cd and firecracker blaze (mythology) created by korka
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Poor CD Has seemingly found his way into the guts of a large dragon~


Art by Korka on FA/Story by Firecracker Blaze (slapshot93 on FA)


Story (idk how to do the dropdown thing:)

*CRACK* The dark-furred drake let out a yipe. The shock of a snapping twig rippled through his paw pads, looking around frantically as if something were watching him. He tried to remember what got him into this situation. He just wanted to go camping with some friends! They gave him such simple directions, too… Park your car on the little patch of dirt just outside the forest. Follow the trail, the only trail you can see, until you find our campsite. “Should be simple enough to find.” He thought to himself. But oh, how wrong he was…

He found himself deep inside the forest after walking for a while. Deciding to stop to relieve himself, he stepped off the trail. Doing his business and turning to head back onto the main path, he blinked a few times. Somehow, he lost sight of the trail he had followed to meet his friends. Attempting to retrace his steps, the dragon saw a beaten path that he was sure was the path he was just on. And yet, what felt like hours of walking later, he seemed to have gotten nowhere closer to where his friends promised they’d be. Venturing further, he began to watch as the path he followed faded into nothing more than vines and trees. He was sure that the trail he was following would lead him to his friends. But it only turned out to be nothing more than a path the wildlife used to get around.

Spinning on his heels in a complete 180, he couldn’t help but feel his poor heart skip a beat. His eyes opened wide as they were faced with trails that flitted this way and that, zig-zagging their way into the depths of the densely wooded area he was in. Cracked and felled limbs spread across the pathways, long tendrils of overgrown vines spanning across others that left his mind tangled in ways that made his head spin. His eyes slid from left to right as he scanned pathway after pathway. No one trail he peered down deemed itself worthy of guiding him to escape this dark labyrinth he had somehow found his way into.

He gulped, his mouth feeling dry as the panic began to set in. His heart rate slowly picked up while his breath grew heavier to match the extra blood flowing through his body. He was lost, well and truly lost. With absolutely zero help in sight or even any clues that would tip him off on how to get himself out of this mess. Not taking so much as a second to think, the drake took off. First, starting as a brisk walk, his pace quickly dissolving into a soft run. Moving just about as fast as he comfortably could without tripping over the many obstacles in his path.

Even as he tried to avoid the fallen limbs, his right hind paw caught itself right between a conveniently Y-shaped branch. Ripping his right leg out from underneath him and burying his face into the dirt before he could so much as lift his arms to break his fall. Groaning softly, he looked up, finding himself in the middle of a small clearing. His lips trended upwards into a soft smile at the relief of seeing something, anything other than the endless wall of trees and vines. Reveling in the promise of freedom. His joy was swiftly cut short as a loud *SNAP* harshly met his eardrums.

The loud snapping sound echoed through the clearing. A sound loud enough that it immediately erased the fleeting smile on CD’s face. A sound he knew all too well from the sticks and leaves he stumbled over before. The most terrifying part about this noise was that it sounded much, much bigger than the sticks he had broken prior. His eyes darted from side to side, looking around for what could’ve caused such a thunderous sound. Yet even after the noise rang out, he suddenly found that he could hear nothing but the rushing blood in his ears. The forest seemed to have gone silent, a quiet fear embedded even into the critters around him. The ambient sound of crickets and birds chirping in unison became completely mute as creatures of the woods reacted to this terrifying sound.

With his heart racing, he dragged himself slowly to his feet, carefully dusting off chunks of dirt that clung to his fur like Velcro. Doing his best to hide his panting breath, the drake looked around as the sound of the forest returned to his sensitive ears as the animals calmed down. Only to be muted once again as a heavy boom echoed through the clearing—one that he just swore he could feel in his feet.

His legs began to quiver as many loud thudding noises succeeded each other in a symphony of hefty booms. Sounding as if the earth was shaking below his very feet. Sounds like thunder exploding through the forest, invading his ears and shaking his already quivering legs to the core. Whatever this creature was, it most definitely was not small. And that’s when he saw it… A bright red coat of fur shone through the trees as a giant blue eye stared him down. His blood ran cold, and a chill was sent through his body like ice was injected into his veins. His only thought at this sight was, “Run.”

