kharriana (european mythology and etc) created by thedinosaurmann
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The Hot Gates - by Clostridium ( )

Fall, 1372

As fast as she could, Kharriana fled to the safety of her cave and then swung around to face the entrance, quietly awaiting the human approach.

They came soon enough. Combined, there were perhaps fifty individuals. This attack was as large as any force the green dragon had faced since the Great War. The humans set up whatever wagon it was nearby, and then scattered, evidently looking for this very cave that she and her children were hiding in.

Questions raced through Kharriana’s head.

How could they know of this entrance? Human memories were short, and with the deal Meratezatgh had made with the town no human had come over in 46 years, no one besides Meratezatgh’s Forester friend-

The humans were talking.

Kharriana hated the human tongue, but she was familiar with it from Behran Island, enough to listen in.

“There’s the dragon’s landing platform."

“Keep looking, the Lord of the Earth demands that we destroy this demon!”

“What if it’s not here?”

“The Stanton Dragon’s home should be here. It’ll come back eventually. We’ll just ambush it when it comes back.”

Meratezatgh was not hurt. Kharriana breathed a sigh of relief. He was not attacked first.

Of course that meant that his family was being attacked first instead.

"The cave should be behind the talus pile to the right. It should be somewhere over here.”

A torchlight suddenly lit the cave entrance, casting a dull orange glow. "Here it is! I found it!"

Oh no.

They knew exactly where the cave mouth was.

Someone had told them.

A chill ran down Kharriana’s spine.

Someone Mera knew.

Someone had betrayed them.

Humans began pouring into the cave like locusts, weapons drawn, their torch lights dancing among the stalactites and stalagmites.

Kharriana tensed, smoke wafting from her nostrils, summoning a fireball.

Meratezatgh should be coming soon, she told herself. The cave system is big, especially under low light. It’ll take them time to work their way to the inner chambers of the caverns. Be patient. Her mate could come, sense what was happening and attack the humans from the rear.

Together, they can slaughter the interlopers.

Wait for Meratezetagh. Wait for your mate. You’re too weak right now. Together, you can easily save your children and punish these backstabbing two-legger scum.

A cry suddenly broke out in the darkness. Kharraina immediately registered the voice.



Kharriana swore to herself. There is no time to wait. I will not risk my children. Curses Meratezatgh, get home, our offspring are in danger!

Immediately all hell broke loose. The humans charged towards the dragon whelps, only for several to be incinerated in a huge ball of fire that Kharriana threw at them, illuminating the entire cavern. After a brief, stunned pause, the survivors change their focus and charged at her instead.

“The dragon is over there!”


The green dragon counter-charged the attackers, throwing a sheet of flame in front of her. The hunting party shattered before her onslaught; a dozen of those who were not fast or smart enough to flee were turned into screaming human torches. Another half dozen were soon dispatched by teeth and claws, though Kharriana also felt the sting from a pikehead and a spear cut into her from dying humans. As she advanced, another hunter suddenly charged out from behind a stalagmite, jamming a spontoon into her side; recoiling from the attack at the last minute, the green dragon survived as blade missed piercing her heart but painfully lodging itself against her rib cage. Roaring in pain, Kharriana responded with a hard swipe, sending that hunter violently slamming into a cavern wall. Some of the other humans, now scattered throughout the chamber began firing arrows and bolts point blank at her, and the green dragon was soon impaled by several projectiles. With a hiss the wyrm threw her fire back at the bowmen- incinerating a few- before withdrawing back deeper into the cave.

Kharriana fell back slowly, hissing and growing angrily as she retreated. It was a bluff. The green dragon hoped that the humans would be too frightened to realize that she had already used up most of her energy and strength in the brief engagement. Kharriana’s family needed to hold as long as possible, but she was losing strength fast. Her poisoned lungs were screaming in pain, but she forced herself to suppress a violent cough that could reveal weakness.

The humans would come again soon enough, and every precious minute counted.

Where are the children?

Where were you Meratezatgh?

After a quick search, Kharriana found Asaewath and Rargesteyae, huddling in fright behind a large stalagmite formation. Asaewath had a wound from a glancing spear blow. Despite her own injuries, the mother tenderly licked her son's clean.

*My children!* She uttered. *These are bad people! Go into the back chambers!* She pushed them out and towards the cavern complex with her snout. *Take the ventilation passage and go to Aunt Hearesecha! I’ll come for the two of you when things become safe!*

The children were shaking, fearful of both the intruders and their mother’s bloodied state, but they nodded and bravely got to their feet.

After some pushing, the little green dragon found his footing and ran. The little brown dragon was slightly ahead, but then suddenly stopped before going down further.

*What about you, mother?* The daughter asked.

*I’ll fight off these humans, then I’ll go find you both! Now leave!*

The little green dragon had stopped as well.

*We will mom.*

*Wait! Asaewath! Rargesteyae!*



*I love you both.*

*I love you too mom.*

*I love you mother.*


As Asaewath and Rargesteyae fled into the inner caverns, Kharriana curled around the opening to the back chambers. The passageway here was narrow, barely wide enough for an adult dragon to move through, and the chamber arched high overhead in the shape of a giant droplet. It was a good choke point to defend.

“They fled back there! After them!” The leader of the human hunters cried as they regrouped, launching another attack.

Kharriana knew she couldn’t win. The humans were too many and too prepared, and she was too weak at this point. Already, her lifeblood was dripping from her painful wounds, further sapping her strength and energy.

But the green dragon didn’t need to win. She just needed to hold.

She would fight here until she fell, and even then, her body would block access to the her children. Mera would return before the hunters could find a way past her.

He would save the children, even if it was over her dead body.

Kharriana would die for Asaewath and Rargesteyae.

This passage entrance would be her gate, a gateway between the threats outside and the safety of her children, between their lives and their deaths, between her own life and death. Kharriana finally coughed again, and violently, some of her gathered fire dripping from her mouth to the ground below, illuminating both her frail, wounded form and that of her defensive position. When the hunters come, she’ll make this a hot place for them. Despite the pain, the green dragon laughed inside. The Hot Gates. A great name for an epic last stand.

With a roar the hunters appeared, firing arrows and bolts and charging with pikes and bills.

“There it is!”

“We’ve weakened it!”

*Come and take me!* The wounded wyrm roared in defiance.

Right before the attackers got within range of her fire, as Kharriana tensed and took at battle stance, she idly looked up at the danging stalactites and stalagmites, all glistening like jewels in the flames.

It was a nice cave, the green dragon mused. Meratezatgh had selected such a beautiful one.

It was just too close to the humans.

Well, her mate had at least chosen a beautiful spot for her to die in.

For a good cause to die for.

Kharriana forced out a wry smile.

A beautiful spot for a warrior’s death.

The Mountain Goats-Grendel's Mother

Courtesty of TheDinosaurMann !


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