Topic: Is it possible to block a user's comments?

Posted under General

Hi, there's a user named GreenBanana, and he's posted disparaging things on some of the comics that I like, and I was curious as to whether there was some setting I could turn on where I wouldn't have to see his nasty commentary anymore?

Updated by KloH0und

if you'd like I could make a much more annoying comment that makes his seem slight and irrelevant by comparison :3

Updated by anonymous

Go to your settings and set posts with a score less than 0 (zero) to be hidden.* When he makes a comment you don't like vote it down.

This has the side effect of blocking all comments with a negative rating, regardless of who voted it down.

*My Account->Settings->Comment Threshold

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Go to your settings and set posts with a score less than 0 (zero) to be hidden.* When he makes a comment you don't like vote it down.

This has the side effect of blocking all comments with a negative rating, regardless of who voted it down.

*My Account->Settings->Comment Threshold

Hmmm, I did try that, but it only works for so far.

Updated by anonymous

JustFrame said:
if you'd like I could make a much more annoying comment that makes his seem slight and irrelevant by comparison :3

While I appreciate the ... sacrifice... you're willing to make, errr... that service won't be necessary.

Updated by anonymous

Looking over GreenBanana's comments I'd say he's not saying anything particularly offensive (from my point of view), and he doesn't appear to have committed any bannable offenses.

If someone doesn't like something then they're entitled to their opinion. If they feel like being critical of a piece then they're allowed to do that, too.

A person can have an opinion opposite of your own. But you have to realize that their opinions, no matter how adamant, have no real effect on your own interpretation of a work.

Every other human being on the face of the Earth could decide that Tetris is the worst game of all time. I'd still play the hell out of it.

There will always be people who point out flaws in a work. You have to remember that nothing is perfect, and being exposed to imperfections isn't a bad thing. There are plenty of pieces of terrible art that I just love, and there are technically awesome pieces of art that I hate.

Of course, if someone insists their opinion is fact, or points out flaws that aren't there, then there's a problem. In that case, inform a mod and watch the banhammer fall. If there are any posts of GreenBanana's that you believe are out of line you should link to them here and have a moderator look at them.

Updated by anonymous

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