created by chiralchimera
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Morning as usual, but with something unusual.

"Master? . . ." The word echoes through his dream, like a reverberation from the gods, shaking my reality. What was is slowly melting away, as darkness begins to form before me as my new reality. Spoken from what seems a woman, shaken with concern that reverberates with her tone.

"Master... Awake?" Again, and again it calls out, with the rhythm of the bell, but with the consistency of one calling out. Calling for me to return, pulling his ego from my dreams, and into reality. The darkness slowly begins to lose form, as a line of light forms before my actual eyes. It is bright. Bright and blurry. His thoughts were being a slurry and incoherent. Unaware for a moment where he was and when it may be. As his sense of self and awareness slowly restructured and reformed themselves into some form of cognitive level of consciousness, all he could do was remain a limbo state, desiring nothing more than not being awake.

"Master? Are you awake?" the voice asked once again. And in return all the wolf could give was a groan of protest. His limbs as groggy as his mind. That was beginning to change. The warmth of blood beginning to flow through them, gave warmth and slowly a sense of presence. Bit by bit his body was beginning to brush the numbness away. Still, he was incapable of seeing what was before him, around him, beside him. Using his right hand he began to roll over onto his back to perceive his surroundings perhaps a little better.

"Master?" The voice spoke again. A timid voice trembling with not just trepidation but... The sound so familiar. The pleading of his pleasure pet woman, on the cusp of climax, begging him for permission, for satisfaction. "I- This, body needs your input. P-please Master. May you please help this mind- ... Help, me..."

The words were strange, but what lay before him confused him more deeply. Through the window's light, he could tell the sun was about to rise. To his right, the time was 6:52 A.M. The alarm would not sound for another 8 minutes. That being said, it was Saturday, so there was no need for him to be up early. But there he was, awakened, perplexed. That was until his mind was able to place a few of the puzzle pieces in place, and realize what might be happening. Something was wrong.

There before him was his woman, his girl, his partner in life. In the first streaks of the morning light, he could see the silhouette of her body. So wonderfully curvy, conditioning perfectly into the desired shape and body that they both agreed would be perfectly sexy for her. She had her 2nd anniversary gift on her head, and covering her eyes. The pink glow of the device pulsing as it always had whenever activated, conditioning her mind, as it was designed to do. She was wearing her 3rd anniversary gift that was given to her last week. The pink and black corset with hip side frills, the thigh bands with pantihoes, and the matching collar with the light chiming bell for her. All that were missing were the matching lace thong panties and busty crop top piece that went with it. Replacing them were fingers furiously fondling her ballooned breasts and the other side buried deep in her already gushing pussy lips. By the looks of it, she had been at it for a while, as the first rays of sunlight reflected streams of her juices leading to drenched portions of her pantihoes that stretched to her thigh bands and beyond. And by the look of her fingers, it wouldn't be wrong to suspect there was a puddle on the floor, leaving a mess as she sometimes did. In a dry voice, the wolf spoke in a gravely tone, "Is everything alright sweetheart?"

The woman did not reply at first. Her ears twitching every which way. Her breaths heavy and sporadic. Her face fighting to decide an expression for more than a single second at a time. Fear, shock and pleasure, lust, confusion, the ugly amalgamation of expressions possessing her beautiful face. Mirroring the thought process of the one wearing them. "I- this- my, body. It could not sleep. I- it could not sleep." The words fought to overlap one another, as if two people were fighting over the same voice to speak them from. "The- My, body- It, went to the visor. I failed- It needed- To... Put, it, on..."

As if too tired to speak, too tired to form the words into sentences, lips began to slackjaw and drool began to form. Whether this was due to exhaustion, whether her lips gave up speaking, or the mind behind that visor falling silent for a second was unknown. Her head began to tilt forward, craning to give her vision to see what she was doing to her body. There it looked, without expression, as her fingers continued fucking her erogenous zones without stopping. Knuckles deep and squeezing, fondling profusely, they continued on without interruption.

