Topic: Dreams and or Nightmares

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Have you ever had a dream that was so amazing that you wanted to tell everyone or a nightmare that was so scary that it had you worried for the better part of the day the sad part was you couldn't tell anyone for fear of being judged or labeled then post them here, and if you have any questions what so ever just ask, and please be serious about this some of you have no idea the impact some dream and nightmares have for others.

Updated by IvoryWolf

Thread is valid! I happen to get crazy dreams all the time. Like last night for example!

Been watching a lot of 'A game of thrones' recently. Had this dream I was thane of king's landing, except it was actually some shitty suburban town with a lot of overgrowth.
It was a dark night and I'd lost some massive dog. I wanted to go out looking for it but everyone was insisting on locking up for the night because of some terrible approaching danger. eventually I saw some enormous glowing pink cloud creeping over the horizon, sending out luminescent shock waves across the sky. I turned to run from it, but then I saw another from the opposite horizon, also pulsing out pink shock waves.
where the shock waves met, great white flashes of light occurred. I headed back to the shitty town, only to find the 'king' and a few other guys ushering me into a very beat-up looking car. I asked him where we were going but he didn't give a clear answer. So I jumped in the passenger side and we rode off into the night (crashing through several peoples back lawns as we went).
I noticed we were heading towards one of the pink clouds and many of the passengers in the back started crying out in fear. the pink glow soon came to be very bright till it was all around us. once we were close enough we could see that the cloud wasn't a cloud, but some kind of floating city. there were buildings, statues, structures and people all made of this strange whispy pink stuff.
A ghostly pink horse started to ride up along side our car, but it's rider was completely skeletal and was covered in dark red armour plating of some kind. he looked like he was made of denser stuff than the buildings and was threatening us with a large scythe (grim reaper style).
After a little negotiation we were brought into the city. The cloud people (not all of whom were skeletal) were a very technologically advanced people. the shock waves that spread across the sky was actually fleets of their ships, colliding with another city like their own. They were at war. They spoke down to us a lot, saying "you probably don't even know what a computer is!"
I woke up soon after. I don't really extrapolate any meaning from that, but those kinda dreams aren't that uncommon for me.

Updated by anonymous

I had a dream! I dreamed I was wearing a robe made entirely of hot dogs.

Updated by anonymous

I had a dream where I was in the middle being banged by a Dragon and an Anthro Spider :)

Updated by anonymous

I always have dreams where I'm being horribly murdered.

Either that or I dream about riding unicorns made out of malted milk while a fish flying alongside sings 'Friday' off-key.

Updated by anonymous

I don't really dream much, it's disappointing. My mate, being an artist, is highly visual and imaginative and thus has vivid dreams. I just want some nice, furry dreams of being my fursona, or sexual dreams, or even of just being together with my mate. Though I do somewhat dream, I guess it's only when I'm already semi-conscious, when I deny to myself the fact that I'm awake, and continue to lie in bed.

Updated by anonymous

Last night, I dreamt that I was a dorm refrigerator.

Updated by anonymous

I've been having really mundane dreams recently.

Last night I dreamed I went to Costco and bought some groceries. I think I saw Snoop Dogg in the checkout line.

It was semi-lucid or something. Once I saw Snoop Dogg I realized that I was dreaming.

So I waited in line for another minute before waking up.

Updated by anonymous

I remember a dream where I was an Anthro Husky (Even when my fursona is a Fox), and some of my friends were anthro furries too, everything didn't make any sense, I can't remember much, but slides and parks, when I woke up, I was like "...Okay"

I liked the dream to be honest, just the fact that it got weird at the end leaved me with wonders.

Updated by anonymous

Alright, fine, I'll bite.

When I dream, I tend to remember my dreams quite vividly. I've trained myself to become a lucid dreamer, so usually when I dream, I become aware that I'm dreaming. This is almost always because I realize that I'm in a geographically impossible location, hundreds of miles from where I should be, but another tell that I recognize often is a disoriented feeling. When I don't become aware that I'm dreaming, it's usually because the dream itself was short or was interrupted by something.

