Topic: Thumbnails and Images Not Here

Posted under General

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I don't know if its been addressed, since I read on the Twitter Post that its up for now, but I can't see any Thumbnails, and I can't save images, or see them either. Just want to make sure it wasn't me.

Updated by Aurali

No no, I see no images as well. I'm just glad to finally see for absolute fact that the site is not going to die. ♥

Updated by anonymous

All the images are pointing to instead of where they are store at As soon as the site goes live the problem will most likely go away.

Updated by anonymous

PeanutButterEvil said:
All the images are pointing to instead of where they are store at As soon as the site goes live the problem will most likely go away.

Yeah I figured. But on the off chance that Comcast hates me, I wanted to be sure.

Updated by anonymous

PeanutButterEvil said:
All the images are pointing to instead of where they are store at As soon as the site goes live the problem will most likely go away.

Yeah I figured. But on the off chance that Comcast hates me, I wanted to be sure.

Updated by anonymous

Yeah, i'm having problems with some of the thumbnails as well.

Updated by anonymous

I'm having similar trouble, no thumbnails, images or anything. It's been like this for a few days now.

Updated by anonymous

If you're using Firefox, check your add-ons. I ran into a few that, for whatever reason, ended up blocking thumbnail images from e621 as well as several other image boards. The add-on that stands out the most in my memory was Illimitux. As soon as I got rid of I got my thumbnails back.

There has also been several other threads discussing the same problems where other fixes have been listed. The issue is most likely on the user's end, and not the site's.

Updated by anonymous

Hellacious said:
If you're using Firefox, check your add-ons. I ran into a few that, for whatever reason, ended up blocking thumbnail images from e621 as well as several other image boards. The add-on that stands out the most in my memory was Illimitux. As soon as I got rid of I got my thumbnails back.

There has also been several other threads discussing the same problems where other fixes have been listed. The issue is most likely on the user's end, and not the site's.

Turns out NoScript is playing silly buggers with me even though I put the entirety of e621 on the whitelist, so I've no idea what's going on there. For some reason it didn't occur to me to check my Firefox addons, so thanks for the assist.

Updated by anonymous

The site relies heavily on Javascript so if there was a problem with JS, it'd probably break a lot of things.

Updated by anonymous

Hey guys, I can't see any images or thumbnails and I checked Adblock plus if it was blocking them and it wasn't. I also cleared my cache. I vaguely remember accidentally pressing cntl+something which caused the pictures to stop loading entirely.

Updated by anonymous

Nevermind. I fixed it. I had somehow set Firefox to block images. I fixed it by right-clicking, choosing view page info, and going to permissions.

Updated by anonymous

hmm. If I so much as click on "poasts" it gives me a bug, in other words I cant look at any pics, I cant even search for them

Updated by anonymous

For crap's sake. can we change the header to "Yes, The site is broken. Please don't whine about it, because believe it or not, we ARE working on it."

Updated by anonymous

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