Topic: How to create a pool

Posted under General

Hay I am new to this topic and I would like some help on how to create a new image pool


Go to "Pools" and then click "New". Give it a title and description and go to the images you uploaded and press "Add to pool"

Updated by anonymous

If you see an post that should be in a pool like a comic, an easy way is to edit tags > pool:name_of_pool/comic

Updated by anonymous

After looking it up, it actually seems pretty complicated. First you need a permit from your local authorities. Then you need to dig out the area, put in some wall supports, begin the plumbing work (ideally from a professional), install the light niche, pour the concrete collar, backfill the areas around the pool, install the coping track that holds liner in place, install the concrete or sand on the floors and the slopes, install the pump and the filter, clean the pool and install the gaskets, hang the liner in place, fill the pool and finally cut out the fittings.

it takes time, and at least a few thousand bucks, but how many people can say made their own pool?

Updated by anonymous

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