Topic: anti-homosexuality pill?

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are you kidding me? what'll they think of next? anti-different-thinking pills? anti-originality pills? maybe anti-anything-but-caucasian-christian-nazi-blond-hair-blue-eyed-inbred-superpowered-assfucks. seriously, no.

Updated by anonymous

cookiekangaroo said:
are you kidding me? what'll they think of next? anti-different-thinking pills? anti-originality pills? maybe anti-anything-but-caucasian-christian-nazi-blond-hair-blue-eyed-inbred-superpowered-assfucks. seriously, no.

i don't see how this is for the nazi party. IMHO, it's a brilliant plan. a parent doesn't want to deal with a homosexual girl, take the pill, and presto, the kid wouldn't even know the difference. besides, it's only experimental atm and only for people with CAH

Updated by anonymous

jebus said:
i don't see how this is for the nazi party. IMHO, it's a brilliant plan. a parent doesn't want to deal with a homosexual girl, take the pill, and presto, the kid wouldn't even know the difference.

In my opinion, I seriously think this is retarted. Yes, the 'kid wouldn't even know the difference'. But what's next, seriously? Retarted in every way.

Updated by anonymous

ThisCatIsALandmine said:
In my opinion, I seriously think this is retarted. Yes, the 'kid wouldn't even know the difference'. But what's next, seriously? Retarted in every way.

i see your frustration, but i don't see your standpoint. in what ways is it retarded? I don't agree with teh article on girls having "masculin" jobs, if a girl can do it, let her do it, no point in keeping people off the workforce. Also, i love lesbians, they make the best friends/porn ever, but i do agree that if a parent is giving birth to thier own damn child they should do whatever they can do upbring it to thier moral values, if a pill facilitates it (but mark me, does not replace nurtering) then i'm all for it. hell, if they make an anti angsty teen pill next I'd buy a lifetime supply of it and hand it out.

Updated by anonymous

jebus said:
i see your frustration, but i don't see your standpoint. in what ways is it retarded? I don't agree with teh article on girls having "masculin" jobs, if a girl can do it, let her do it, no point in keeping people off the workforce. Also, i love lesbians, they make the best friends/porn ever, but i do agree that if a parent is giving birth to thier own damn child they should do whatever they can do upbring it to thier moral values, if a pill facilitates it (but mark me, does not replace nurtering) then i'm all for it. hell, if they make an anti angsty teen pill next I'd buy a lifetime supply of it and hand it out.

My standpoint is that we do not need chemicals to decide what effing sexuality we're going to be. It's an out-and-out insult to all of humanity saying we do; production of this drug also opens the doors to anti-female drugs, anti-artist, anti-creative thought, anti-Democrat, anti-Republican drugs. It's a bad idea that gateways into more bad ideas.

Updated by anonymous

Jebus, are you fucking serious here? Your attention-seeking topic title is <i>really</i> misleading from what this article is actually about.

A treatment that prevents the formation of 'ambiguous genitalia' may also lead to the girls affected being more in-line with regular social roles. That's it. There's nothing here even suggesting a real anti-gay application, it just rebalances the statistics on people who would otherwise have birth defects.

The two guys who published a paper may have some questionable ways of talking, but that's no reason to start with such a sensationalist headline.

Updated by anonymous

and that's why you can't have an intellectual discussion anywhere near a furry community, although i should have known better since it was revolved around furry porn. they'll take it as a chance to BAAWWW and WHIIIINE about their "way of life" even though it wasn't called in, and the admins of course being butthurt will ban because they have no rebuttal. oh well, go ahead and ban this account too, im goingy to try to find "smart" furries, see if those exist

Updated by anonymous

jebuschrist said:
and that's why you can't have an intellectual discussion anywhere near a furry community, although i should have known better since it was revolved around furry porn. they'll take it as a chance to BAAWWW and WHIIIINE about their "way of life" even though it wasn't called in, and the admins of course being butthurt will ban because they have no rebuttal. oh well, go ahead and ban this account too, im goingy to try to find "smart" furries, see if those exist

As I thought; trololol.

