erisa created by lonbluewolf
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Pampered Muse
Consider the power and possible influence a deity has on the mortal world and it should come as no surprise the weight and importance they carry! From extending their blessings to mortals, to answering the pleas to those in need, and extending their reach to the mortal realm; a deity has a substantial amount of importance and power. In comparison to the relative deity; messengers, envoys, and champions have a high level of importance but not as much as the gods and goddesses who command them. As such, while they may receive relative recognition, it pales in comparison to the deity they serve. However, while messengers don’t receive as much praise and worship from mortals, it doesn’t mean that the deity won’t offer their trusted envoys praise!

As mentioned before ( ), Erisa is the only goddess who has a dedicated messenger of sorts; in this case, Amare. Erisa undoubtedly loves Amare due to her muses’ dedication and effort to the causes of love and passion; thinking of Amare’s efforts as nothing short of admirable and heartwarming. Due to this, there are times in which Erisa will handsomely reward her trusted muse in whatever way she sees fit. These rewards can range from: Erisa allowing Amare to rest and relax in the divine realm where the goddess resides, gifting her a personally crafted symbol of her love (such as the gold lyre that Amare holds dear), or even pampering her muse with personal attention and more love than anyone could really ask for. Here we have Erisa showering Amare with a bit of personal attention as she gently brushes her muse’s rosy locks with a divine brush that soothes and radiates loving warmth. Even if Erisa expresses joy and happiness in rewarding her muse; Amare is probably experiencing the most bliss due to being pampered by her beloved goddess. While duty will eventually call upon Amare again, there is no doubt that she wishes for this moment to last forever; and in all honesty: who could blame her? This was an amazing piece done by the one and only lonbluewolf lonbluewolf featuring the goddess of love Erisa rewarding her trusted muse and messenger Amare! I hope you all enjoy!!

*TRIVIA: While there were various concepts for Amare specifically, one of them was to be the daughter of Erisa from a previous mortal husband. However, the concept was scrapped due to certain complications, and had the concept gone through much of the current artwork featuring Erisa and Amare would be vastly different.
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