nintendo and etc created by centaurus
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~Centaurus' description~
Guess adding one too many rare candies to the curry had unforeseen(?) effects on these pokemons... Guess the trainer won't need a team for the next max raid!

Commission for Midaras

~Midaras' submission~
Oh boy.. now here I go uploading a very exciting project I've been working on with Centaurus

To any people who would care reading this: this accidental hit series that I've been working with Centaurus all started as a VERY humble beginning, where a year or two go, I was in a VERY strong mood for specifically Aggron and Obstagoon. I was looking through FA and to my tastes... the VERY limited hyper art of Aggron and Obstagoon were next to none existent...
As Thanos famously said "fine... I'll do it myself". So taking it upon myself to curb my cravings, I just simply wanted pure R34 hyper art of Aggron and Obstagoon.

It's all thanks to Cenaurus that he came up with the theming for the Wild Area Series, and to give a plot point of the curry pot being spiked causing ALL of these up and coming Pokehunks to EXPOLDE in size!
Corvkinght was added into the group just to get more bang for my buck with getting whatever Pokemon I liked to be represented.

And now to this day the Wild Area series is an effort to show case Pokemon that I love besides Mightyena, that I want to show my "appreciation" and give the time these Pokemon designs I love oh so much their proper time to shine!
Not to mention that the Pokemon I pick I sill feel don't have as much or any good hyper art so... all of this is also to solve where if I'm ever in a particular mood for a Pokemon I love, now I have proper content for them.

So there's your fun fact that the upcoming Pokehunks you'll see in this ever expanding series are Pokemon I love SO MUCH to see barafied SO badly!

Art by: Centaurus

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