Topic: e621 2.2 Beta 1

Posted under General

It's now live!

You can see it, poke around, play with things. But first, some caveats!

We need you to find where things are broken. Colors wrong, text unreadable, weird glitches and such, so we can fix them. Report these things in the thread.

The site is running on an old copy of the database, so you'll need an account older than 2 months to be able to log in.

And have fun talking about the new features too :)

Lastly.. here's the link!

Have fun guys!

Updated by Iottiak

First bug and tweak I see
Userpage has a lot of calls to "Tag subscription: General" showing the exact same content.

Userpage Can also contain a lot of blank space if users put in a lot of favorite tags.

Would also change the Burgundy for character names (tags), it's a bit hard to read

Dunno if this was intentional, but a bit of black text here as well as in the Donate to inkbunny link.

(this is just a suggestion, but I'd darken the blue in quotes a bit.. it just looks off to me)

It looks great so far though!

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Will anything we do in the beta affect anything here?

No, nothing.

Updated by anonymous

"how to comment guide." click...."No page currently exists." Haha, someone should probably type that up, huh? Might even drop the number mind numbing comments I see around this place.

Otherwise, so far, looking good.

Updated by anonymous

I can't log in with my username here :(
But I was able to make a new account.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
I can't log in with my username here :(
But I was able to make a new account.

As I said, it's running on an old copy of the database, so if you changed your password at any point..

Updated by anonymous

Do you have the password I used 2 months ago in your files anywhere? I can't remember it Q_Q

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Do you have the password I used 2 months ago in your files anywhere? I can't remember it Q_Q

Nope. All passwords are encrypted for YOUR safety.

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
No, nothing.

Does this mean anarchy? :D

Also, I noticed it still cuts off the bottom of the page in Chrome sometimes. It seems to happen randomly. For instance in the "my account" page the blue extends just past the "change password" button, and the rest of the page is white. It does that on the current version as well.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

-GIFs have no thumbnail.

-Hard/impossible to see text for aliases.

-In Firefox, when you have comments below viewing threshold and you expand them:

-Comment scores aren't visible.

-Nested quoting seem to work, maybe clicking quote should be adapted to catch those instead of just taking the topmost one.

-Nested quoting seem to work with only one [/quote] tag at end. Probably not bug.

-n comments below threshold needs page reload to update.

-notes don't display text.

-If a post has lots of tags and doesn't thumbnail. It'll overlap other posts in the comment section in a user's profile.

Updated by anonymous

Colors for special tags are often rather hard on the eyes/to read. Might want to avoid things related to red, they don't mix well with the blue background.

The blue titles on the wiki pages are hard to read as well.

Updated by anonymous

[20:20] <Valence> "Unapprove" sounds inviting for people who don't agree with the image content
[20:21] <Valence> whoa what in the world is this
[20:21] <Valence> I clicked "Similar", and I get this other page
[20:22] <Valence> Notice: Because of its broken inline-block handling, viewing this site with browsers based on Gecko 1.8 and below is NOT recommended. If your browser does not show full-size thumbnails please wait for the entire page to load, or try reloading the page.
[20:22] <Valence> and such
[20:22] <Valence>
[20:22] <Quench> Yeah ignore
[20:22] <Valence> hmkay
[20:36] <Valence> Notes do not seem to display any text
[20:38] <Quench> No they do, it's just bad color. See, this is an example of what I need to know about :3
[20:40] <Valence> It appears that large images push the post and comments below the submenu, even when resized
[20:41] <Valence> "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SystemExit: exit: SELECT p.* FROM posts p JOIN posts_tags rpt0 ON rpt0.post_id = AND rpt0.tag_id = (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE name = E'mink') WHERE true AND = 77023 AND p.status <> 'deleted' ORDER BY DESC" under Job Tasks
[20:41] <Valence> as a Message
[20:41] <Valence> Is that intended?
[20:42] <Quench> That's an error message.
[20:42] <Valence> hmkay
[20:43] <Valence> Also, blacklisted and flash thumbnails have their own picture, but deleted posts simply have the list of their tags
[21:01] <Valence> I have a Mail I sent to someone, with a red title
[21:01] <Valence> quite hard to see against the blue
[21:01] <Valence> which, I must also ask about, it's slightly different than e621, is it temporary?
[21:03] <Quench> what is
[21:03] <Valence> the blue of the BG
[21:08] <Valence> I only mention it because it does not match the blue of the Black Label Ads
[21:08] <Valence> also, the blue of the title of a wiki page is a bit hard to read
[21:20] <Valence> well I guess that's it
[21:20] <Valence> other things, like the "Before commenting, read the how to comment guide." unnecessarily appearing below every post, and there not being a link to upvote or downvote images, I presume are temporary
[21:21] <Valence> well maybe the green titles of some help sections can be tweaked a bit

