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Clue could hear the morning choir from several floors down, in the belly of the ship. He's told that singing is still important to the Dolphins of Earth. The thought is somewhat comforting, though he's not sure why.
Many, many generations ago they lost contact with each other. Reconnection has been awkward. And slow.
It doesn't help that Oros is hardly united. His own people had their hands full here. And he barely had a grasp on them.
Why should we follow you, he remembers Neilaka telling him. She was right, why should they? He let his own father fall prey to the shark, Fatalis, who was tired of Dolphins ruling 'his' seas.
Clue sighs through his mouth and slumps entirely un-princely from where he sat- legs hanging into the flooded tunnel that led to the depths below the ship.
He doesn't want to go back on deck to face them; Doesn't think he can anyways.
This isn't how princes are supposed to act, is it?

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