Topic: twilight for men

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Ultima_Weapon said:
That shit was stupid. Next question.


Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
That shit was stupid. Next question.

Fox2K9 said:

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Ultima_Weapon said:
That shit was stupid. Next question.

twilight fan i see

Fox2K9 said:

i see no purchase

Updated by anonymous

This is actually a trifling joke, get over it

Updated by anonymous

Twilight was so gay. If you want a good vamp movie, watch the Blade trilogy.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
Any one know for any good Zombie movie?

Resident Evil: Apocalypse.
But if you want something scarier than any movie, play Dead Space. Video games are always scarier than movies because in a movie, you're watching someone else, but in a video game, you're playing the main character and practically living the experience. Trust me, Dead Space is the scariest thing out there right now.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Resident Evil: Apocalypse.
But if you want something scarier than any movie, play Dead Space. Video games are always scarier than movies because in a movie, you're watching someone else, but in a video game, you're playing the main character and practically living the experience. Trust me, Dead Space is the scariest thing out there right now.

I cant play super mario on this computer, not alone dead space :/

But thx dude, i will check out that movie.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Resident Evil: Apocalypse.
But if you want something scarier than any movie, play Dead Space. Video games are always scarier than movies because in a movie, you're watching someone else, but in a video game, you're playing the main character and practically living the experience. Trust me, Dead Space is the scariest thing out there right now.

resident evil is a decent INFECTED movie. real zombie movie, go watch anything by george a romero. and ditto on dead space, i'm playing through it right now, about to finish, while not actually really scary, it's one hell of a suspenseful game, if you can get past the awkward third person perspective.

Updated by anonymous

niko_bellic said:
resident evil is a decent INFECTED movie. real zombie movie, go watch anything by george a romero. and ditto on dead space, i'm playing through it right now, about to finish, while not actually really scary, it's one hell of a suspenseful game, if you can get past the awkward third person perspective.

Oh god the first time you have to go into hard vacuum with the goddamn motherfucking space rock fuckers pounding on your head. Goddamn that still pisses me off. They're like...homing meteors.

Updated by anonymous

ThisCatIsALandmine said:
Oh god the first time you have to go into hard vacuum with the goddamn motherfucking space rock fuckers pounding on your head. Goddamn that still pisses me off. They're like...homing meteors.

you mean the part where you have to get to the turret to blast them? they're not homing, they hit ALL OVER the ship except the small covers you're given

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
I cant play super mario

Why the computer? Play on the Wii. And if you're scared to play super mario, then I have no respect for you as a man, woman, B.K. Randy, or otherwise.

Updated by anonymous

niko_bellic said:
you mean the part where you have to get to the turret to blast them? they're not homing, they hit ALL OVER the ship except the small covers you're given

Well, I knew that. It was LIKE they were homing. But the turret part was awesome.

Updated by anonymous

ThisCatIsALandmine said:
Well, I knew that. It was LIKE they were homing. But the turret part was awesome.

i actually hated it, so fucking inaccurate, then again the whole game has mouse problems

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Why the computer? Play on the Wii. And if you're scared to play super mario, then I have no respect for you as a man, woman, B.K. Randy, or otherwise.

You missed what i was trying to say... If I had money for a Wii, i would have bought a better pc than this shit i have! Also, consoles, suck.
Everything after SNES, is junk. And yes i have super mario on snes.

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
You missed what i was trying to say... If I had money for a Wii, i would have bought a better pc than this shit i have! Also, consoles, suck.
Everything after SNES, is junk. And yes i have super mario on snes.

im not a big voice for consoles, in fact i say buy a pc if you really want to game extensively, but 1 consoles have SOME uses, and 2, this thread has nothing to do with consoles, zombies will pass because just like REAL vampires theyre dead.

i also have the original snes with super mario, along with killer instinct and super mario all stars

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Fuck you too then.

now now ladies, lets not turn this into MY CONSOLES BETTER THAN YOUR CONSOLE or PC IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN CONSOLE GAMING (even though it is)

Updated by anonymous

Chrono trigger for snes was the best and only game i bought for a console.

I personally don't see any use for consoles.
1. Expensive
2. Pirating is hard
3. Its a console

<em>Red rings are 100% failure rate with me.</em>

Updated by anonymous

Fox2K9 said:
2. Pirating is hard

on PS1 and PS2 you can use the disk swap method =D
although the audio doesn't turn out to great that way......
but hey there is always modchips and softmods right? not for PS3 though and idk about Xbox 360.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
on PS1 and PS2 you can use the disk swap method =D
although the audio doesn't turn out to great that way......
but hey there is always modchips and softmods right? not for PS3 though and idk about Xbox 360.

wrong thread brother

Updated by anonymous

niko_bellic said:
wrong thread brother

not on my computer right now so i would have to copy and paste manually which im not good at currently =/

Updated by anonymous

I got bored to hell playing Dead Space on my friend's system. I'd prefer the original Silent Hill to scare me. That and whacking zombie babies.

