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Tinkerbell, Miss Marnie, and The Nice Fairy (federalchemical1728)

(if im being honest i completely forgot what Marnie looked like while i was doing the top one. i also forgot what Tinkerbell looked like wow maybe i AM still sick dkdjjdjdbbd)

Tinkerbell is the shelter’s resident nursemare & she’s convinced that babies come from a nice fairy who gives them to a human to give to the fluffy. Some fluffies get them in their tummies, but she doesn’t and that’s okay. she’s given artificial hormones so she constantly produces milk for the perpetually rotating litter of orphaned foals at the shelter.

post-sick updates

not ENTIRELY post-sick, but im no longer incapacitated so im starting to feel like a person again. i can feel it… waiting on these ADHD meds is actively shortening my lifespan.

ive been just doing art & working on commissions & not leaving the house, but commissions are technically my job so i AM being productive i swear. it’s driving me crazy, not feeling ready for any of the stuff that’s happening in my life, but at the same time a sense of time crunch urgency might just appease my ADHD & let me get things done for a change. who knows? i sure fuckin’ dont RIP

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