Topic: Kahmari deletion??

Posted under General

The DNP list, as I understand it, is only for the most.. uh... emphatic of the artists who request to be removed (sexyfur anyone?)... most artists just get their stuff deleted and move on.

I *believe* that all deleted submissions leave a footprint on the server to prevent the same art work from being submitted a second time.

Disclaimer - I'm jsut extrapolating from stuff I've read. I have no knowledge.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
The DNP list, as I understand it, is only for the most.. uh... emphatic of the artists who request to be removed (sexyfur anyone?)... most artists just get their stuff deleted and move on.

I *believe* that all deleted submissions leave a footprint on the server to prevent the same art work from being submitted a second time.

Disclaimer - I'm jsut extrapolating from stuff I've read. I have no knowledge.

Images have an MD5 code that prevents anything with the exact same hash from being re-uploaded. This isn't fool proof however; images that are edited in some form or another will not be caught and are treated as a new image.

Tony311, please correct me if I described that inaccurately.

Updated by anonymous

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