Updated by anonymous

You can't enjoy sex, you can't wear a condom, you can't masturbate, you can't have an abortion, and stem-cell research is evil, but hey, if it's to prevent gayness, tampering with an unborn fetus must be in God's plan.

Updated by anonymous

arc said:
You can't enjoy sex, you can't wear a condom, you can't masturbate, you can't have an abortion, and stem-cell research is evil, but hey, if it's to prevent gayness, tampering with an unborn fetus must be in God's plan.

You, sir, win fifty million interwebz.

Updated by anonymous

ThisCatIsALandmine said:
My standpoint is that we do not need chemicals to decide what effing sexuality we're going to be. It's an out-and-out insult to all of humanity saying we do; production of this drug also opens the doors to anti-female drugs, anti-artist, anti-creative thought, anti-Democrat, anti-Republican drugs. It's a bad idea that gateways into more bad ideas.

that's what i was trying to say.

Updated by anonymous


Please read the source before you comment.

It's not about preventing homosexuality, it's a cure for malformed genitals that <i>may</i> have an effect on its patients to make them as straight, on average, as any other women. But whether or not that even happens can't be determined for a couple of decades <i>when they're actually grown up.</i>

Meanwhile, a couple of people have said this could be a good thing.

That's it.

Nobody's pioneering the anti-gay vaccine.

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
Please read the source before you comment.

It doesn't really matter, the OP had no intention of having a real discussion, and there isn't much to discuss about the actual article.

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
It's not about preventing homosexuality, it's a cure for malformed genitals.

TL;DR: Cure for intersexed birth defects.

Possibly has an undocumented affect on transsexuals, considering their close ties to intersexed conditions, but I dunno how you could identify if it does affect transsexuals without an extremely large sample size. And even then such statistics could easily be called into question due to the traditional stealthy nature of transsexuals, and even LGB members in general.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
TL;DR: Cure for intersexed birth defects.

Possibly has an undocumented affect on transsexuals, considering their close ties to intersexed conditions, but I dunno how you could identify if it does affect transsexuals without an extremely large sample size. And even then such statistics could easily be called into question due to the traditional stealthy nature of transsexuals, and even LGB members in general.

Actually, now that I think on it, I really think it was just OP trying to stir up drama.

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
A treatment that prevents the formation of 'ambiguous genitalia' may also lead to the girls affected being more in-line with regular social roles. That's it. There's nothing here even suggesting a real anti-gay application, it just rebalances the statistics on people who would otherwise have birth defects.
It's not about preventing homosexuality, it's a cure for malformed genitals that may have an effect on its patients to make them as straight, on average, as any other women.
Meanwhile, a couple of people have said this could be a good thing.

The Article said:
The prenatal treatment at issue, however, does not treat or prevent the CAH. Most clinicians who use prenatal dexamethasone for CAH seek to prevent the development of ambiguous genitalia. But the New York-based group of clinical researchers ... suggest that prenatal dexamethasone can also ...

Self-contradictory article is self-contradictory, or perhaps the use of dexamethasone hasn't been reasonably proven to actually treat congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

Although for the most part the way the researches phrased things was technical, impersonal 'this is the usual opinion' and not actually making suggestions themselves...

One of the Researchers said:
“The challenge here is ... to see what could be done to restore this baby to the normal female appearance which would be compatible with her parents presenting her as a girl, with her eventually becoming somebody’s wife, and having normal sexual development, and becoming a mother. And she has all the machinery for motherhood, and therefore nothing should stop that, if we can repair her surgically and help her psychologically to continue to grow and develop as a girl.”

This is the part where I have a problem, as they relatively clearly state here that the ideal for a female is to bear children, which they believe is hindered by being anything other than a heterosexual with clearly visually female external genitalia. They indicated 'ambiguous genitalia' can result from CAH, but not that there is damage or failed development of reproductive organs (although chemical balances may result in potential menstrual irregularity or anovulation, which can both be treated if I'm not mistaken -- although not in as permanent a fashion). In other words, someone affected by CAH will still be functionally female and entirely capable of becoming pregnant, They're just afraid that if they're not straight and psychologically feminine they won't want to have children, and that it's not correct to present them as female if their genitals don't 'look right' whether they're functionally female or not... And that, according to them, the proper and correct thing a female should do is have a sexual relationship with a male, become pregnant, and bear children.

