Topic: commercials i hate

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anyone else ever visit this site? it's a nice place for complaining about commercials you see on tv that annoy you.

Updated by Azarion

treos said:
anyone else ever visit this site? it's a nice place for complaining about commercials you see on tv that annoy you.

for youtube i have adblock
for every website that depends on ads.. adblock
for websites that have anti-adblock i have hide my adblock
only e621 is in whitelist

ADBLOCK is live adblock is love

for commercials and ads in real life. become blind and deaf. umad tv

Updated by anonymous

There are so many annoying commercials that lasts for MONTHS where I'm from.

I'm so glad I finally bought that pause/play TV so I don't have to put up with it most of the time.

Updated by anonymous

I absolutely despise the vast majority of car insurance commercials, but I especially hate the General commercials. The new KFC commercials with Colonel Sanders are absolute garbage.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I absolutely despise the vast majority of car insurance commercials, but I especially hate the General commercials. The new KFC commercials with Colonel Sanders are absolute garbage.

what about geico and they're "it's what you do" series that was spawned (at least, i think so) from that screaming goat meme? just made a thread about that one a few minutes ago.

bring the gecko back, he was annoying but he wasn't full retard/meme.

Updated by anonymous

Best commercials in my opinion?

Terry Crews for Old Spice.

Updated by anonymous

oh gods *quickly reaches for mute button on the remote*, one of those horrid direct tv "hannah and her horse" commercials just appeared.

and to think, there are people who actually hit the "like" button on videos of these commercials over on youtube. i don't see how anyone could like "stupid". stupid is...stupid, it's not funny (granted i do occasionally like slapstick style of comedy if it's good enough >.> but even so...), least not imo.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
oh gods *quickly reaches for mute button on the remote*, one of those horrid direct tv "hannah and her horse" commercials just appeared.

and to think, there are people who actually hit the "like" button on videos of these commercials over on youtube. i don't see how anyone could like "stupid". stupid is...stupid, it's not funny (granted i do occasionally like slapstick style of comedy if it's good enough >.> but even so...), least not imo.

Yeah, but at least the Hannah and her horse commercials have tits. So, that's cool.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
Best commercials in my opinion?

Terry Crews for Old Spice.

There is (was?) a TV show called 'Ad Persuasion' that highlights and lightly analyzes some of the better commercials. It was alright, but I'm sure some people consider a show about commercials counter-intuitive. Ironically, that show doesn't seem to have much of a web presence.

Updated by anonymous

i use adblock for internet browsing and netflix for anything I care to watch on the big screen. what are these 'commercials' you speak of?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
oh gods *quickly reaches for mute button on the remote*, one of those horrid direct tv "hannah and her horse" commercials just appeared.

and to think, there are people who actually hit the "like" button on videos of these commercials over on youtube. i don't see how anyone could like "stupid". stupid is...stupid, it's not funny (granted i do occasionally like slapstick style of comedy if it's good enough >.> but even so...), least not imo.

The answer is that those likes are bought.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
The answer is that those likes are bought.

that's more than likely for the most part but if you dig through the comments you sometimes see people who somehow like this crap. saw that when i went and made a comment on that stupid hump day commercial (the zoo one).

oh youtube, while it's not always the case, you are indeed a cesspool of the scum of humanity in you're comment section. though i do occasionally find comments/get responses from nice people will to think before they speak aside from all the trolls and other...things, out there. just keep certain topics like religion away from me or my very presence might run the risk of a small flame war. >.> then other times i sometimes attract the odd irrational hate troll who will attack me just for having a pony avatar (is that really worth going so far as to calling someone you know nothing about a pedo just because they like a certain show you dislike? that happened once).

my point is: youtube may indeed be infested with the scum of existence but it's not 100% bad, there is some good buried in the bad. if you look around enough. (kinda like how you can find anything on the internet if you look/dig around long enough)

Updated by anonymous

I hate essentially all advertisement. I only make exceptions to that rule for very small businesses, and for individuals, and even then only when they go about things in a particular manner.

I don't like commercials that include singing or music. Commercials that try to sell their product on sex appeal (including if their product is sex-related, like condoms, viagra, or sex toys. This one makes more sense when you consider my orientation, I guess). I don't like dishonesty in commercials either, which cuts out the vast majority. Movie trailers are also, by this rule, out, because often they do not represent the movie fairly (you know those scenes that only exist for the purpose of a trailer)...

The list goes on. I can think of two commercials that I actually have enjoyed. And only one of those am I willing to link.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Dragonlayer said:
i use adblock for internet browsing and netflix for anything I care to watch on the big screen. what are these 'commercials' you speak of?

Same here. And I've got no ads sign on my mailbox, so billboards are pretty much the only ads I ever see anymore. And I'm used to ignoring those.

The Orangina ad was pretty good, though:

Updated by anonymous

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