kharriana (european mythology and etc) created by chickenzaur
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Something's Wrong - by Clostridium ( )

Fall, 1372

It was a brisk fall afternoon, and Kharriana forced herself to get up to watch her children play. She had been resting long enough. The green dragon somewhat unsteadily got to her feet, slowly exited the cavern, and found the smoothened rock upon which she could rest and observe Asaewath and Rargesteyae play among the boulders.

Asaewath was standing up proudly atop a large stone. “I’m king of the mountain!”

“No I’m queen of the mountain!” His sister called out, raising herself higher on a different stone.

“Fat chance!” The little green dragon raised himself higher.

“No I am!” The little brown dragon raised as high as she could go, standing on her toes. Larger than her brother, the Rargesteyae stood a head taller.

Asaewath frowned, then unfurled his wings and awkwardly balancing atop his tail, pushed himself a bit into the air.

“Ha!” He mocked his sister.

“Hey no fair!”

Their mother smiled as she watched Asaewath and Rargesteyae end up exhausting themselves trying to raise themselves as high as possible, before they both toppled over and then went back to arguing about who had been higher. The children were growing big and strong, and soon they would be able to venture out independently. Together, Kharriana and Meratezatgh could teach Asaewath and Rargesteyae to hunt and explore like real dragons. Perhaps in a month.

The green dragon mother smiled at that thought, then coughed sviolently. She would teach her children to hunt that is, if her strength came back by then. Kharriana still felt weak and lifeless after the poisoning incident, but she was slowly recovering. She could feel the strength returning to her muscles and this was the first time the green dragon had moved about without faltering in the slightest. Soon enough, Kharriana thought, she would recover from this attack-it would take more than a coward’s schemes to get rid of the Wild Female of the Seas. Then they’d be done with this place.

That was the one good thing to have come out of this experience. Meratezatgh had been besides himself in anger at the humans. After her mate had taken care of her through the critical first few days of the poisoning he had then gone down to talk with that Forester friend of his. Within days Meratezatgh had returned with two human heads, presumably those of did the deed according to the Forester's investigations. With her mate finally having found a new, larger, sheltered cave atop the Tulusculum Plateau, as soon as Kharriana recovered their family could move to a safer location. Meratezagth had already announced his coming departure to his Forester friend. Soon the Stanton Dragon was going to leave Stanton and be a true dragon. Kharriana remained proud of that: no dragon, especially a Dragon Lord, should be a thrall of the humans, and it was best for everyone’s sake that fact be displayed before everyone.

Until she fully recovered however, Meratezatgh insisted on loyally following the terms of his agreement with the humans of the city. Kharriana had argued that this deal had already been violated by the poisoned stag, but her mate refused to believe that his friends and wards had been involved. Meratezatgh still trusted his humans too much. Her naive, caring mate. She loved him for his loyalty but his love of humans still grated after all these years.

Meratezagth’s departure had been short, sweet and perfunctory.

*It’ll just be a few days’ meeting to warn off some Walkerite forces that have fortified themselves upon the Hinterland Hills.* He had announced three days before. *The followers of King Nash are not directly opposing Stanton, but the cityfolk feel threatened and worry their presence would invite the Jamersonians to come here and cause destruction. It’ll be a little delicate, but a few days of talks should be persuasive enough for them. I’ll check back on you as soon as I can.*

Kharriana had no idea what either the Walkerites or the Jamersonians were, and had no interest in them either. She had also long since given up trying to persuade her mate to give up his duties.

*Make sure you come back home to your mate and children.* Was all Kharriana warned.

Meratezatgh sweetly nuzzled her mate. *I’ll do everything in my power to come home safely.*

*I love you, Lord Feral.*

*I love you too, my Wild Female of the Seas. Take care.*

*Dad’s going on another quest with his humans!* Asaewath exclaimed as he ran over, with Rargesteyae following closely behind.

The Dragon Lord laughed. *Just a quick trip to take care of some final business as your mother recovers. Then we're off to our new home!*

*Yay!* The children cried in unison.

*How long will you be gone father?* Rargesteyae asked.

*Perhaps two or three days. There’s two large stags in the cold chamber and I’ll be sure to bring back a big fat auroch after I’m done.*

*Yay!* The children cried again.

Meratezatgh gave both of them a sweet kiss on their snouts.

*I love you Asaewath.*

*I love you Rargesteyae.*

*Love you too dad!*

*Love you father.*

As the Stanton Dragon left his cave, he had one final admonishment. *Asaewath! Rargesteyae! Take good care of your mother! I’ll be back soon enough.*


Asaewath and Rargesteyae continued their games even as the sun slowly began to descend towards the horizon. Kharriana let them. It had now been three days since her mate had gone on the patrol, so Meratezatgh should be coming home soon and she thought that it’d be nice to greet him before he reached the cave. Kharriana should have gone out and met him up in the sky, help him carry back the large meal he always returned with from the human town, but the green dragon knew she still didn’t have the energy right now. Kharriana missed flying the most while sick. When she got better, the first thing that she’d do was take the children and-

The green dragon suddenly shot up.

Something was wrong. Kharriana could sense it.

What were humans doing here?

They were approaching her home. About two dozen of them, taking a route along the talus pile and up the ridgeline. Meratezatgh wasn’t with them. That violated the deal her mate had made with the humans.

They must be hostile.

The green dragon got up, smoke wafting from her nostrils.

They will die.

Asaewath and Rargesteyae soon sensed the humans as well, looking over to their mother in confusion.

*Who are those people?*

*Those aren’t father’s men are they?*

Kharriana lowered her voice, trying to be as calm as she could.

*Asaewath. Rargesteyae. Go back to the cave. Go to the inner chambers.*

*Yes, mother-*

*But mom-*

*Come on Asaewath!* Rargesteyae cried as she turned and ran.

As her children ran off, the green dragon waited, listening to the intruders as they ascended, evaluating their strength and equipment. Two dozen attackers, their bows and polearms gently vibrating in the wind, their swords and canteens slapping against their sides. Hunters. Warriors. Whoever they were, they meant violence.

If she could fly, Kharriana would have attacked now while they were climbing, cut them down as they were distracted and caught by the terrain. As it was, she could go to the lip of the cliff, and as soon as these people got up, blast them-

The green dragon suddenly swung her head back.

There was another party coming from behind.

Another two dozen, more hunters, and now there was the gentle creaking of wagon wheels.

Were they ballistas?

Kharriana shuddered at that thought.

This was a concerted attack.


Slowly the green dragon backed away from the cliffs. She did not want to be caught between her children and the two attacking forces. Perhaps if she attacked the wagon group first, she could destroy it and then turn back to the humans still tired-

The green dragon suddenly felt a sharp pain emulate from her lungs and radiate out throughout her body. She focused on her breathing, waiting for it to clear.

Ugh too weak still.

She had over exerted herself when she had not yet recovered.

New plan. Better to retreat into the cave. They can't find it. Though it was too close to the humans, Meratezatgh had found an excellent hidden cave. Rely on camouflage for safety.

The Mountain Goats-Your Belgian Things

Patreon reward from Chickenzaur !

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