What's the opposite of Sharks? Why of course, it's The Bat!
Last Shark Week was a roaring success - while there will always be a few bad apples, with some more of the nogoodnicks gone, the site has been steadily improving and the atmosphere is much improved, in no small part thanks to you, the viewers at home. And we'll work to continue that trend.
However, it's time for something new. With the bad skulking off to the shadows, I think it's time to give credit where it's due - to those awesome users who have really helped make this site a better place to be, and who've gone the extra mile to help make e621 one of the best places on the net.
Are you, or someone you know, an AWESOME ENOUGH DUDE OR DUDETTE to enter the ranks of the mighty, the proud, the few - the honourees of Bat Week? Have you gone that extra mile to help out, and want to be recognized for your efforts? Perhaps you know an unsung hero of e621 who deserves some praise? Well make a post here, detailing who (even yourself!) you feel is worthy of the mighty Bat Week, and why. I'll personally be going over our list of potential bats-to-be, and if I think the account is up to snuff, I'll upgrade it to Privileged status - my gift to you, as a modest thanks for being the shining examples of users that every site wishes they could have.
To be up for consideration, an account should try to meet as many of the following as possible - remember, we're looking for the best of the best!
- Established (at least several months old) account in good standing
- Actively contributes to site in the form of as many quality, interesting, relevant images as possible, with proper tags and sourcing
- Routinely fixes up and improves the tags on images, even those that are not their own
- Is a frequent, courteous, constructive, and helpful presence on the forums and/or comments sections
- Updates the wiki often with relevant, professional articles
- Regularly reports problem users/elements (such as tag vandals) who slip through the cracks, and/or makes proper, relevant use of the delete tool to keep the site minty-fresh
- Doesn't try and play moderator
- Treats the other users with respect, (even if they sometimes don't deserve it!)
- Is an all-around awesome person in general
I'll be keeping Bat Week around a while, at least until it blows up in my face, I'm sure. So don't fret! If you want that prestigious Privileged account, you have plenty of opportunity to make your mark, and show us what we already know - that you guys are, by and large, some goddamn awesome folk and should be recognized for it.
Ultima Weapon - Proving even people posting Sexyfur can be redeemed :)