Series: Say the Word (Sonally Comic)

It is finally done.

I honestly didn't intend for this to become this huge. It started out as a little something that was just 20 pages long. Then I started writing and writing and writing and those few pages easily became almost 80.

I've started working on it since the end of January and I feel like it's very easy to see all the modifications and changes of style this comic went through (guilty of also having bought CSP when I was already halfway through the story). And once it was finished I actually waited a week before posting it because of how insecure I was of this, mostly because of my art.

But you know what? After all the time I spent working on it I might as well post this, in the end.
There are of course many things I would have done differently looking at it now that it's finished, and I'm sure I will probably cringe someday coming back at it but eh, what's done is done.
I'll take it as an exercise for future ideas :P

Also there aren't exactly any Sonic x Sally comics to enjoy reading and I kinda wanted to fix that! ^^
I love this couple so much and I thought they do deserve some happy time together after all :3

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