Topic: A question

Posted under General

Would it be fine if I kept posting my renders? Asking because there seems to be a confusion, there's nothing that says I can't post my own art.

So...we good?

Updated by vic34677

If they're of the same quality as the last two, they'd likely get deleted.

Updated by anonymous

What kind of quality, exactly?

I render them huge so there's no pixel problems.

Updated by anonymous

Eh, I've heard worse...but I thought this site was for art of all kind of furry.

So now I'm confused, cause I've seen worse than my stuff.

BUT, the good news is that FA is coming back on Monday so the site won't overload as often.

Updated by anonymous


Arcturus said:
It's just not very good art, I'm sorry.

Double post, sorry.

Maybe I can show you what I can do when I got my game face on?

They look alot better than the half-assed ones.
It took 2 hours, but I'm willing to show you anyway

Updated by anonymous

noob1444 said:
Maybe I can show you what I can do when I got my game face on?

It's probably easier to just upload it and see what happens. But be prepared that someone might delete it.

Updated by anonymous

is that what happens? so you can dele other peoples art? wow id never do that. that well for lack of a better term mean. one mans art is another mans toilet paper. i post my stuff and bam its gone in like a hour so there's someone on here thats realy gots a problem with my art?

anyway i didn't know that could happen

Updated by anonymous

vic34677 said:
is that what happens? so you can dele other peoples art? wow id never do that. that well for lack of a better term mean. one mans art is another mans toilet paper. i post my stuff and bam its gone in like a hour so there's someone on here thats realy gots a problem with my art?

anyway i didn't know that could happen

Only admins and moderators can do that.

Updated by anonymous

so that mean that there is a mod or mods that won't let people judge if it good art? so if they don't like it they delete it. i realy hope that not the case i'd never get rid of art i don't like . i hate that nasty nezumi stuff and was told not to look at it. so i give the same advice to the deleters. if you don't like it don't look! deleting someones art because it's quote not very good art is wrong dumb and kind of stuckup. thats my rant im done

im a graphic artist for a living and i see stuff all day that stinks in my eye but hey you can't like everything

Updated by anonymous

This website is more like a museum than a private art gallery. It isn't like DeviantArt or FurAffinity, where people show whatever they want in their own private galleries.

It's more like a museum, and like a museum, there is a quality standard. Real life graphic artist or not, your art won't be allowed in a museum unless it is considered high quality by the museum's standards.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
This website is more like a museum than a private art gallery. It isn't like DeviantArt or FurAffinity, where people show whatever they want in their own private galleries.

It's more like a museum, and like a museum, there is a quality standard. Real life graphic artist or not, your art won't be allowed in a museum unless it is considered high quality by the museum's standards.

i see o well thus is life. i post myself to a watcher of this art and judge instead of a posting just don't get mad if i say i don't like something you can't have it both ways !

also with respect who are you to judge the level of my art work? not a slam just a question on your skills .

Updated by anonymous

Our moderation team is pretty good at spotting what is good and what is not.

And your stuff, sadly, doesn't cut the mustard. It's just.. poor. It's something pretty much anyone with a few hours and a copy of Poser could throw out.

Updated by anonymous

Arcturus said:
Our moderation team is pretty good at spotting what is good and what is not.

And your stuff, sadly, doesn't cut the mustard. It's just.. poor. It's something pretty much anyone with a few hours and a copy of Poser could throw out.

so then post as a sticky no poser pics becuse the kystal pics that everyone post up are poser pics to the model is free and very old . so you saying if i post one of my drawings witch i rather do anyway you guys will let is stand? the only problem with posting drawings are that people steal them! i have had tattoo's i've drawn for people stolen and posted online so im kind of slow to post anything like that. at lease remove the two pics of mine that someone else posted. that is the main problemi have and can not understand. the two 3d pics i did not post that are two quickys that yes straight poser models without even changing there morphs stay up. but the ones were i had to make other heads and body fit two or three models to make one don't stay... thats what realy is egging me and the fact there mod contact place anywere. im no many car forums and there you can contact the mods with quetions..... that whats realy getting my goat because realy i don't care anyone thinks of may art or talent, that not why i do. but just want not to be singled out when there's pretty much the same thing being done every day by others is not realy right im done.

Updated by anonymous

If you post a drawing and if it's good, then it will likely stay, yes.

As others have said.. whether or not you care about what others thing isn't the point. This isn't photobucket. This is not a dump for every last thing on the internet.

e621 is for things that are good, or cute, or funny or just downright terrifying (Looking at you, nezumi. agh.).

Updated by anonymous

Oh, also, there's a contact link RIGHT on the front page.

Updated by anonymous

Right, I really have to ask you now, Arcturus....

Was it worse than the Chris Sowden stuff? :> Seriously, I can look at his works of art without laughing. It's bad of me, I know. (IE. post #21443)

Updated by anonymous

Karlos said:
(IE. post #21443)

I think that falls under the Rule of Funny.

At least, it's definitely unintentionally hilarious.

Updated by anonymous

ok??? well he tryed... well look me up vic34677 if there still there and the one i posted i think were alot better then those ones they were quickys. but if he dosen't like me or my art thats cool. im ok with that but just lived to long to put up with onesided judgent (<---spelled wrong)

Updated by anonymous

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