conker, fangy, and panther king (conker's bad fur day and etc) created by eneirem (artist)

Tracked to a land trapped in prehistoric times, the search for a suitable red squirrel came to an end upon the discovery of an unconscious body dumped outside the coliseum; along with a very attached raptor.
Upon bringing him back, the king found greater purpose for his new pets.

In Conker's Bad Fur Day you get multiple game overs depending on how you die. Usually it's just different interpretations of the same idea, but the main one involves you becoming the broken table leg like the initial plot suggests. For this scene, I thought of it like you getting a context sensitive game over for losing while riding on top of Fangy (Yes, that's his name) where Conker is knocked out and then captured like normal, but Fangy is far too attached, ending up being brought to the throne room with you. Er...then I guess this happens instead of the table leg thing. I can see the Panther king being fickle enough to forget what the original plan was in favour of getting his balls huffed as this dino bangs his new subject.
I really like the lighting in the throne room, though I think I made the light sources a little bit too bright. Still, I do like how mello I managed to make the lighting here which falls in line with the atmosphere.

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