"Why-" The first word spoken after what must have only been a moment too many. "Why can't I- This body won't stop fucking, it s- Just, can't- Why, wont, stop..."

Looking up with what was the first solid expression on her face this morning, she exclaimed, "What is happening to me??"

Somehow, her mind was breaking the conditioning. It was resisting what thoughts and programs had been placed into her mind over the course of over a year now. Probably the last bits of her ego fighting for her original individuality. Fighting her new sense of self. Denying her new reality. This was something unusual. Something not seen come out of her before. Unbalanced, uncontrolled, and off the tracks; if not handled correctly, his girl and all of their efforts to this point would be lost. Perhaps, they would be lost forever. And that is something he couldn't allow to happen. "Oh Sweetie! Come over here, and let me see." His voice still dry and somewhat crusty from just waking a moment ago. Seeking to sooth her down while directing her with simple commands. "What seems to be the problem, love? Why don't you crawl onto the sheets beside me?"

Without thought, the body moved. The momentum of her body no longer needing the input of her mind to follow her master's commands. The presence of a pouty face being the only act of resistance. Leaning forward upon the bed, hands then knees upon the sheets. Slowly moving closer and closer to her master as her brain tried to think for itself. Something it hadn't done in a very, very long time. "I- I don't know. I feel like my body is not my own. It moves without me. My- This body, does as it pleases."

Inching closer to her master, she begins to stammer and lose concentration. Bringing her back on topic, the wolf eggs her on. "And how does it feel? How does it feel when that body goes against your will?"

Juices dripping from both of the lynx's pussy and lips, was enough of an answer for the wolf. But he loved nothing more than to hear it, for her mind to admit the truth. To speak those words aloud and hear it herself. "It- It feels good? It feels sssso good, mmmaster."

The last words rolling out of her mouth as if drunk on the very pleasure. "And is that a bad thing? Feeling soooo good can't be a bad thing, can it, my love." The wolf teased, as he cooed the answer out of her.

"N-n no! Feeling soooo good can't be a bad thing. M- Master." The last word shaking her body to the core. A crack in her resistance against the programming showing clear, but still there. "But I- My body-"

"It's not your body, now is it, love?" The wolf interjected. "You even said, that you don't control it. So it can't be yours."

"N-no. You're right. It's not, my body." The lips tremble and stumble through the reply.

"And it feels soooo good that you don't have control, doesn't it. It feels soooo right that you don't have control over this body. Isn't that right, my Lovely Girl." The words growled with a smooth tone of dry whisky on ice. The wolf knowing fully well what to do with her, now that the conditioning was taking over.

"It- It feels soooo good that I do not have control. It feels soooo right that I do not have control over my- This body. You are right, master." The words now flowing more coherently and heavy, as her body shivers with pleasure and anticipation, for the truths that fill her mind. It was here that he knew he had her, and knew exactly how to return her to right mind.

"That is true. You master is always right, wouldn't you agree, my Lovely Lynx?"

"Yes master. You are always right."

"And it feels so good not to have control of your body. To let that pleasure flood your mind."

"Yes! It fffeeeels sooooo gooooood, Master." The shivering of her body reaching a feverish pitch. Her body enveloped in the pleasure that pulsated and overwhelmed all resistance that was held before.

"I bet I know what else would feel good. That needy drippy hole of yours between your legs looks like its been needing something." The wolf whispered with a more devilish tone. "Perhaps if your body were to sit on top of mine, it would find exactly what it needs. Straddle my hips, my lovable pussy cat."

The words resonated in her head, thoughts garbled as her last strands of thoughts tried to figure out what he meant. All the while her legs spread and saddled her master's hips. Her hips pressed against his own. Her labia lips giving a kiss to her master's meat. The juices from her drooling pussy now coating and lathering it up into a glistening sheen. On their own, her hips began to grind against his own. Letting out a soft guttural moan, the lynx rested her weight upon her hands that rest beside the wolf. Stroking that shaft, her master's cock, that wonderous meat. Her body couldn't help but grind against that cock that it needed deep inside her immediately.