I often feel disoriented while dreaming. I often have common superpowers, such as flight or strength, but they usually decay over the course of any given dream. Once I become lucid, I usually turn to sex, but it never works out because I wake up before carrying out any kind of act. I'll often have plenty of time to select a figure from my dream to interact with, but once I've made my decision I get too excited and wake up.

In the earliest dream I can remember, I was formless, looking down from above a small maze of bookshelves. Feral mice, dressed in simple robes, were wandering between the bookshelves on all fours, searching for books.

I was only 4 years old then, so I guess my furry inclinations run very deep.

The most disturbing dream I can remember wasn't that long ago, perhaps a year now. It was a starless, moonless night in that dream. Thunderclaps mixed with blinding flashes, and a downpour soaked everything in water. My breaths came in large, fast heaves, and I ran up a cobblestone road towards my medieval family home. It was in the outskirts, either built into or built very near a large, heavily knotted tree which towered in shadow over my two-story thatched-roof dwelling. My house shimmered in the pouring rain as I approached. I flung open the door too late, just in time to see a black jellybean, as large as a 50lb sack of potatoes and coated in tar, sinking razor teeth into my daughter as she was pulled into its gaping maw, feet first. She sobbed, "I can't fix it. I can't fix it."

I was afraid to fall asleep for a week. In reality I have no children. Honestly, simply recalling it leaves me trembling somewhat in fear that might recur.

I have plenty of other vivid dreams I could share. In one of the more unusual ones, it was the middle of a great war between men and women, set in some kind of post-apocalyptic setting. I was storming up a rusted iron staircase with a squad of soldiers, part of a raid against a woman stronghold. The stairway was tightly curved, and our powered exo-skeletal combat armor was surprisingly quiet for being some kind of ceramic alloy. We wanted the element of surprise. The several men in front of me positioned themselves on either side of a metal double-door, and without hesitation or pause I threw my shoulder into it. I broke through and was immediately surrounded by white light and I found myself in a hall of mirrors. Behind me, the door had vanished. It had been a trap, but I was the only one caught in it. I looked around for a way out, but found none. So I charged forward, accepting that I was probably going to die. Then I woke up.

Updated by anonymous

Dreams have always been strange for me. I've gotten very good at lucid dreaming, so I usually know I'm asleep and always use this to manipulate the way they transpire, the most enjoyable aspects being flight, telekinesis, and sometimes teleportation. It's weird though, as certain principals and rule sets always seem to apply, such as if I fly too high up, the ability fades and I fall straight to the ground like a rock. And telekinesis often takes several attempts to do correctly until after several uses in the same dream sequence, and it never seems to work on large objects unless I'm in an emergency situation. Teleportation only works once in a blue moon. I also seem to instinctively run on all fours when I need to get somewhere fast (this has occurred since looong before I knew about furry).

Lately I've been having a recurring dream event where I'm chewing gum and no matter how much I try to pull it out of my mouth, more and more builds up to the point where I can't talk.

Updated by anonymous

I hate dreams, they are pretty much work. I go to sleep to relax, and then next thing I know, I have to build a go-kart with my ex landlord.

Updated by anonymous

When I dream I'm either stalking in the zone or playing video games, what's the point of dreaming when I just do what I do when I'm awake? Or I dream Ive been lobster banned until 10/2/15699

Updated by anonymous

Most of my dreams are inter-connected or continuations of other dreams. The majority of the rest is like I'm filing away data, literally sifting through the things I heard that day. Sometimes, after a gaming binge, I'll dream of playing a game, I really hate those dreams.

Updated by anonymous

pingpong101 said:
I hate dreams, they are pretty much work. I go to sleep to relax, and then next thing I know, I have to build a go-kart with my ex landlord.

On a traffic light, green means go and yellow means yield, but on a banana, it's just the opposite. Green means hold on. Yellow means go ahead. And red means, where the fuck did you get that banana at?

Updated by anonymous

Mechaniatrix said:
On a traffic light, green means go and yellow means yield, but on a banana, it's just the opposite. Green means hold on. Yellow means go ahead. And red means, where the fuck did you get that banana at?

Ha, I was hoping someone would get it. Banana fact, the more bananas you eat before bed, the more vivid your dreams become. If you are prone to nightmares however, I would not suggest trying it. (personal experience speaking) Usually 3 works pretty well.

