Topic: I need to say something.

Posted under General

I've been with you guys for at least 2 years. Too lazy to check how long. But in that time span, I've seen many furry image sites, but I haven't ermembered any of them but this one.

Maybe it's the comment section, or the friendly forums, or whatever it is. I just want to say that I love you guys. Come on, group hug. You all deserve it.


Updated by Percy101

Why the fuck are you touching me? Is the mistletoe up already?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff


I'm pretty sure that's my first time to ever use a file-extension meme.

Never again. :|

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
You dick, I have no arms >:U

Harlan Ellison's "Horror stories for children" presents: I have no arms and I must hug

Updated by anonymous

The thing I love about the site is the minimalism of it all. There are no avatars, no signatures, even the user pages are more of an administrative utility than a personal showcase.

I think that's awesome.

The entire site is designed to defer attention towards the art, not the people. Drama is made a fleeting and insignificant thing; everyone just faps and moves on.

Actini said:
You dick, I have no arms >:U

ACT: Retrieve arms from safe.

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
You dick, I have no arms >:U

A quick trip to the armory will fix that, I think. :P

Updated by anonymous

It appears Actini is being disarmingly candid. Perhaps someone should lend a hand?

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
It appears Actini is being disarmingly candid. Perhaps someone should lend a hand?

Two, and the arms to mount them on would be appreciated.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:

Oh no! They got Char! D:

All hope is lost.

Updated by anonymous

:33 said:

Aaawww, that's so sweet. I love this site too. Everyone is (for the most part) friendly and willing to help someone out, and I just love the sense of community stuff like you said :)
Love yah e6!!!

Updated by anonymous

Actini said:
Two, and the arms to mount them on would be appreciated.

Easy enough to do. One visit to the local second hand store later, and you'll be in the army now.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

e621 completed my conversion into a furry, no coming back. Thank you E621.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
I think we should support Actini in his right to bear arms.

What if he wants canine arms? Or feline? Or any other arms besides bears?

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
What if he wants canine arms? Or feline? Or any other arms besides bears?

Well, I don't have a problem with any of those, but the text specifically refers to bear arms.

Updated by anonymous

Snowy said:
Well, I don't have a problem with any of those, but the text specifically refers to bear arms.

Wait, so is RedOctober saying that i don't have rights to my tiger arms?

Updated by anonymous

too ... much... "comedy". humerous overloaded---- losing it...LOSING IT..! ... aww, my arm bone exploded... Looks like ill have to be brothers in arms with actini... wait?

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
I second this motion.

I think somebody just needs a hug!

Updated by anonymous

ALocalTiger said:
Wait, so is RedOctober saying that i don't have rights to my tiger arms?

No, but the constitution implies it. You better watch out, the feds might be on your tail. literally, standing on it.

Updated by anonymous

RedOctober said:
No, but the constitution implies it. You better watch out, the feds might be on your tail. literally, standing on it.

Good Ol' U S of A! Right?... No?... Eh.
Well at least we aren't persecuted for this shit.

Updated by anonymous

Furry_Fanatic said:
Good Ol' U S of A! Right?... No?... Eh.
Well at least we aren't persecuted for this shit.


Updated by anonymous

Furry_Fanatic said:
Good Ol' U S of A! Right?... No?... Eh.
Well at least we aren't persecuted for this shit.

Furries are persecuted a lot, or so the drama-mongers would like you to believe. :p Others would say furries aren't persecuted enough. :o

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
Furries are persecuted a lot, or so the drama-mongers would like you to believe. :p Others would say furries aren't persecuted enough. :o

I'd say that it should be the latter. Give us furries something to REALLY whine about. =P Whiny furfags.

Of course, it would probably help if furries wouldn't -also- troll other furries so much, and maybe if half of the high-end furry artists weren't total douches. (Not saying that they ALL are, but at least in my experience, it's a fair number of them.)

Updated by anonymous

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