Topic: Is this a website?

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asdfbot said:
Is this a wwebsite? I haven't been able to figure out. help!

Fixed for more amusing placement of the double-letter typo.

Updated by anonymous

We only added it because we needed to get rid of the old news post, which was pretty large, and there's no way to remove news without adding more in its place. I've added such a functionality though, and will be available soon.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
If only there was some way to know for sure.

I looked it up and no its not

Updated by anonymous

asdfbot said:
Is this a website? I haven't been able to ffigure out. help!

Well its not a ford mustang, nor an apple... I dont think its a ghostly entity either... Perhaps a cult! ^_^

Updated by anonymous

No, it's a chicken. GOD. WHAT A STUPID QUESTION.

Updated by anonymous

Silly people. This is clearly a porn/furry site. Comparing the amount of sexual and furry pictures with pictures of spider webs and the like, we can easily see why this is not a "web site"

THIS could be considered a "web site"

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
Silly people. This is clearly a porn/furry site. Comparing the amount of sexual and furry pictures with pictures of spider webs and the like, we can easily see why this is not a "web site"

THIS could be considered a "web site"

i lol'd

Updated by anonymous

This isn't a website but a mass delusion; none of us are actually on a website, instead we're just typing on computers that aren't even on.

Hell, the 'computer' you're probably typing on right now is in fact a box with some junk thrown inside.

Welcome to...

The Twilight Zone.

Updated by anonymous

^ Someone give this person a trophy cause he just won! ^

Updated by anonymous

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