well, further than species, gender, and personality....

Updated by anonymous

i'm a ditto awesomeface.jpg

Valence said:
I once wore a collar+leash in public, but some lady started bitching at me about "human rights". Hah.

i would give you 10 bucks to be in your place, those people need a good debate to put them in their place

Updated by anonymous

When I was with my boyfriend, I wore the collar he bought me all the time and never once felt a hint of embarrassment for it. Why should anyone?

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
When I was with my boyfriend, I wore the collar he bought me all the time and never once felt a hint of embarrassment for it. Why should anyone?

because there's this thing that's called looking like a plain dumbass that people try to avoid. it's possible to pull it off though, if you can make it look good.

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
mary sue, look it up

Im Guessing that darkwing wolfclaw thing is what your talking about?

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
When I was with my boyfriend, I wore the collar he bought me all the time and never once felt a hint of embarrassment for it. Why should anyone?

I wear my husky's old collar around the house all the time...
A bit itchy when the temperature gets hot, but it's cool!

Updated by anonymous

i used to wear my dead dog's collar as a bracelet, he was a small one. then it tore from sweat softening the leather

Updated by anonymous

Mine is just a simple Steampunk lynx with a metalic left arm,clothing varies from 19th century British gentleman garb complete with a bowler hat to rugged Steampunk space pirate cloths.

And besides having a more fit body then me I model him after myself sharing the same average heigh and a wang that´s NOT as big as a persons forearm.

Updated by anonymous

fartpaw_firekidney said:
i used to wear my dead dog's collar as a bracelet, he was a small one. then it tore from sweat softening the leather


Updated by anonymous

I've had one that I've pretty much never abandoned since 1999/2000. He's matured socially and economically, but visually, he's still the same old "tom cat".

A hybridization of a white panther and a snow leopard, he's a non-productive sort. I didn't like the mainstream idea of every speciea producing babies with every species freely in the furry world. His father had the white fur and blue hair, and his mother had the classic snow leopard look with purple hair.

Five older sisters with varying shades of their mom's hair, and then out of the blue (hur hur), my guy was born, a male with blue hair. It wasn't obvious at the time, but unlike his father, who's species has blue hair naturally, by being a hybrid with blue hair, he was actually sterile.

Well, if his people had known better, they wouldn't have kicked him out at 14 for deciding to fall in love with someone other than who the tribe elders picked. The female wasn't even feline, but love falls as it will. They kicked him out, sent hm south from the Hinterlands (if you remember this room from Yahoo!Chat, I will love you to death).

A man by the name of Ursas Arvegus, a bear-anthro, picked him up off the streets, figured a young male could be used for pretty much any job at the studio he ran and owned. So my fursona stepped from gutter-trash into pretty much every small job Arvegus gave him to do. When he gave a try at modelling, things.... went adult, rather fast. They fudged his numbers, so at 15, he was marked at 18. When Arvegus died, he'd marked that the company not do a board member, but rather to one that the models and photographers trusted.

When Arvegus died, my fursona was broken. He fell into worse and worse living. At his very worst, back in the gutter, humping anything for the next fix, he had a vision of "the old man" kicking his ass for what he became. And starting from scratch, he started putting together programs to help the people on the streets, the people he lived among twice in his life. From that base, he went back to the company and worked to get the models rights, then insured the photographers would be employed by doing more than just "adult" photography. Scenic, celebrity, even birthday parties and graduation events. It grew the company and got him the position that Arvegus left behind, because for over a year it was left empty and all business was handled via the board.

Plenty of other major events, but in the end, my Fursona was able to lift himself out of the hole, and since he can't have kids, he's adopted his fair share. The company now employs every economic bracket, though they will go out of their way to create positions to help the homeless and unemployed.
For me, what started at a teenage, sex-driven furry escapade had evolved into a sorta... pleasant retirement. I had my phases where I played the rich and up-n-coming playboy, which crashed around me and led to drug-daze/days, and then as I personally matured, so did my Fursona.

Plus, I like to ramble.

Updated by anonymous