Topic: How to post multiple posts at the same time

Posted under General

Do you have to do it with different tabs open, or something? Seriously, I'm sick of not knowing how my own posts can be pushed back an entire page--or more--by somebody suddenly posting an entire Jay Naylor or Clubstripes comic in about half a minute.

Surely somebody can teach me this much-faster-method-of-uploading. Please. :|

Updated by erica wolf

Burninghart said:
Surely somebody can teach me this much-faster-method-of-uploading. Please. :|

There are ways, won't tell unless a mod gives a go ahead though. Flooding bad.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
There are ways, won't tell unless a mod gives a go ahead though. Flooding bad.

Eh... I'm not really interested in flooding. :/ I just wanna know so it'll be easier to upload five-page comic previews if I should do so again.

Plus I'm just irritated at how my posts are almost always flooded, so I wanted to know how people keep doing it, for the sake of knowing.

Updated by anonymous

I've always wondered how to do that as well. I always thought that Kitsu~ was probably doing it. I suspect that it's a GreaseMonkey script?

Updated by anonymous

Kitsu wrote himself a batch uploader, as did I, but mine is primarily for my own use, it might be a bit confusing for other people; it's at if you want to try it out.

Updated by anonymous

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