Topic: Anyone have family that doesn't understand about them being furry?

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A. Why would you even bother telling them you were a furry? Why did they need to know, let alone "understand"?
B. Even if they accepted you as a furry, why would they understand your mascot fetish?
C. Even if they accepted your mascot fetish, why would they help you cater to it?

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
Because i do and they won't even help me on getting a fursuit.

I think your problem is that you are asking money from your parents on something that is not really obligatory

Updated by anonymous

Johnny_Five_Aces said:
Show em that CSI furry episode to help convince them.

They saw that episode and are in denial of me being a furry,no matter how much art i show them clean/yiffy,they're still in denial.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
They saw that episode and are in denial of me being a furry,no matter how much art i show them clean/yiffy,they're still in denial.

Probably because they're wielded the hell out. I know I would be if my son decided to tell me about his fetishes. That's kind of something you need to keep to yourself.

Updated by anonymous

How about you just not buy a fursuit?

No, seriously. Please, just don't do it. I am really asking you nicely here. It would make me feel better if you didn't.

Updated by anonymous

How about you just not buy a fursuit?

No, seriously. Please, just don't do it. I am really asking you nicely here. It would make me feel better if you didn't.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
Because i do and they won't even help me on getting a fursuit.

Back in may day, we didn' have no fancy fursuits!
If we wanted to dress up as as animal, we had to kill one with our bare hands and make a costume out of it.

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
How about you just not buy a fursuit?

No, seriously. Please, just don't do it. I am really asking you nicely here. It would make me feel better if you didn't.

Updated by anonymous

"Help people!
I told my parents I'm gay and they don't accept it. What is more, they said they won't buy me a BDSM pony suit!
How should I convince them?"

That's basically what you are doing here. NO WAY will your parents support your weird (for them) fetish and give you money for it.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
Because i do and they won't even help me on getting a fursuit.

you told you're parents your fetish, now you want them to help you feed your fetish. whats more, buy it yourself, unless you're too young to actually to get any money, then gtfo from here.

JustFrame said:
How about you just not buy a fursuit?

No, seriously. Please, just don't do it. I am really asking you nicely here. It would make me feel better if you didn't.

Updated by anonymous

Well, erm, furry doesn't necessarily mean it's a fetish, but given this environment of a furry porn site, I guess it is..

Updated by anonymous

More than a few people that +Watch me on FA, and that I chat with on MSN, they say that their parents have no problem at all with the furry community or even fursuits. One person even said that his mother actually helped him sew up his suit for him...

Now, I'm not complaining or dissin' them or their candy for stuff like that, because that's not the type of person I am. Sure, I think it's a tad weird, but I'm not going to freak out over it...

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
How about you just not buy a fursuit?

No, seriously. Please, just don't do it. I am really asking you nicely here. It would make me feel better if you didn't.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
you told you're parents your fetish, now you want them to help you feed your fetish. whats more, buy it yourself, unless you're too young to actually to get any money, then gtfo from here.

Well i got a lot of money in a walmart debit card i have.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Aren't you the creepy guy who wrote this up?

I don't think you get what it's like to be furry, or normal.. or human yet. Take a step back. For your own sake.

well that sheds a new light on the situation. they probably know exactly what you're definition of furry is through that csi episode.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
Well i got a lot of money in a walmart debit card i have.

I hope you know that you can't buy fursuits at WalMart...
Materials maybe, but you would need someone who has experience in order to put the materials together.
"Don't Hug Cacti" or "Mixed Candy" are very good builders, but they charge a pretty penny...

Updated by anonymous

i thikn he means one of those cards you put money on and use online. but if they charge through paypal that won't cut it.

Updated by anonymous

we'll, he SHOULD be old enough to open a bank account, so that settles that problem

Updated by anonymous

>my mother won't allow me to use my credit card
>yes i'm 33 years old

wait wuuuuuuuut

Updated by anonymous

Allow me to rearrange that a little:

Axelfox said:
i'm 33 and my mother won't allow me to use my credit card

Sir or ma'am, you clearly have a problem. Whatever means you or your mother have at your disposal would be better applied towards professional help. With any luck, your mother is trying to get you that help already.

Updated by anonymous

if he's 33 and lets his mother contorl his finances, im not sure his best judgemnt is good ಠ_ಠ

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
>my mother won't allow me to use my credit card
>yes i'm 33 years old

wait wuuuuuuuut

Reminds me of Principal Skinner from "The Simpsons".

"SKINNER! Go do my laundry!"
"Yes motherrr..."


Updated by anonymous

k. I call shenanigans now.

Can we get this troll out of here?

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
k. I call shenanigans now.

Can we get this troll out of here?

i really really REALLY hope it's a troll. ANYWAYS back to teh original topic. i remember my mother asking me why the hell i wore tails to school. when i explained to her she was all meh. now 6 years later in my 20s shes still meh

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
i wore tails to school.


Updated by anonymous

Ghosti said:

hey, i was a hadrcore furfag back then, i was also emo gay and weeabo fag. i've changed my ways to be less of an annoying fuck and am none of those now

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
i remember my mother asking me why the hell i wore tails to school.

I saw a guy maybe a couple months ago wearing a tail in a grocery store.

I don't get it, personally. It struck me as like wearing a belt with a big rainbow belt buckle on it. It's one thing to be furry or a fan, but why flaunt it?

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
I saw a guy maybe a couple months ago wearing a tail in a grocery store.

I don't get it, personally. It struck me as like wearing a belt with a big rainbow belt buckle on it. It's one thing to be furry or a fan, but why flaunt it?

back then i didn't get it, that and it was during high school. now i just put it on my laptop bag because honestly it looks cool on it, and it's still hilarious when people ask me if i got a cat in my bag.

Updated by anonymous

banana_milkshake said:
i really really REALLY hope it's a troll. ANYWAYS back to teh original topic. i remember my mother asking me why the hell i wore tails to school. when i explained to her she was all meh. now 6 years later in my 20s shes still meh

I'm no troll. I'm a former member of Gridwatch who used to patrol sandboxes and reported griefers and called on Gridwatch and the JLU for help.

Updated by anonymous

Axelfox said:
I'm no troll. I'm a former member of Gridwatch who used to patrol sandboxes and reported griefers and called on Gridwatch and the JLU for help.

post #104373


Updated by anonymous