"You want it."

"I want it!"

"You need it."

I need it!"

"But you won't take it"

"I- wha?"

The body continued to grind, as if an automated machine, possessing no other purpose but to press and grind that pussy against that wolf's shaft intensely. The wolf could see the confusion and overwhelming desire that flooded the lynx's face. He loved it. He wished nothing more than to savor this moment, fully knowing it might never happen again. Her past love, her current play thing, and her future fucktoy all here in this moment with him, and he couldn't help but love her more for giving him this moment. Finally, he explained.

Wolf "This body won't take it unless I tell it to."

Lynx "I-"

Wolf "This body won't move unless I say so."

Lynx "But-"

Wolf "This body does what it is told. And I tell it what to do."

Lynx "True-"

Wolf "I control this body. This body is mine to control."

Lynx "You? Control this body?"

Wolf "Yes. I control this body."

Lynx "You control this body."

Wolf "Who controls this body."

Lynx "You control this body, Master."

Wolf "Your body is controlled by me, your Master."

Lynx "My body is controlled by you, Master"

Wolf "And through your body, Master controls you"

Lynx "Through my body, you control, me?"

Grabbing the lynx by the love handles, the wolf began to raise her up and off his shaft ever so slowly. Now in full swing, he began to give her commands more directly. "Grab master's cock and position the tip at the lips of your lily, my lovable pussy cat. Master controls your body. And through your body, Master controls you"

Hand trembling, the lynx's body reaches out of her master's cock and gently guides it up. Lifting her hips higher, and higher, until they hung just above her master's tip. "I- I- I-"

Growling once more, the wolf coos the truth out of her, "You want it. You need it. Your body begs for it. But until you admit that you belong to me, that your mind belongs to me, your body will not take my shaft. Say it. Say what you desire the most. Say what you know is true. Speak the words that you know is your reality. Tell me, who owns your Mind, your Body, and your Pussy."

"I- I-" The lynx stammers as her body convulses. Wanting to take it. Wanting nothing more than to take the whole thing down to the base. To feel his shaft fill her insides. Her needy, greed, dripping insides. Her mind melting. The resistance that was once there failing. The visor taking over once more. And yet still

The wolf giving a low deviant growl. His voice now solid and smooth, domineering and as deviant as it had become over the last year. Throwing his partner one last reason to give in, he provides the carrot. "The moment that you admit that your Master owns you. You will be able to ride his cock."

Silence falls upon the two. The recently convulsing body of his girl frozen. No longer frantic, timid, or cock drunk crazed. Her body was not cool, calm, and controlled. Elegant in her movements, and yet moving as if mechanical or possessed, she rises without a whisper or whimper of words. There she remains. Kneeling above his member as she had done time and time again. A morning routine that they had. A morning ritual. A low vibrating whirr begins to sound from the visor, as if it had taken all the energy from her, and now began its own fit. Fear began to creep up the wolf's spine. Fearing that he might have actually done it in this time. But just as the machine reached it's crescendo, a positive confirmation chime rang out gleefully from the visor. And with it, a warm smile rose from the lynx's lips as she said the words she knew were her absolute truths in life. "My body is owned by master. My mind is his property. My pussy is his play thing. And I love nothing more in my life."

Artist: ChiralChimera
Writer: Twofaceddragon

Iiiiii think I might have over done it 9.9
Just a little too much writing. In all honesty. I think the next few I write will be mandatorily three of four paragraphs long.
If you reach the end, let me know in the comments. ^.^'
If you don't I fully understand.

Aaaanyhow, big thing, don't have unprotected sex. Consent is a must with all partners you play with. And of course, check out the artist who made this. ChiralChimera ChiralChimera is an awesome lass, and deserves some praise ^.^ So please do so.
Besides that, I am out. Good night. *Dies*

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