Also, a good zombie movie is "I, Zombie", but only because it amused me to know end.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Resident Evil: Apocalypse.
But if you want something scarier than any movie, play Dead Space. Video games are always scarier than movies because in a movie, you're watching someone else, but in a video game, you're playing the main character and practically living the experience. Trust me, Dead Space is the scariest thing out there right now.


I personally watched somebody play Dead Space. Sure the atmosphere gets a little creepy, and there are some freaky bosses and stuff... but the best Horror game of all time, in my opinion, still goes to the first Silent Hill game. That's right, the FIRST one, for the psx. Unlike Dead Space, whose music didn't support the chilling atmosphere, Silent Hill's tense, quiet music made you panicky about what might lay behind every little corner(And, what likely did). SH also had truly SURVIVAL style gameplay(No buyin' shit from shops, ONLY use the crap you find), made for an experience that was more realistic, and forced you to conserve ammunition just like you would have to do in a real life situation. And, instead of relying on what you'd THINK would be your most reliable sense (sight), you were forced to rely on your hearing, which many people think to be a less valuable and less powerful sense, and is (definitely) less reliable.

The ONLY things that even make Dead Space NEARLY equal to the first Silent Hill (on the topic of Horror) are the graphics, and the monsters you fight (Seeing as in Silent Hill, they were all either once people or demons of sorts, while most of the ones in Dead Space were once people is eerie either way). But the ragdoll physics of walking over a corpse and sending it rolling around like a styrofoam ball is laughable, and NOT something you want in a good horror game.

TL;DR: If you want a good horror game, "Dead Space" is either equal to or worse than "Silent Hill"(as a horror game). If you want an alright shooter game, then yeah... Dead Space has it beat, since Silent Hill is actually honest-to-God survival.

That is all!

Updated by anonymous

Eh, Silent Homo is big on story, and small on gory. It was only slightly scarier than the Resident Evil series(which isn't saying much, since the games from RE4 and on aren't scary at all).

Updated by anonymous

I liked playing Necro Vision on Demon slayer difficulty. Fast and hard core action.

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Burninghart said:

TL;DR: If you want a good horror game, "Dead Space" is either equal to or worse than "Silent Hill"(as a horror game). If you want an alright shooter game, then yeah... Dead Space has it beat, since Silent Hill is actually honest-to-God survival.

That is all!

dead space is a TERRIBLE shooter, but big on suspense. i couldn't finish silent hill from how BORING it got. silent hill is a pretty terrible survival as well, i just ran past every enemy. it's a good story, i won't deny that, but gameplay wise, by today's standards it's terrible.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, survival-horror games are really losing their touch. Just stick to good games, like the Devil May Cry series.

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Yeah, survival-horror games are really losing their touch. Just stick to good games, like the Devil May Cry series.

i torrented dmc3, but i'll play it after i finish dead space, i'm already on the final mission, but don't feel like playing through it just yet. that and hack and slash games riddled with one liners aren't my idea of a great game, but ima give it a shot

Updated by anonymous

You know, after looking at my collection, I realized that Fatal Frame was hidden in the back. For a reason. That game freaked me the fuck out. I'm not 'fraid of no ghost, but sonofabitch that game had me jumpy.

Technically, Galerions (the original for ps1) was a survival-horror.... that you used psychic powers to make people's heads explode. Never truly scared you, but you just never knew what was coming up next. It was too linear a game, though, much like the original Resident Evil trilogy.

Updated by anonymous

not funny, america humour sucks, long live british randomness

Updated by anonymous

oh you're one of dem kids that no one likes because they suck the life out of the conversation

Updated by anonymous

Ultima_Weapon said:
Yeah, survival-horror games are really losing their touch. Just stick to good games, like the Devil May Cry series.

Martian Gothic was the shit.

Updated by anonymous

oh yea, forgot to give update on dmc, i love it, third best hack and slash series ive played.

Updated by anonymous

niko_bellic said:
oh you're one of dem kids that no one likes because they suck the life out of the conversation


Updated by anonymous

no sir, there is no reason to be butthurt over some british kid, by that fact alone you have lost. please accept this consolation tea as your prize

Updated by anonymous

using tea to sterotype me? well that unoringal, why not tell me to go eat some crumpits while your at it? you could at least try some new instead of using something I've heard 1000's of times.

Updated by anonymous

no sir, there is no crumpets for you, since they taste like shit.

Updated by anonymous

back on topic: what about that movie called vampires suck? just saw a commercial and it seems decent

Updated by anonymous

i've learned to stay away from parody movies, my sis is wanting to watch this, so i may just let her stream it and i'll see about it.

Updated by anonymous

Another parody, yep. I heard that Scary Movie 27 will be out at christmas.

Updated by anonymous

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