Topic: Do women who love to have sex with shy-type men exist in reality, like in some art?

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For typical women, women like men who are confident, maybe cocky, etc etc, preferably an alpha-male; not a submissive guy. They want leaders. (at least from what I've been told)

And the general expectation during sex is that the guy takes the dominant role.

That's how life works.

But what about a different scenario? portrayed similarly in some anime, and furry porn, etc.
An open-minded, sexually-liberated, promiscuous, female whom isn't afraid to take the initiative, and, instead of always going for the alpha-male guys, more times then not, they prefer to go to the nice/shy guys, sex 'em, arent afraid 2 guide them during so, more are willing to help, playful, etc

short description:
woman nympho who dont like assfuck alpha-males, perfer non-itiative/shy guys

example furry characters:

The question is:
Do such people exist? Or is this just pure fantasy expressed through anime & fur art?

Discuss. =)

Updated by Mantikor

All I can say is, they exist.

Where? I don't know.

What do I know? Nothing.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

q2fray said:
An open-minded, sexually-liberated, promiscuous, female [...] woman nympho

That's called a slut, and they exist. Enjoy your infidelities.

Or you can gather your courage and find a normal woman who have flaws that you will accept, and who will accept yours.

Alternatively : live your life alone like me.

Hellacious said:
There are 6.8 billion people on the planet. Over half of them are women. Women with different needs, tastes and desires. There are plenty of them that are attracted to the tentative quiet boys you describe.

Pretty much this.
One thing i concluded from my contemplation so far : the most successful and long-lasting couple are those with the most opposing tempers.

Updated by anonymous

Does it count if I'm a lesbian attracted to shy tentative quiet submissive bois?

No? Fiddlesticks. If you aren't a cute crossdresser (either an effeminate male or masculine female), I'm probably not interested in you.

Hellacious said:
Not one of them looks like[/quote]
There's not a human alive who looks like that.

Meh. IMO, men are too obsessed with appearances. Okay fine, yay porn, you want super hot people to masturbate to. But when real life calls, ya want someone who has an awesome personality that you get along with, not a person who has a super hot body.

Updated by anonymous

Marbles said:
Meh. IMO, men are too obsessed with appearances. Okay fine, yay porn, you want super hot people to masturbate to. But when real life calls, ya want someone who has an awesome personality that you get along with, not a person who has a super hot body.

True, true, and true. Though, appearances still DO matter to at least some degree. Sure, one might start dating and begin to truly love through personality... but from the start, EVERYBODY looks at appearances, and not just men. A woman is more likely to try and flirt and/or "get to know" a guy that satisfies their demand in terms of visual appearance, similarly to how a guy would do. That's how things typically go, unless the person in question has NO interest in looks whatsoever(pfff riiiight).

Put simply, if you wanna be a more likely target for girls to be interested in, then minimize any acne you might have, brush your teeth often(seriously, bad breath is a turn-off), and stay at least somewhat in-shape. You don't have to be a hulking bodybuilder or even an athlete, just have a somewhat "normal" body type.

This, of course, might help you MEET women(For any girls listening, this applies to you meeting guys, as well), but in the end, whether or not you "reel them in" depends on your personality and whether or not they like that kind of personality. Good luck.

Updated by anonymous

Burninghart said:
Put simply, if you wanna be a more likely target for girls to be interested in, then minimize any acne you might have, brush your teeth often(seriously, bad breath is a turn-off), and stay at least somewhat in-shape. You don't have to be a hulking bodybuilder or even an athlete, just have a somewhat "normal" body type.

That's the truth. But note the difference. There's a wide range between "super hot bod" and "clean and takes care of themselves"

Have some self-respect in your appearance. You don't have to be Johnny Depp to get a girlfriend. Just bathe regularly, wear clean clothes, wear deodorant, brush your teeth. Basic hygene. As long as you aren't gross and disgusting, and don't have all the personality of a sloth, it's not that hard to find someone who will take an interest in you.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
That's called a slut, and they exist. Enjoy your infidelities.

Curious.. Would you call a man like that the same thing?

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Curious.. Would you call a man like that the same thing?

Sadly, no. I believe the gender double-standard refers to those men as "studs".

Updated by anonymous

im sure there are about as many who like a shy guy as who like a dom guy...personally i like both, but i think shy guys are cuter personality wise.

however, i think porn directed at straight men is generally targeted to timid men, because lets face it a guy needs some time to himself if hes not getting it from any one else ;) so that said, a timid guy could probably connect more to a character who is also timid, so porn directed to timid guys has a timid male character so that it may be more enjoyable to the timid male :P

of course, maybe they just dont care and its totally coincidental/artist preference

Updated by anonymous

bella said:
however, i think porn directed at straight men is generally targeted to timid men, because lets face it a guy needs some time to himself if hes not getting it from any one else ;) so that said, a timid guy could probably connect more to a character who is also timid, so porn directed to timid guys has a timid male character so that it may be more enjoyable to the timid male :P

I'm definitely not timid, hun. ;P I like porn with timid men, 'cause it grants me the illusion that if somebody THAT timid can hit it off, then so can I.