But despite how loudly his mind told his body to move. He found himself rooted to the spot, frozen in some deep fear that he couldn’t shake until the massive creature began to move. But by the time the small drake finally found the will to turn and run away, the large beast was already upon him. Those once slow thuds very quickly changed pace and turned into fast stomps that closed in on him in a second like a lightning strike. Before he knew it, he was knocked down and pinned against the forest floor's thankfully soft, cushioned bed of grass and leaves. A heavy growling emanated from in front of him as his heart raced at a million miles an hour. A large paw rested against his chest, big enough to span the width from armpit to armpit.

The small drake looked up at this looming creature, able to get an uncomfortably good look. He deduced that this was a much, much larger dragon than he was. A panting maw hung open to reveal small strands of saliva connecting his razor-sharp fangs. The large dragon's eyes were full of expressions that could only be described as a predator looking at its newly caught prey.

The larger red dragon ran his tongue along his fangs and lips. Letting his eyes wander around the pinned dragon beneath him. And as a result, couldn’t help but feel a little excited. It was in the middle of mating season, after all, and despite his best efforts. Finding someone to mate with just simply hadn’t been in the cards for him yet. But now it seems fate has gifted him something to relieve the burning need in his loins. Delivered to him on a golden platter, regardless of the size difference

The quivering CD under his claws only excited the larger drake further. That bright blue tip poked its way out of his sheath and slowly gained length and girth by the second. The dragon beneath him couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast of red fur to the fleshy blue phallus of his captor. His eyes drew down the large draconic frame to land on the already mostly erect and throbbing shaft between the red drakes legs.

As his eyes locked onto it, the size and shape became quite apparent. Soft, pointed barbs lined the red dragon's tip like a crown of thorns, stiffening up and getting pointier every time his member pulsed and throbbed with the massive dragon’s heartbeat. CD's eyes couldn’t help but slide further down that meaty length, admiring as even more barbs lined the sides of that shaft while the underside was covered in enough ridges that could make the most experienced of bottoms moan. Its size though… Its size was enough to make the smaller drake whine. “There’s just no way I’m taking that.” He would think to himself

However, as it turns out, he wouldn’t have much choice in the matter. Because soon after these thoughts had time to manifest. Firecracker would lean his head down and nip at the scruff of the smaller dragon's neck without warning. Fangs sank into the loose skin to pick up the smaller drake and drag him over to a fallen log, laying the small dragon down on top of it. Whimpering and wiggling, CD would crane his neck to look back at the much larger dragon that loomed over him. The thought of escape crossed his mind, but knowing how quickly he managed to get himself pinned down last time, he knew it’d just end up upsetting the red drake, so he decided just to lay there, submit, and take what was coming to him.

A slight sense of panic washed over CD as said red dragon stepped over him. Massive forepaws landed in front of him with enough force to make the leaves on the log he was sprawled across quiver. No more than a couple of seconds passed by before the feeling of something warm, hard, and wet flopped down on top of his rear end. The length alone made him shiver harder than the already quaking leaves. “It feels so much bigger than it looks..” He would think to himself, the throbbing appendage large enough to make its way at least halfway up the smaller dragon's body. “There’s seriously no way this will fit!” The small drake pleaded.

Firecracker seemed to pay this squirming and pleading no mind as his very thick and sticky yet slick natural lubricant oozed out at an impressive rate. A practically solid stream of the stuff leaking out and matting down his prey’s fur in the clear liquid. The soft rocking of his hips caused the anatomy of his shaft to work that slick fluid in and thoroughly mark the smaller drake with his scent. This rubbing was only met with quiet whimpers as CD did his best to prepare himself for what was yet to come.

It didn’t take long for the larger drakes’ need to overcome the small amount of restraint he had somehow managed to hold back. Pulling back and letting his member slide along CD's back until, eventually, it slipped down, lining right up with the smaller dragon's tight hole. One final whimper passed the small, black Drake's lips before Fire pressed forward. That thick tip spread open that tight pink ring much further than his body had stretched to anything else before. A deep primal groan made its way out of the large dragon as the warm tightness engulfed his needy member.

