cutie, riket, and riley (fluffy pony and etc) created by ed mortis
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Cyoot Widdwe Fwuffeh (federalchemical1728)

“'Ou am stawwion? Buh ‘ou am su pwetty an cyoot? Nu smeww wike stawwion, buh nu smeww wike mawe eidew… Smeww wike speshow fwen Wiket. Jus’ fwuffy.”

“Nuu! Am totawwy stawwion!”

“'Ou nu hab stawwion stick, hao 'ou hab gud feews?”

“Poooie-pwace enfies… Buh dummeh enfie-fwen no-no stick tuu big. Gib owies awways.”

“Weww, widdwe nu-stawwion am in wuck! Wiwey hab no-no stick dat am pewfect size fo’ cyoot widdwe fwuffy!”

Riley’s initial thoughts upon meeting @dumbiestass 's Cutie went from Confused to Horny in about 0.5 seconds

i love Cutie he’s such a whiny little bitch lol

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