Updated by anonymous

Fortunately, I hate bananas.

I dream of many things, from somehow jamming myself into some pre-existing story (movies, books, TV, what have you) to wandering around the neighborhood, except the neighborhood's layout is nothing like my real one. I remember self-inserting myself into The Wizard of Oz as a giant who wanted to see the Wizard because he wanted friends. A few times, I had some attempts at nightmares in which some creature (like a snake) tries to scare me by thinking it's going to harm me only to fail when I harm or kill it instead.

As a more detailed example, just a couple mornings ago, I dreamt I was a Pony. Yes, one of those Ponies, even though I have never seen any incarnation of the TV shows. I was a well-mannered Pony who lived and usually worked in what appeared to be a well-cluttered storeroom of antiques, junk, and stuff. I got to derail a grumpy neighbor Pony's yelling at me by being polite to her, somehow got my hooves on one of Princess Luna's talking blankets that was worried the Princess would revert to being Nightmare Moon if she didn't get friends, and was hired by Princess Celestia to go (by somehow flying Pokémon-style as I had a tight schedule) to a remote mansion abandoned for years to hunt up some candy she wanted. I didn't know what it looked like though, but that didn't matter when I found a cookbook my mother had left behind years ago which I realized was my real goal. I was then "rescued" by a bunch of pegasi so I could get back home in time for Celestia to "casually" mention the recipe for the "Celestia-Luna Cake" in the book was a big favorite for the Princesses. That turned out to be fortunate as I was to host a tea party in my junk room "home" with Luna the following day. (There was explicitly to be no sex, you perverts. ;p That was a constant reminder in the dream.) So now I've got a "legitimate" Pony persona rather than the gag one I was noodling around with as a thought experiment. :\

I blame you, e621. Just think how much worse it would have been had I been an actual brony. :p

Updated by anonymous

Aside from my close friends and family, I don't generally tell others about my dreams unless they ask.

There are four in particular that are very memorable to me and/or affected greatly affected me mentally.
In chronological order, from oldest to newest (paraphrasing):

1. I was an X-wing pilot in the same squadron as Luke, and we were attacking a star destroyer.
2. I was trapped in a jail cell on a space pirate frigate. I became lucid, materialized a suit similar to Samus', burnt through the solid metal door with a super powerful plasma beam, and proceeded to wipe out the pirates on board. Some of the areas were dark, so I created a visor (think I called it the "bio-visor") which allowed me to distinguish between living and non-living objects (they showed up as green and red respectively).
3. sex as a female, with a hot guy, in a semi-public setting (it felt really amazing by the way)
4. I shape-shifted into a raven and flew through a forest

I don't get nightmares too often anymore, but the type that I do get really creep me out. Basically I'm trapped in purgatory. I'm told I can't leave. Really unsettling things happen often. Sometimes I can see heaven above and/or hell below. When I wake up after those I often wonder if I'm really still alive.

Updated by anonymous

Jay-L-C said:
Have you ever had a dream that was so amazing that you wanted to tell everyone or a nightmare that was so scary that it had you worried for the better part of the day the sad part was you couldn't tell anyone for fear of being judged or labeled then post them here, and if you have any questions what so ever just ask, and please be serious about this some of you have no idea the impact some dream and nightmares have for others.

I've grown up to homisidal nightmare so I'm preet much used to death :/

Updated by anonymous

For some reason I've been beating people to death in my dreams lately.

Updated by anonymous

one time, I had a dream about discord being the first changeling.

Updated by anonymous

Furry_Fanatic said:
I can't remember my dreams. :(

Welcome to my world!

the last dream I had that I can remember with any sort of accuracy was... several years ago. I had some distant cousin who was a panda furry. And she had a bit of a thing for me... and I guess me for her, too.

I miss Panda Star.

Updated by anonymous

Ive got a super vivid imagination and used to dream all the time, fun crZy dreams, cool bazaar dreams, terrifying and horrific dreams... It was amazing the things my subconcious would produce. But after my teenage attack there was almost a year of nightmares based off the event... And then I just stopped dreaming. Occationally ill have a random occurance where ill have a moment of dreamstate but its sparatic and never makes sense...