Despite the smaller dragon's displeased noises, Fire pressed onward, leaving CD little time to adjust to the massive intrusion that was now piercing its way into the depths of his body. Fire pressed further and further inside, inch by pleasing inch, working its way inside the smaller dragon, only stopping his progress when he seemed to have hit a wall—a point that his massive member just simply wouldn’t push past… At least not yet…

As Fire’s knot pressed firmly against that tight ring, he finally began to work himself into a slow rhythm, letting out quiet grunts as his pre began to spread throughout the smaller Drake’s hole. Spreading through his insides and aiding his pursuit to finally find someplace to dump his very pent-up load. Hefty orbs gained momentum as the large dragon slowly began to pick up his pace.

By now, CD's body had finally adjusted to the massive intrusion to his rear. Although he did his best to hide the fact that he was enjoying this treatment, each and every ridge and barb soon caused him to moan involuntarily. The pointed peaks and valleys of the larger Drake’s shaft massaged every pleasurable spot inside him, combining into a medley of bliss that began to force the smaller Drake's member out. Slipping out of his sheath, twitching and throbbing with every press of that one specific pleasure button.

Both dragons finally adjusted to the tightness of CD's hole and the size of Fires shaft. This meant that the real fun could finally begin. So Fire picked up the pace, sloppy noises ringing through the little clearing. Starting to work himself into a tempo that was befitting of a true mate, CD was forced to dig his claws into the large log he laid across just to keep himself in place for the larger drake. Thrust after thrust allowed the larger drake to press in ever so slightly deeper with every slam of knot against hole. That tight ring slowly became ever so slightly looser and more accommodating to the thick knot behind the spire of dragon flesh as it was abused with the constant slamming motions.

Loud grunts and moans filled the air around the two dragons, mixed in with the loud plapping of heavy balls against soft thighs. Each wonderful sound resulted from the immense force behind each thrust, paired with the sheer volume of pre that leaked out of the larger male. Each slap of wrecking-ball-like balls into fuzzy thighs now had the rear end of that poor small dragon entirely soaked in that thick, clear fluid as every pullback caused more of that natural lubricant to leak out of that abused hole.

As time passed and the aggressive breeding session continued, Fire's massive paws and claws gripped the log before him. He was really beginning to jackhammer himself into the helpless drake beneath, ravaging that once tight hole as he now began to slam that knot in with every thrust, very obviously starting to get close and just as obviously wanting to bury his knot in the guts of this small dragon.

CD quickly realized this, opening his maw to protest against the looming possibility of taking that fat knot. Picking his head up, he went to turn to say something but was quickly pinned down. A large paw found its mark on top of his head, locking him in place as he felt his poor prostate getting mangled by the shaft hammering its way in and out. Body quivering and shaking in pure pleasured bliss.

Before long, the small Drake’s hole stretched wider and wider, finding its way closer and closer to the point of no return. Moans mixed in with whimpers came from the small black dragon. All the while, increasingly frustrated noises came from the much larger red drake. Getting desperate for release the closer he got, and still had not managed to seat that knot.

With one final, powerful thrust, Fire would grip his paw around CD’s head, the other forepaw embedding its claws deep into the log, sending himself forward with enough force to push past the last bit of his knot, body lurching forward once the halfway point was reached. CD’s hungry pink ring sucked in the final portion of that immense meat, resulting in those powerful hips pressing firmly against his hole.

The red drake sat there in pure bliss as every last inch of his member was squeezed on all sides and in all directions. Teetering on the edge of euphoria, he rutted forward, not yet finished with the smaller dragon. Small little thrusts quickly built up until a mighty roar made its way out of the large dragon. A roar soon followed by heavy throbbing that had enough strength to lift CD off the log with each pulse. A full feeling soon met the small dragon's stomach as rope, after thick, fertile rope of dragon seed was emptied out of those massive red orbs and into the depths of his new breeding partner.

Heavy panting came from both dragons, the red one letting out a deep pleasure-filled purr as the tightness of the smaller drake kept squeezing on his member. All the while, his prey laid there in bliss as he could feel each and every little barb and ridge every time that massive length would throb inside. The larger drake leaned down and lapped gently at the smaller dragon as the panting continued. He was surprisingly kind and tender with the licks he spread across the smaller dragon’s body.