Updated by anonymous

Make a thumblink to a deleted submission in the forum and it breaks the <s>entire thread</s> forum page it's on c:

Updated by anonymous

the only issue i have, is i think it feels to open, but thats just my personal opinion.

also, when it shows your favorite tags, it's kinda repetitive.

General: Animated

General: comic

General: mutabouru

General: paul_lucas

General: pussy

General: statik

General: steampunk

General: succubus

General: rikkitz

i would suggest grouping them.


Artist: ghgs,syggd,ahsyd,dgysg,sydg

Series: sidyc of skucd, soah teh daks, feoms

Updated by anonymous

If you try to go to the last page it says "Error: You can only search up to page 1,000"
and if you try only searching for a negative tag it says "Error: You cannot search for only excluded tags."
I don't get either of those errors on the current version.
It's also hard to tell whether or not you've already favorited a picture.
"Something broke" messages come up randomly as well.

Updated by anonymous

nme22 said:
the only issue i have, is i think it feels to open, but thats just my personal opinion.

also, when it shows your favorite tags, it's kinda repetitive.

General: Animated

General: comic

General: mutabouru

General: paul_lucas

General: pussy

General: statik

General: steampunk

General: succubus

General: rikkitz

i would suggest grouping them.


Artist: ghgs,syggd,ahsyd,dgysg,sydg

Series: sidyc of skucd, soah teh daks, feoms

Appears you can edit the 'general' to say something else if you go to 'My Account' and edit your tag subscriptions.

Updated by anonymous

I'm assuming the upload moderation flag works the same way as before, given that flagging an unapproved post replaces the 'waiting for approval' box with the 'flagged for deletion' one. If that's the case, then there seems to be no way to tell if a deletion-flagged post was previously approved or still pending when it was flagged. You might want to make it append "[Unapproved post]" or something to the deletion request reason when appropriate.

Also, it might just be me but it looks like the tag history has a slightly-broken table -- the cell for the oldest tags state spills over onto the row below and has no bottom border.

Text formatting in the Wiki using underscores for italics or asterisks for bold does not function. I'm guessing this is intentional, considering the underscores would break some formatting and links on tags with multiple spaces in them? And if so, is the usage of asterisks for bold text being removed simply for standardization of having neither, or was there something it caused problems with as well?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The format link "post #xxxx" doesn't work in picture deletion reasons.

Deleted posts are susceptible to appear in the "random from this user" feature.

The link between an artist and their alias is gone in the artist Wiki.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
The format link "post #xxxx" doesn't work in picture deletion reasons.

Deleted posts are susceptible to appear in the "random from this user" feature.

The link between an artist and their alias is gone in the artist Wiki.

deleted posts appear everywhere.

Updated by anonymous

Okay, this is what I found: doesn't show a 404 page

Link on doesn't work

Grammar error on "Please contact me the Administrators"

Contradiction on, it says if you have a Priviliged account you can view hidden tags, but says there aren't any hidden tags.