I miss dreaming the good ol' dreams I used to have... It was my own little world and now that world is lost from me.

Updated by anonymous

I only remember this dream because I had written it down in my Notes App when I woke up:

Horrific School Bus-Train
(Plus a talking kitten who loves water)

I was walking down a dark and stormy road in the middle of a dry, gray desert, where there was orange and blue fire spreading from an old broken gothic lantern. Grass and vegetation grew along the road’s edges, but was being scorched by the flames as a downpour of rain did nothing to extinguish the fire. I looked to the side of the road and saw a talking tabby kitten, who was enjoying itself, saying “Warm water! Warm water! The fire’s just warming the water!” It kept saying this on repeat, playing in the warm puddles gathering on the side of the road, which had become mildly heated by the flames. I checked with my hand, and noticed the puddles really were warm. I kept walking until I reached an eccentric school in the distance, where children, teenagers and adults all came to learn. However, this place was total chaos, having no social order, and nobody to legitimately teach a full, cooperative class of students. It was like the whole place was only ran by students, with no teachers.

A woman in her late thirties told me about a large group of kids who were in a forest, and were apparently acting strangely, so I ended up wandering off into the woods. When I walked far enough, I found an abandoned yellow train-bus (like a mechanical hybrid). It’s wheels were submerged into the ground, and was tilted sideways by slightly sinking into the soft dirt. I looked inside and saw something horrifying. So many children were inside this abandoned bus-train, each in terrible condition. As I entered, I saw that kids of every age were working on a page of homework. They were endlessly mumbling about getting their work done before doing anything else. At least those who were alive were. There was a little girl with brown hair, just dead, laying face-first over the floor, like she’d been there for Weeks. Her face wasn’t visible, but there was an effluence of transparent red blood leaking from it, and onto the floor. Some kids were just sitting there, dead, with brownly rotted pages of schoolwork flat on their laps.

Their bodies were colorless, and the ones who were alive seemed like they were on their way to the same fate. I ended up saving what seemed to be a physically disabled three Year old. He was a social little kid, but was also hellbent on getting his homework done, like everyone else. This badly worried me, so I offered to carry him out. I noticed these kids were going insane, so I lied to him and promised if he let me carry him out, I would do all of his schoolwork for him. I said “Hey, if you let me lift you out, I’ll do all that stuff you got there.” He agreed reluctantly after I promised twice. It was strange, because he seemed to be the most happy out of everyone else, even before I carried him out. I remember the dream fading away as I walked off with him somewhere, hoping to find a place that could help him. That’s when my dream ended.

furry_fanatic said:
I can't remember my dreams. :(

That is because there is a neutral defense mechanism that make you forget what you dream, very soon after you awake, specially if your dream have some potential psychological impact that would make you start bad your day.

But if you set the goal of remember and recapitulate, as soon as you awake, you will remember much more.

You can train yourself to remember your dreams by journaling them as soon as you wake up. Write them down backwards from the end of the dream towards the beginning. You'll slowly remember more and more of them. This is also the first step to teaching yourself lucid dreaming.

As an adult I don't consider nightmares to be nightmares anymore. They're training scenarios to increase my survival chances. That mindset can reduce the stress from them. Add in a little lucid dreaming skill and you can replay them over and over, nudging them in different directions like a choose your own adventure story with respawn. At least sometimes I'm able to do that. It can be fun despite being a nightmare and me not liking horror movies.

I had a dream where a giant white worm was destroying the town and when I tried to run away it stung me with its teeth injecting me with millions of microscopic tiny white worms which started to eat my body from the inside out and the only way to save my life was to inject tiny microscopic cavemen from conkers bad fur day into my blood stream to fight against them. while they were fighting the worms I was up on stage singing new york new york in front of an audience of nameless disney background characters.

During my depression almost all my dreams had a theme. I was always searching for something, usually on cruise ships. Which pretty much mirrored my normal day, i was going through therapy and was searching for a job.

