Posted under General

All webmasters and interested parties here on e621; I call on your attention. We want to offer you resources that can help benefit and bind the community.

My business partner and I want to help you prolong a site with as much promise as e621 has. I have seen your plight with extremely high hosting and bandwidth costs, and can relate to them wholeheartedly; as we've had such difficulties in past times. We know of the problem of users blocking advertising and limiting the ability for free sites like e621 to maintain the income to keep up their hosting bills.

We applaud your determination, and your faith in your new ad system, and also admire your trust in the userbase, that they will keep their word and not block these ads completely. Perhaps the scare of e621's shutdown will aid this cause for some time. However, as much as I regret my natural cynicism, I suspect a more dependable plan must be set in place to ensure e621 doesn't disappear into obscurity. I am sure there exist many genuinely good people here whose hopes and efforts are devoted to the community, and will stick to their word. However we owe it to the community at large to ensure the worst cannot happen.

We can solve the problems at hand, with resources we already have, and without costing anyone else a single penny. We have the ability to provide hosting for e621 and any space or bandwidth it needs now and in the future. We can also ensure the site's longevity via an unobtrusive advertising system even lower-profile than the one currently in use. We are able to generate ad revenue without harassing the visitors, even circumventing browser extensions that prevent most sites from being able to display advertising.

We hope you'll be as interested in working with us as we are in working with you!

Please contact us at [email protected] if this proposal excites you as much as it does us.

Updated by bilwis

I'm sorry if it offends you, but it's unbelievable

Random anonymous internet person (no contact details, even google profile is empty), which wants to give away huge amount of resources for free. Sounds like devil (seriously?), scam, troll or that fat pedophile Santa.

Updated by anonymous

I know a lot of people are untrusting, like Dendrite said, the internet makes people cynical. But sometimes people do genuinely want to help. Partnerships help strengthen sites like this one, so they don't fade away due to unfortunate circumstances.

As for no Google profile? I've never made one before. Generally I set up profiles on individual forums.

Updated by anonymous

Diode is right. I've been using GMail for several years, and I did not even know such a thing as a "google profile" existed. I'm one of those people who will tell you about me when you ask, but I do not waste my time writing it on the wall.

If you are all curious about us, you need only ask us questions. We've nothing to hide, and no reason to lie to you. What do you want to know?

Updated by anonymous

Professor_Dendrite said:
Diode is right. I've been using GMail for several years, and I did not even know such a thing as a "google profile" existed. I'm one of those people who will tell you about me when you ask, but I do not waste my time writing it on the wall.

Why are you posting about this in a public forum as an outsider, with a classicly styled spam-email all-caps subject line, if you're not trying to sell something?

The Danbooru development community is a significant size and is packed with talented programmers and internet-savvy administrators. Not that there's no more room for improvement, but I'm pretty sure if there were valuable resources out there or different network-optimizing approaches out there that worked/were trustworthy, they would have already been tried by somebody within the development community and passed along to benefit sister websites.

Updated by anonymous

The team you spoke to weren't talking about optimization. They were offering you free hosting using resources they have available and don't need the full utilization of. After the outburst of cynicism I doubt they'll offer such a service again, at least not to this community.

Good luck in the future. If you change your mind you know who to talk to.

Updated by anonymous

FuzzyDiodes said:
If you change your mind you know who to talk to.


Ah, nevermind. No one of admins had replied here, so you can just ignore our posts

Updated by anonymous

FuzzyDiodes said:
The team you spoke to weren't talking about optimization. They were offering you free hosting using resources they have available and don't need the full utilization of. After the outburst of cynicism I doubt they'll offer such a service again, at least not to this community.

Good luck in the future. If you change your mind you know who to talk to.

Actually, no - we don't know. These posts have been incredibly vague. Where's the beef?[1] So far all anyone knows is that you can provide some "unobtrusive advertising system" that can "circumvent browser extensions that prevent...advertising" (which on its face sounds like a contradiction). We don't have any idea what this system actually is or does. You haven't specified how you have come across "resources" that you "don't need the full utilization of", to the point of not even clear about whether you're offering development and/or server and/or bandwidth and/or business resources. (And you're still not clear, other than it's not development apparently.) We don't know whether you're a startup or an established business or an official business at all, and you haven't provided examples or references. We still don't even have any legal or moral assurances, despite the concerns already raised. And being all ominous about e621's demise and expendibility is irrelevant, hostile, and not professional.

[1] If you're not familiar with the phrase:

Updated by anonymous

I know, my business partner was overzealous and did not appreciate how cynical people on the net are. In the future I don't see myself making the effort to please people again. Congratulations on being part of the problem, and I hope someday you improve.

We were offering free hosting and to pay for said hosting to keep the site online. I'm quite familiar with the phrase you brought up, in an attempt to feign superiority, since I wasn't born in 2009. There's nothing nebulous about it but I'd rather discuss this with a real businessman than random-forum members. If you're not willing to accept goddamn charity, OK. I will contact the e621 admins. But realize that this is the scenario where looking a gift horse in the mouth makes the gift horse trot away at a mere 320 km/h.

Godspeed. Enjoy being unappreciative and remind me not to stick my neck out for anyone again.

Said admins can find me in the future by the means previously posted. Thanks.

If any of you people think me or have the sense to pursue a viable investment of inteest.. please go ahead, I want to help you. I like helping people. That's all the appreciation I want. Thanks!

--Fuzzy Diodes

Updated by anonymous

In address to one thing you all brought up in an attempt to counterfeit a sense of intelligence and aloofness, of course I didn't explain HOW the ad defender works or how it's designed. What you think I'm just going to give away the specs on things I invent so you can go make it yourself, and benefit from my hard work while I get the shaft?

Give me a break. Don't assume I'm a retard just because forums attract said lifeforms, capisce?

Updated by anonymous

Mellis said:

Go away.; expires: 2037-05-22

Updated by anonymous

with -no- offense to all parties...
everything they said a good grifter would say.
even the cold burn, "last chance offer" oh maybe shelbyville would like a monorail? , that was sooo weird. i am going to have to read this topic like 5 more times to study word use on weaker minds. guess these where not the droids we where looking for? big words funny.

Updated by anonymous

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