Once you take those opinions into account, it becomes quite reasonable to assume that lines such as “We anticipate that prenatal dexamethasone therapy will reduce the well-documented behavioral masculinization ...” combined with their suggestions relative to the possibility of affecting sexual orientation via prenatal androgen levels are, as they say, 'more than idle chatter' and not random conjecture on side effects but seriously considered topics for future research and application.

Updated by anonymous

acct0283476 said:
alot of stuff

i completely agree, i am a female biologically, but i'm a transgender and physically look different than most females as far as genitals go, and i still want to have kids with my girlfriend and raise a family someday.

Updated by anonymous

only on a furry site will such obvious trolling fly

normally this is the point where I start hamming up how superior homosexuality (excluding lesbianism since that shit is fuckin gross) is to everything else for entertainment, but I guess there's no reason now.

Updated by anonymous

thedxm said:
(excluding lesbianism since that shit is fuckin gross)

seriously? well doesn't matter.... I'm sure that I'm not the only one on this site that disagrees with you.

Updated by anonymous

ThisCatIsALandmine said:
He's banned anyway.

Go tony.

Updated by anonymous

thedxm said:
only on a furry site will such obvious trolling fly

Get out.

Updated by anonymous

i leave for a time out and everything goes to hell.

thedxm said:
only on a furry site will such obvious trolling fly

(excluding lesbianism since that shit is fuckin gross)

you're on your own on that one.

Updated by anonymous

niko_bellic said:
i get banned and make another account to troll everyone on the forums and everything goes to hell.

Updated by anonymous

FurZ said:

yea, that was a few weeks ago, thanks for stating the obvious

Updated by anonymous

temporal_crux said:
Can I take the Anti-Christ Pill yet?

OH how people reject god with out knowing more than the saying that he is an "Imaginary sky wizard".

Updated by anonymous

If I remember correctly, it's not "imaginary sky wizard" but "invisible sky wizard".

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
OH how people reject god with out knowing more than the saying that he is an "Imaginary sky wizard".

temporal_crux said:
Can I take the Anti-Christ Pill yet?

I have not lol'd so hard in a long time.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
OH how people reject god with out knowing more than the saying that he is an "Imaginary sky wizard".

i don't think he rejected god. i know him more than just a skyward wizard and i found that lulzy because of the play on words.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
OH how people reject god with out knowing more than the saying that he is an "Imaginary sky wizard".

Let's not make this thread into another religious debate. There are entire forums dedicated to these type of discussions.

Updated by anonymous

No no no no! No religious debates... The last thing i need is to get banned again.

I said that as a pun.

Updated by anonymous

how come everything seems to eventually lead to either a political or religious conversation? seriously.

Updated by anonymous

chancethewolf said:
how come everything seems to eventually lead to either a political or religious conversation? seriously.

Because once it's within the gravitational pull, nothing can free it.

Updated by anonymous

slow, that's what you are, this topid is old and done, op was banned

Updated by anonymous

niko_bellic said:
slow, that's what you are, this topid is old and done, op was banned


Updated by anonymous

Please keep your rectum problems to yourself. Word "butthurt" (which means "I'm right and you're wrong; LALALA I'm not listening") is overused for no reason.

Updated by anonymous

Jazz said:
Please keep your rectum problems to yourself. Word "butthurt" (which means "I'm right and you're wrong; LALALA I'm not listening") is overused for no reason. those little immature trolls.

Updated by anonymous

not by imature trolls, sometimes by people that know they got nothing, so they use a "lol u mad" equivalent.

in short, LOL U MAD?

Updated by anonymous

niko_bellic said:
not by imature trolls, sometimes by people that know they got nothing, so they use a "lol u mad" equivalent.

in short, LOL U MAD?

or maybe some people don't take the internetz super serrious

Updated by anonymous

no_fun said:
or maybe some people don't take the internetz super serrious

Those kind of people dont go to forums.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
Those kind of people dont go to forums.

no they go to porn site.....oh wait! lol

Updated by anonymous

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