As someone who recently watched Shrek, I have to admit that I had a rather unsettling experience after falling asleep. While the movie itself was entertaining and had some comedic moments, it also had some darker and more unsettling themes that seemed to linger in my mind.

During my nightmare, I found myself in a dark and creepy forest, surrounded by strange and twisted creatures. I felt lost and alone, with an overwhelming sense of unease and dread. Suddenly, I heard a loud roar, and saw the green, ogre-like figure of Shrek emerge from the shadows. While he initially seemed friendly, his appearance was still intimidating, and I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that I had when I first saw him in the movie.

The nightmare continued on, with Shrek taking on a more sinister and aggressive tone, chasing me through the forest and taunting me with his deep, gravelly voice. When I finally woke up, I was left feeling shaken and disturbed.

While I enjoyed Shrek as a movie, I have to admit that it did leave a lasting impression on me, even after I had gone to bed. The vivid and unsettling imagery, combined with the dark themes and tone, seemed to have a real impact on my subconscious, and I found myself struggling to shake off the lingering feelings of unease and dread.

I'm a huge horror fan, so as disturbing as this dream might sound, I actually really enjoyed it.

Most of my dreams aren't from my perspective. Instead it's like watching a movie. In this case it was literal because I remember the context of the events being going to a midnight showing of a horror movie that blew up on tik tok with my friends. Basically, the first half of this movie was a paranormal activity ripoff, and the second was like an average zombie/plague disaster film combined with elements of Lovecraft. In other words, exactly my type of movie.

My memories of specific events are clouded, but this is most of what I remember.

There's a family moving into a new house. A man, a woman, and their son and daughter. There's also two family friends, and some miscellaneous gore fodder. The parents and family friend find out the house is a channel for eldrich horrors to enter our world, and to protect the kids, vow to never talk about it. Knowledge of the monsters gives them power in this universe. As they try to ignore the influence the monster have over them, one succumbs to the corruption and "assaults" the daughter. The father freaks the fuck out after he finds out, and the other family friend starts trying to kill the grapist friend, succumbing to his corruption in that way. All the while, the mother was employing more and more people to try and stop the monsters, against the father's wishes. The only "helper" scene I remember is a priest getting turned into an ectoplasmic goop by a monster, then getting his still screaming face splattered against the wall. He possesses the camera that shoots this event, and his face is burnt into the sensor, being visible from that camera's view for the rest of the movie. A friend of the son also gets killed, this time by a monster that lives under his bed, we only see its large black claws, this will come back later. That was the first half.

Second half is the disaster movie. The grapist friend spread the word of the monsters wherever he could, meanwhile the other friend is trying to learn as much about the gods as he can to try and stop them, both of which giving power to the gods in one way or another. The parents go to the hospital because of the sons injuries from the bed monster and the daughter's injuries from the friend's assault. This hospital is somehow also a converted doomsday bunker... and a No Frills grocery store... and a costco.... This is gonna get weird.

The rest of the dream is set in the hospital, except for the very ending. The family ends up tracking some "god spore" shit into the bunker which starts to infect everyone, causing them to start a cult that worships the gods. The mother ends up eating some of the spores, causing her to become pregnant with the reincarnated body of one of the gods. At this point I forget a lot of what happens, but time passes, every woman on the compound is pregnant with an elder god and every guy in the compound is going all "in the mouth of madness". Except for the kids. The parents regain enough of their sanity to push the kids outside and into the car, but the kids can't stand the idea of leaving their parents. They think there's still a chance to save them because they haven't fully went nuts yet. So the parents are in the back of the car, and the kids are trying to teach each other how to drive. The mother starts screaming, assumedly going into labour, and the black hand from under the bed starts to creep up from the back of the drivers seat, eventually covering the son's mouth. On the other side, the daughter starts to dissolve into those god spore things. The son is forced to inhale the god spores through his nose, and he quickly goes insane. The "movie" ends with the parents and the kid laughing maniacally, while a single tear drops down the son's face.

Anyways, best movie I've ever seen, 11/10 would watch again. Too bad it literally came to me in a dream and I physically can't. I honestly wish we had dream viewing tech already strictly because of this dream. I think with some edits, this movie could be really fucking good. But I'm no film maker, I'm a programmer...

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