Yet those licks felt almost… Too kind? What started as soft and gentle licks, the red drake's long, snakelike tongue dug deeper into the fur of the smaller drake. Fire’s tongue explored its way around the small dragon, licking up and down his back and working his taste buds all over him. The cute purring noises started to turn into a bit more of a hungered-sounding growl. Pivoting to make his new breeding partner into a nice post-breeding, cream-filled snack.

After a little while of licking and tasting, the larger Drake’s once massive knot had shrunk enough to finally give a firm tug, a loud *shlick* coming from CD's rear as Fire slipped his way out, a near flood of draconic seed pouring out of the black dragon's hole, oozing out like hot lava as it replaced the fur soaked with clear pre with a lovely white coating. Murring deeply as he watched the smaller drakes hole twitch and wink at him.

Licking his lips, Fire would give CD a nice lick along his hole, lapping up the white cream and letting out deep murring noises as the sound of a gut rumbling filled the air. The red dragon pulled away after the thick, white liquid had been nice and lapped up, admiring the dark-furred drake beneath him and licking his lips. Imagining just how good it would feel to swallow this sweet little morsel whole.

CD looked back at the large dragon, whining softly as he watched him lick his lips with anticipation. He knew full well what was going to happen here soon. He was scared as to what was going to inevitably happen by now, but somewhere deep inside his gut, he couldn’t help but show some excitement. His own member showed its own excitement by giving off a soft throb or two, very much betraying the scared feelings that resided inside the smaller dragon.

These feelings did not have much time to set in as the larger drake leaned in and nipped at the smaller dragon. Biting into the soft fur, picking him up by the scruff around his neck, and lifting him off the tree he was laid across. Dangling his hind paws over the ground, he flicked his head back, tossing the smaller dragon into the air and jumping up to catch him before he could have enough time to spread his wings and escape. Catching him in a way that would land him face first, looking directly into the inky abyss that was at the back of the larger dragon's throat.

As he stared down the dark emptiness, the smaller drake couldn’t help but feel a twang of ecstasy shoot through his body. His still, very stiff member quivered against the warm and squishy wetness that was pressing back against it. Unable to stop himself from gently grinding against the larger drake's tongue. The teasing appendage twitched and wiggled, now tasting the majority of the smaller drake's body as only his hind paws and tail remained squirming outside of Fire’s maw.

Feeling this squirming, Firecracker would smirk, and the corners of his maw would tilt up in a soft smile. His hot breath washed over the smaller dragon as he started to wiggle his tongue against that sensitive member between CD’s legs. Earning himself an adorable little pleased whine as it caressed each and every little nerve ending along the bottom of that shaft. Teasing at the smaller drake, CD squirmed around, making quite feeble attempts at breaking his way out of the much larger dragon's slippery maw.

The more he squirmed, the more his body began to coat itself in the slimy saliva of the large drake. The squirming also caused CD to rub himself against that already teasing tongue. Further debilitating and causing him to struggle as the pleasing feeling of that warm tongue sent waves of pleasure through his body. Losing more and more willpower to fight back against such a powerful beast the longer this incessant teasing and pleasing went on. The squirming, pawing, and attempts made at grabbing anything proved itself to be fruitless. The maw he was sitting in was coated in such a thick layer of saliva that anything he had managed to get a hold of just ended in him slipping and slowly inching closer and closer to that point of no return. A point that he had been staring down since he had landed in this dripping maw. A point that brought him more excitement than he was willing to admit.

Drool dripped onto the back of the smaller drake, coating CD in a thick film of saliva that would allow him to easily slide his way down the red dragon’s throat. All while working at the little member, which was gradually beginning to throb more and more. Slowly, he was working his prey closer and closer to that blissful release. Deep breaths and growls emanated from his depths, showing the smaller dragon just how much of a predicament he had managed to get himself into.

The longer he laid there, the more CD moaned. Beginning to pant as he felt his body finally giving into that blissful feeling of a soft tongue against his sensitive tapered shaft. Letting out a sudden gasp as the larger drake suddenly began to position his tongue in a way that would please both the entirety of CD’s tapered shaft and now the knot at the base. Feeling this sudden change and a significant increase in pleasure to his most sensitive organ. The smaller drake finally gave in and collapsed, just letting himself get pulled closer and closer to that sweet release from the much larger dragon.

