Topic: This post was deleted. Reason: post was not approved.

Posted under General

i deleted them because they had not been approved for 4 days, and we don't really need 3d/c.s.e. versions of a pic already here. e621 is not a dumping ground. and next time it happens, try messaging the mod that deleted it.

Updated by anonymous

> and we don't really need 3d/c.s.e. versions of a pic already here

These were child posts, so were hidden from the view, unless someone searches for them. So it's not like the pictures are shown to every innocent user of the site. I thought that's what child/parent relations are for; to make multiple versions available to those who want to see them and hidden from those who don't. :/

If you look at you'll notice that half the images posted have both 2D and 3D versions. I don't understand what makes pictures posted by me less eligible for being here. :(

And I don't understand how to contact mods properly. If I didn't save the links to the posts, I wouldn't even be able to view the reason why they were deleted (clicking link to deleted posts in my profile results in error: "You cannot search for deleted images"). And even when I see the reason, there's no link to the mod profile, just his/her name: "By: Riversyde". I don't see any way to search for users by name, so I could find their profile and send a private message to them.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
If you look at you'll notice that half the images posted have both 2D and 3D versions. I don't understand what makes pictures posted by me less eligible for being here. :(

It doesn't make what you post any less eligible, don't be stupid.

And I don't understand how to contact mods properly. If I didn't save the links to the posts, I wouldn't even be able to view the reason why they were deleted (clicking link to deleted posts in my profile results in error: "You cannot search for deleted images"). And even when I see the reason, there's no link to the mod profile, just his/her name: "By: Riversyde". I don't see any way to search for users by name, so I could find their profile and send a private message to them.

You can get to a user's profile with their username by going to

Updated by anonymous

It doesn't make what you post any less eligible, don't be stupid.

What's the difference between my post and posts of others with both 2D and 3D versions then? If theirs are allowed and mine is not, then there should be some kind of difference?

Sorry for pestering you, I really don't get it.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
What's the difference between my post and posts of others with both 2D and 3D versions then? If theirs are allowed and mine is not, then there should be some kind of difference?

There is a difference.
Yours wasn't approved :3

Updated by anonymous

Thank you very much for your clear and extensive explanation. It will greatly help me in the future to choose the best pictures to upload and to avoid them being deleted. I am at a loss of words to express my deep gratitude to you. I owe an unpayable debt to you.

Updated by anonymous

FeralBeast said:
Thank you very much for your clear and extensive explanation. It will greatly help me in the future to choose the best pictures to upload and to avoid them being deleted. I am at a loss of words to express my deep gratitude to you. I owe an unpayable debt to you.

Glad I could help!

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Riversyde said:
Glad I could help!

Riversyde, stop being a smart-ass and help the guy understand your reasoning. Frankly I'm not 100% sure that these should be deleted myself.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Riversyde, stop being a smart-ass and help the guy understand your reasoning. Frankly I'm not 100% sure that these should be deleted myself.

I deleted them because I didn't want to approve them, and they had been unapproved for over 3 days. That's my reasoning for all the other ones, too.

Updated by anonymous

Riversyde said:
I deleted them because I didn't want to approve them, and they had been unapproved for over 3 days. That's my reasoning for all the other ones, too.

Since I have been tackling most of the posts that are 3+ days old let me tell you what I do. First of all I don't even consider whether I personally like it or not. That doesn't matter. If it was a matter of personal taste I would be deleting most of the submissions anyway! (Kidding.)

If it's 3 days or older I will open the submission full size and evaluate it for technical quality, appropriate size, and skill of the artwork (This is tough but I'm pretty confident that I can tell the difference between a shitty MSpaint job and a sketch that some amateur put six hours into and considers it his best work to date). If it doesn't at least meet any of those expectations I will then delete it.

Don't get me wrong, there are a bazillion posts that have been 4-5 days unapproved before I looked at them and gave them a thumbs up. Not everything past the 3 day mark gets the axe.

Char's got final say anyway so if users think their post should be up even though it was deleted, appeal to the lizard.

Updated by anonymous

deadjackal said:
If it's 3 days or older I will open the submission full size and evaluate it for technical quality, appropriate size, and skill of the artwork (This is tough but I'm pretty confident that I can tell the difference between a shitty MSpaint job and a sketch that some amateur put six hours into and considers it his best work to date). If it doesn't at least meet any of those expectations I will then delete it.

Guess I'll start doing this then.

Updated by anonymous

I believe I have a similar issue. I'm trying to upload lots of Kisu's art because it's missing from our listing... and I keep hitting a snag when I try to upload this one picture. It says it already exists, but the post has been deleted.
Here's the post:
And here's the picture:

Why was this picture deleted?
Is there some way I can upload it again?
Thank you!

Updated by anonymous

Violet said:
I believe I have a similar issue. I'm trying to upload lots of Kisu's art because it's missing from our listing... and I keep hitting a snag when I try to upload this one picture. It says it already exists, but the post has been deleted.
Here's the post:
And here's the picture:

Why was this picture deleted?
Is there some way I can upload it again?
Thank you!

Not being able to upload already deleted art is a feature, not a bug. I don't know why it was deleted, though.

Updated by anonymous

Whilst we are on-topic about deleted images...

Is there ever going to be a fix where us users can go into our own profiles, and click on the "Deleted Images" link, and be able to see all the posts that we uploaded that got deleted?

I know before it was a glitch where you could snag the full image, but it there some way to change the image to just a 600x600 thumbnail or something after it gets deleted? Big enough to see what it was (so it won't accidentally get uploaded again, for people who forget what they upload), but in the same sense, not big enough to be suitable for re-posting.

Updated by anonymous

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