Plus, it's kinda funny to read, if we're talkin' about comics or whatever here.

Oh yeah, and chicks-raping-guys type porn(at least in furry) kicks ass. Too bad it's so rare(people think it's impossible for a woman to rape a guy without use of a sex toy.... ffff, I call bullcrap).

Updated by anonymous

girls like pussy guys, otherwise why would there be straight emo guys (i know, hard to believe) and why else would they like movies like twilight?

Updated by anonymous

ozball said:
girls like pussy guys, otherwise why would there be straight emo guys (i know, hard to believe) and why else would they like movies like twilight?

Not all girls like the same things.

Updated by anonymous

sonikku said:
Not all girls like the same things.

no shit, that was said earlier in the thread

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:

Alternatively : live your life alone like me.

honestly, i stopped as this comment, because that is something i could not do. my greatest fear is going through life without some one. not so much life, but if there is an after life, i don't want to spend it alone.

i just felt like sharing this, if you don't think it should be here, just ignore it, and move on.

Updated by anonymous

i got a different view on the afterlife, but last time someone brought in religion, some close minded atheist turned it into drama. but yea, itd suck going about alone, sure you can do more things, then again you're alone, enjoy your hand. and your own company.

Updated by anonymous

nme22 said:
if there is an after life, i don't want to spend it alone.

Why would you ever have to? Surely there are plenty of dead people you could meet.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Aurali said:
Curious.. Would you call a man like that the same thing?


Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
Curious.. Would you call a man like that the same thing?

Seems like you suspect people being sexist <_<

Updated by anonymous

Burninghart said:
I'm definitely not timid, hun. ;P I like porn with timid men, 'cause it grants me the illusion that if somebody THAT timid can hit it off, then so can I.

Plus, it's kinda funny to read, if we're talkin' about comics or whatever here.

Oh yeah, and chicks-raping-guys type porn(at least in furry) kicks ass. Too bad it's so rare(people think it's impossible for a woman to rape a guy without use of a sex toy.... ffff, I call bullcrap).

didnt think about that, and true, the comics are cute :p

most just wouldnt call it rape lol

Updated by anonymous

Hat said:
Why would you ever have to? Surely there are plenty of dead people you could meet.

but, what if all the good ones are gone? not to sound shallow, but some girls, i just can't stand. what if they're the only ones left?

Updated by anonymous

nme22 said:
but, what if all the good ones are gone? not to sound shallow, but some girls, i just can't stand. what if they're the only ones left?

Once again. There are over 3 billion women in the world. Get over yourself.

Updated by anonymous

q2fray said:
The question is:
Do such people exist? Or is this just pure fantasy expressed through anime & fur art?

They exist, but here are some facts.

1st) Cultural differences :
In many occidental countries, medias show the "alpha male" as someone muscled and aggressive. And as you know, the control of medias over populations is enormous.
But more than that, they play with the lack of intelligence & thinking of a lot of people who believe that being muscled = real power/strength, success, wealth, health, good fuck & stuff...
But it's not.

In animes (& more generally in Asia), it's the opposite. Feelings are shown to make people believe they can find love & stay as they are (Here I speak of the "good" animes, not the dumb ones or hentai stuffs). But it's also more to draw male attentions to characters they share some similarities.

Actually over occidentals, asian people tend to prefer feeling over physical & sexual needs, because they are more on the long view, especially concerning stability. This is why, amongst other criterions, you'll see less sluts in Japan for examples.

It's a cultural thing & you can't really make a transposition like that: anime girls = occidental girls.
Concerning fur-art, it's another story... (effects of animes, personality, own story, etc.)

2nd) It's not about shyness (for a great part)
You'll find many girls who would like a shy guy, whatever their social & economical ranks are. But in fact, do you really think it's about being shy or not?

Generally a girl (& not a slut) needs someone who make her laugh, have discussion topics, who doesn't treat her like a meat & someone who is able to be sexualy evolving/adaptating. You can adds many things to that, but it's generally what is searched.

3) Strange advice :o
If you believe you can't find love in one place because of love, especially after many, many tries, go somewhere else.
Many people find their loves in another country or with a stranger. This is simply because the opposite cultures, in fact, move them closer.

For example in Japan (a very basic example I assume) : Being shy isn't a bad behaviour, especially because girls are even more timids.

In fact, there are too many things to say with your question only.
But 2 other advices :
- Don't fall in the wide stupidity spread by dumb "cooldudes" & medias, who just spead shit to make $$ & sex.
- Speak more to right-thinking girls & you'll see the real world is far more accepting shy guys than what you think (well, only if you're not the kind of guy who openly express he's a fapping-o'-man-to-yo-furries :) )

Updated by anonymous

According to some study somewhere, more than 60% of women would never take the initiative, because they feel that would make them look "desparate".

Updated by anonymous