Topic: 'Flag for deletion' button related request.

Posted under General


Former Staff

It would be nice if the 'Flag for deletion' button in the comment section were placed somewhat further away from the 'Quote' one to reduce accidental clicks.

Updated by mellis

ktkr said:
It would be nice if the 'Flag for deletion' button in the comment section were placed somewhat further away from the 'Quote' one to reduce accidental clicks.

Reason box will jump out so there is nothing to worry. People will always click cancel.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Fox2K9 said:
Reason box will jump out so there is nothing to worry. People will always click cancel.

Not so for flagging comments.
EDIT: Forgot to say it's a feature for Privileged and above.

Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
Not so for flagging comments.
EDIT: Forgot to say it's a feature for Privileged and above.

Haha, some one is bragging :]

Updated by anonymous

ktkr said:
It would be nice if the 'Flag for deletion' button in the comment section were placed somewhat further away from the 'Quote' one to reduce accidental clicks.

it's as close as the edit and respond are for the forum, besides, I don't think adjusting it would help any... We'd still click it.

Updated by anonymous

Eh, we get a bunch of mis-flagged comments, I don't worry about it unless the person does like, a ton of them in a short span, which happened all of once ever. No biggie.

Updated by anonymous

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