fan character, harrold, hornet, and valleda (hollow knight and etc) created by latiar
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Name: Valleda

Species: Arid Spearbug

Gender: Female

Occupation/ Role: Sundrea Princess, Explorer

Origins: Sundrea Kingdom

Bio: Valleda is a Spearbug from the desert kingdom known as Sundrea and daughter to the King and Queen. Unlike other spearbugs who train in large groups, Valleda was trained to fight by her father alone- and as good as he is, Valleda always wanted to fight among her fellow Spearbugs, instead of being treated as a pretty princess. She yearned to fight, but truthfully, she wanted a friend.

Like most female spearbugs, her horns are narrow as they point down. The orange diamond embedded into her forehead is an Orenstone. Normally Spearbugs are only granted these for impressive feats, showing their rank among their society, but Royal figures receive them at a young age. Royals typically earn up to 3 as they age.

Aside from that she’s pretty simple design wise with a simple black body. The only other ounce of colour being her knuckles. She wears bracelets, like all Sundrean Spearbugs do.

As an adult, she is much shorter than what a typical female spearbug can reach due to stunted growth. Her horns only reach past her shoulders. The only other notable thing are her wings, which only appear when needed, akin to Little Ghosts ‘Monarch Wings’ ability in the game. With these she can fly for a brief amount of time.

Personality: Valleda isn’t the most trusting bug around, even when in royalty she puts on an act of kindness most of the time, even towards her parents. She may seem irritable and annoying to most. Until she befriended Harrold and the Arid Vessel did she start to relax herself and let herself become more in tune with her own emotions and heart.

She seemed to be happier with those two, but it wasn’t to last. Upon her initial demise, and unnatural resurrection, only to be plummeted into the depths of Sundrea did she really undergo a huge change in personality. Depression, loneliness, even fear took hold of her for a time in the depths, but as she explored, met other bugs, learned the history of Sundrea and what her people had done in the past did she start to improve, becoming a much stronger individual.

Kind, caring, willing to risk her life for a bystander, served all with a confident smile and a cheery tune. She’s lived so many lives in such a short time. Each one seems so vastly different from the last.

Story Events:
🔶Sundrea- Her kingdom home. She was born and raised like any other royal member. She was stubborn to act her role, even at a young age. Despite getting along with her parents, there was always some tension. Until the day she wandered the kingdoms barracks, seeing a new young set of Spearbugs in training did she demand to be a part. She wanted to train with others her age and make friends. She was denied by her father, though her mother would tease her about the idea.

Valleda would end up skipping many scheduled happenings within the castle to sneak out and train with the others, disguising herself as an average Spearbug. She’d soon be caught after being bested once, revealing her identity, yet that did not stop her. She would train by herself late at night when everyone slept. It was one of these nights that she’d meet Harrold, and they would become fast friends.

They grow and train together, Harrold even became a friend to the King and Queen, though of course their authority took pride over all else.

One day, Valleda is appointed a new bodyguard, the Arid Vessel. One that cannot talk, and has skills so refined, it made the Spearbug trainee’s angry at such talent. Even Valleda was infuriated having this new body at her side constantly, she can fight for herself! The other spearbugs treated Arid so horribly that Harrold and Valleda had to defend Arid. Arid was emotionless the whole time but sparked a close connection to Harrold and Valleda. They became a trio of friends.

🔶Initial Death- In their late teen years, Valleda was to be sent to marry a Prince in a far-off Kingdom known as Highreign. Normally the Sundrean’s would fight for protection, but the Sundrean Queen sought a possible alliance.
On this trip, Harrold, Valleda, the Arid Vessel and a small platoon would journey to this Highreign- but be cut off mid-way by an ambush. The platoon was slain, Valleda jumping into action last minute to fight the leader. While Valleda put up a good fight, she would find herself impaled by a rapier right through the lower chest. The Arid Vessel went into a frenzy, unleashing its full potential. Harrold barely managed to escape home with Valleda’s body. In a dark, dungy cave Harrold would hide for but a moment with her, a truly emotional scene. With Valleda’s last breath, she gave Harrold her pendant.

After returning to Sundrea, Harrold was to be executed, for failing his mission, his platoon, and the loss of Arid Vessel and of course, their dear Valleda.

However, the Queen, along with Harrold’s adoptive mother snuck him out. They never told him why, so he assumed it was out of some deep-rooted sympathy. He could never return, however, lest he faces death willingly.

Meanwhile… As the threat of war approached Sundrea, a funeral is held for Valleda, though with the kingdom unaware, the casket is but empty. The Queen takes her dead child into a secret underground section of the castle, full of magic and wonder. Spearbugs do not tolerate magic at all, as it goes against their very core being, but the Queen is special. She yearns to learn its ways. She is not as tied to heritage as the rest of her kind. She even has followers of this secret organization, and with a miracle, after many, many attempts, Valleda awakens after around a year.

Valleda isn’t even given an hour to walk before the kingdom is attacked. In secrecy, the Queen, Valleda and her followers flee, like cowards. All Valleda remembers is running through the sands, and a void so dark, and then… she wakes up again, in the deepest Depths of Sundrea.

🔶Sundrea’s Depths- Down in Sundrea’s depths, completely separated from the world she once knew, Valleda sets on a path back to the surface. But along her climb, she meets entire civilizations long forgotten, long trapped under a gargantuan seal, unable to escape. Valledea makes new friends, new enemies, fights fierce foes and uncovers a history long hidden from her people.

It’s not just about climbing out herself now. It’s about freeing everyone.

She would not meet Harrold again until the two are in their 30s.

How are you, old friend?

🔶Parents – Her relationship with them is pretty mixed, but mostly good. Despite that she held back a lot of her true feelings towards them and only acted kind as to not irritate them- or to get away with things. Valleda is closer to her mother at least who was also more forgiving, and she cannot deny her mother for bringing her to life twice over.

🔶Harrold – Her first true friend. Beforehand she had met other Princes and despised them all. Harrold on the other hand saw Valleda as more than just a princess. Their friendship was strong. They do not share romantic feelings for one another. Even if repopulation is a thing they need to worry about in the future, they would rather stay friends.

🔶Arid Vessel – At first she hated them, stating she didn’t need a body guard and could fight by herself. Arid would not let her out of their sight, bound by duty. Only until Valleda saw how other young soldiers treated Arid did she step up for them. Harrold did too. Together they all end up forming a 3-way friendship. Sadly Arid doesn’t get to stay with the princess for very long, though know that they care for one another.

Outside of that, Valleda’s other relationships are lacking and a secret. As she explores the depths, she’ll make friends and enemies alike.

Lil Facts:
🔶Good at putting on a façade, no matter the circumstances.
🔶Very skilled fighter with a variety of weapons.
🔶Loves baths and water. Despite living in the desert and being used to heat, she prefers the cold.
🔶Essentially, she’s my version of Hornet for this kingdom. They have some parallels and similar quirks. Though they are not identical.

I've had her ref and 2 more drawn, they're just taking a while to upload cos its the writing I gotta do now. Bleugh.

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