(Edit) Don't know if anyone else is getting this but I can remove posts from my favourites that werent even in my favourites...

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
Okay, this is what I found: doesn't show a 404 page

Link on doesn't work

Grammar error on "Please contact me the Administrators"

Contradiction on, it says if you have a Priviliged account you can view hidden tags, but says there aren't any hidden tags.

There might be none yet.

Updated by anonymous

Personally I think there should be a separate forum listing for alias/implication topics, since they probably won't be replied to all that much and the forum would be flooded with them after a while.

Riversyde said:
None what?

Hidden tags.

Updated by anonymous

What are hidden tags?

Also translations don't seem to work; you can type them and save them, but they don't appear in the white box when you hover over them.

Updated by anonymous

Voting up or down on comments doesn't seem to work.

Also, love being able to look up peoples' comments!

Updated by anonymous

Okay, I think I got most of these problems fixed except for a few minor text-coloration things.

Help me finds more bugs people! C'mon C'mon! Oh yeah~

Updated by anonymous

Doesn't work, I get an empty room with 0 users, but, aye...

Updated by anonymous

Valence said:
Doesn't work, I get an empty room with 0 users, but, aye...

It does work. I saw you in the channel, dude.

Updated by anonymous

Welp, it worked on Chrome, versus this outdated-ish browser, so it's all fine.

Updated by anonymous

The font family is a bit crap maybe change to Versana or helvetica,
The border colours on somemof the thumbnails are rather crappy,
Maybe aswell as having a pagination system, have a feature that loads images and when the user scrolls the the bottom of the page, it loads the next page,
The layout of the adds is a bit messy,
Nested rages would be really nice (not sure if you have already implemented it6

Updated by anonymous

Personally I really prefer the 2.1 layout:

- As stated, the color scheme changes are mostly for the worse (harder to read text and such)

- The new comment rating system is just plain a bad idea (it WILL be abused)

- The forums feel very, VERY cluttered (remove the boxes!)

- The yellow boxes when searching/commenting are just plain weird

- No mascots. I AM DISAPPOINT.

- And of course, it's less stable (yes, I know it's a beta, but we'll still have several months of issues)

(Sidenote: Did you remove all the deleted post pages or something? The post numbers are all screwed up now.)

Updated by anonymous

asdfzxc said:
- No mascots. I AM DISAPPOINT.

They'll be added after the site is up and running smoothly.

(Sidenote: Did you remove all the deleted post pages or something? The post numbers are all screwed up now.)

The beta is running on an old version of the database.

Updated by anonymous

You people DO realize that like 90% of the graphical things aren't even in and all the boxes and shit really blatantly a combination of the visual CSS not being in yet and borders used for layout/testing purposes, and that the most important thing is making sure the actual features and database works, not the layout, which really, really really obviously isn't even added, let alone finalized yet.


Updated by anonymous

Then is it really a beta mellis? Don't be microsoft and call broken pre-alphas betas now. :(

scruffyfox said:
Nested rages would be really nice (not sure if you have already implemented it6

Best typo ever.

Updated by anonymous

Still some spots with black text, login page being one of them, :)

Updated by anonymous

I miss the [image] button. :'(

Can you guys bring it back?

Updated by anonymous

Post number links don't seem to work in the flag reason text now?

Updated by anonymous

Wow this looks amazing O-o
Awesome job guys!

Updated by anonymous

"deleted:true" seems to be disabled. Was this intentional?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

asdfzxc said:
"deleted:true" seems to be disabled. Was this intentional?

It's replaced by "status:deleted".

And well, as far as i see, all the stuff that went wrong in beta got brought in live, including the loss of the link between artists and their aliases in the wiki.

Updated by anonymous

I notice searching for tags in the taglist no longer turns up related tags; it only turns up tags as they're typed in.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know if it's just me, but anything that I add to my blacklist since the update doesn't work. I finally added lupine_assassin and diaper to it, and they still show up :(

Updated by anonymous