Fire began to pay attention to what was happening with the drake inside his maw. Making sure to key into every little twitch of his body and member, carefully balancing the amount of pleasure given, and now the slow slide towards the back of his maw. The smaller drake, having given in and succumbed to the pleasure, barely noticed himself slipping deeper and deeper. The hind paws that had remained outside finally slipped beyond the rim of those black lips. The large dragon smirked, feeling the smaller dragon suddenly starting to tense up, right on the edge of that orgasm before... *GULP*

As soon as CD felt himself going over that edge, he felt the throat that he was slowly sinking into suddenly give him a sharp yank as the powerful muscles of the larger dragon’s gullet pulled him in. Forcing his member to slide quickly against that soft tongue and finally fire off that potent load onto the awaiting tongue of the much larger drake. Letting out a nice loud moan as a result, the sound of the pleasured dragon slowly faded into a soft, muffled sound by the thick walls of the throat and neck that surrounded his head. His body spasmed and squirmed as the waves of orgasmic pleasure made their way through the small dragon. Feeling the powerful throat muscles pulling him deeper and deeper down, the immense pleasure of his orgasm began to fade. Any evidence left over from his spent member was sucked down into the waiting depths of the large dragon. Falling into the gut of the massive beast, just like the tiny dragon that had forfeited his seed only moments ago.

Fire released a nice deep murr as the small dragon slid lower and lower into his throat. The only thing that remained was, once again, that pair of hind paws and his tail. Paws barely allowed any movement as the small Drake’s legs were squeezed together by the tight walls of Fire's throat. Tail flailing around like a lovely, fluffy little noodle, soaking itself in Fire’s saliva as it wiggled and bounced across the different areas of Fire's maw. Fire, of course, treated this wiggling appendage exactly like what it seemed to be pretending to be. And with one motion, he closed his lips around it, giving it a nice solid suck and gulping at the same time. The small drake's tail flapped around and got slurped into the hungry maw of the larger dragon, stripping the small drake of any chance of freedom as his throat sucked him deeper and deeper.

The rippling walls of the large dragon's throat sucked and pulled CD lower and lower. The feeling of a powerful heartbeat became very apparent as he sank lower and lower. The sound of that thumping heart could be heard passing by his right ear as he slipped lower and lower. The walls of Fire's throat squeezing him could be felt pulsing as the blood rushed through Fire's body. This tight squeezing made CD squirm in a weak attempt at escape, but all that did was pull him deeper like some sort of living quicksand. Any struggling and attempt to escape quickly led to him sinking much lower, much quicker.

The large dragon murred and shuffled his way over to a big tree, flipping his way around and taking a seat while he enjoyed the feeling of the small drake working his way deeper into the depths of his body. Putting a large paw on his belly, feeling the small dragon begin to be squeezed into his gut. Flesh rippled and wiggled under his paw as his stomach slowly started to get filled in by the small dragon.

CD meanwhile felt at this happened. Slight relief from the constant squeezing coming to him as he was squeezed out into the gut of the hungry dragon. Quite empty and already primed with a nice pool of stomach acid. Filled and ready to work on breaking down this tasty morsel that lay inside. Ready to turn the small drake into delicious nutrients to get the larger drake through the day. Eventually, his whole body made its way into this pulsing stomach. Wiggling around, he would orient himself in a way that made him feel like he was straight up and down. The force of gravity pulled his hind paws downward, letting them soak in that pool of digestive fluid.

Fire let out a soft burp, clearing out much of the air left inside his gut that CD had managed to drag down with him. The walls of his stomach compressed down and began to squeeze on CD yet again, similarly to how the walls of his throat had just a few moments ago. This squeezing shoved the small drake deeper into that fluid. Fire's stomach also reacting to the new meal inside and slowly starting to flood and fill with the liquid.

As CD sat there, he noticed his feet paws had started to feel a little tingly. The acid was now really beginning to work at the small drake as the larger dragon's gut began filling with much fresher digestive fluid. Finally, his head made its way beneath the surface of that liquid, the tingly sensation in his paws soon creeping up CD’s legs and eventually spreading to his whole body. Every part of his body relaxing as the acid began to numb it. As he finally closed his eyes, CD’s now submerged body began to feel as if it was floating. Fading away and soon becoming nothing more than just another meal for such a large beast.

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