logan durham and meratezatgh (european mythology and etc) created by evvonic
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A Big Uproar in Our Little Valley - by Clostridium ( https://www.furaffinity.net/user/clostridium/ )

Summer, 1327

Midsummer Festival was the more joyous and hedonistic counterpart to the Spring Festival, celebrating the closing of planting season with a mix of songs, dances, feasting, alcohol, games, and giant effigies. Ten-foot wooden figures, painted as the Green Man and Fortuna, were held up by Guyot and Lena respectively, who twirled the scuptures so that they spun. Townsfolk surrounded the images and attempted to attach little wooden wishing placards onto hooks, and if the placards remained on the sculptures then the wish would come true. Meanwhile farmers brought in the fruits of their summer harvest for exhibition: a line of massive gourds were proudly displayed against the wall of the inn, while large tables surrounding the town well presented complex wreath-like arrangements of berries, plums and peaches and a large terrace nearby dangled with an array of large beets, many carved with intricate symbolic designs or artwork.

The center of activity however was the central platform in the middle of town square, now acting as a musician’s stand. There a large crowd danced, while an even larger crowd enthusiastically watched from below, clapping and singing along. Young and old, old families and Guesters, single and married, gay and straight, all intermingled and enjoyed the celebration. Sitting to the side of the platform, Glib and Woden played a fiddle and mandolin, respectively, accompanied by bodhrán and fife played by Edwin and Alan. After listening for a while, Mansker ran off, only to join the other musicians on the platform with the concertina. Charlotte eventually came up as well, singing “The Day the Fox was King” and “Breakshire Girl” to the enthusiastic applause of onlookers.

Logan watched the revelry by the open air drinking garden Finch had set up for the Dancing Wolf. He had had a busy day, opening the festival with a dramatic flying and fire display by Mera that lit up the morning air and demonstrated the dragon's abilities. The new Forester of Stanton then joined in the celebrations himself, judging a carving of depicting cityscape of Satrinum as the best beet for Fink, participating in an archery contest that Woden won again, listening to a dramatic lecture on the Fall of King Sebastian on the Wabash by Bidgwell, and even successfully pinning his wishing placard onto Fortuna. Now as the sun slowly began its descent, Logan decided that he could relax a bit more and simply observe the merriment before him.

He did not count on a large shadow that fell over him.

Logan turned back in surprise to find Elder Sonia Potter, hands upon her hip, the staff of her office resting upon her belt, a wide smile on her lips.

“What are you doing here alone, Forester of Stanton? Why don’t you join in a dance with me?”

Logan smiled as he placed his mug down on the table.

“Oh that sounds like fun, Sonia, count me in.”

“I’ll accept your dance, Logan Durham, but I expect you to be on the most gentlemanly of behaviors.” The Elder laughed.

The Forester made a mocking formal bow.

“As you wish, my love.”

Together the pair walked up to the dancing platform to the surprise of the onlookers, who quickly parted a path before them. From the corner of his eye, the Forester saw Sheriff Wilcox frown, take a heavy drink from his mug, then walk off.

Hands grasped, Logan and Sonia moved, stepping forward, then back, the Forester raising his arm so his partner twirled under it, embracing, then repeating the moves again. The two of them were not dancers and their performance could only be seen as middling, but the townsfolk gradually focused their attention on the pair, laughing and cheering as they encouraged the jig.

“It’s nice to have you by my side.” Sonia laughed as she fell into Logan’s embrace again.

The Forester returned the humor. “If you’re up for it, I’d like to be by your side forever.”

“I accept.”

Logan suddenly stopped.

“That’s it?”

Sonia broke he partner's embrace, then pulled him back into the jig. “Well, we can play the whole courting game from beginning to end if you’d like, but yes. You’ve proven yourself to be a part of this town, you’ve proven yourself to be a protector, and you have proven yourself to be kind and righteous and loyal and honorable. Good traits, and you’re not half bad looking either.”

“I appreciate that.”

“I expect some sort of token of your honor though.”

“I’ll find one soon enough.”

Sonia playfully rubbed her partner's beard. “I’ve got to admit, you’ve come a long way from the jerk I first met.”

“I hope so. A lot has changed over three years.”

“A lot has definitely changed. ”

The pair continued their dance, stepping, twirling, embracing again and again. Finally, Sonia fell back into his embrace, and Logan leaned over and kissed her. As the Elder returned the Forester’s kiss, the audience broke into applause.

Finally it was over, and amidst cheering and toasts, Logan and Sonia went back to the bar. The Forester ordered some drinks.

His partner immediately quaffed down a mug. “Oh, by the way, the Stanton Dragon? I’d like to see him in person.”

Logan 's mug was halfway to his lips.

“Um, are you sure that is wise dear?”

“You said you are in full control of it, no? The dragon has cast such a long shadow over our town and is our new protector. Let me meet the new Guardian and take my personal measure of it.”

The new Forester of Stanton drank from his own mug. “Very well, Elder of Stanton.”


An hour later Meratezatgh the Dragon presented himself in a field outside town. Logan had insisted that the wyrm go wash up and display his best behavior towards the Forester's future wife and the new human leader, and Mera complained but did as he was told. When Sonia appeared with Logan a short while later, the dragon did his best to strike a haughty pose, chest puffed out and head raised up into the sky.

The Elder of Stanton was not intimidated.

“So, this is the dragon that caused such a big uproar in our little valley.” Sonia said, walking forward. As the young woman approached, the dragon bent down to face her directly, blowing out a puff of smoke.

The Elder laughed in amusement as the gust of air ruffled her clothes, though Logan’s hand was tightly gripping the awlpike on his back. “Playing games I see.”

“Elder, it would be good to be care-”

“Welcome, Stanton Dragon. How do you do?” Sonia stopped directly in front of Mera’s snout, and for a second the two stared into each other’s eyes, as if testing each other’s mettle. Then Sonia raised her arm and began stroking the bottom of the dragon's chin. Mera was shocked at the gesture, but then relaxed in the relaxing message of Sonia’s hands, purring in contentment.

“See you aren’t so mean; you’re just a large kitty.” Sonia laughed, continuing her expert ministrations down the dragon’s neck. The creature could only murmur in enjoyment.

Logan looked at the interaction before him with slight disgust.

“Stanton Dragon, my fiance tells me that you are a good dragon, that you will protect our town if we protect you. I choose to believe him. So I came here to look you in the eye, and tell you that, so long as I can help it, Stanton will remain true to you, so you should remain true to us. Hopefully this new relationship will be good for everyone. Perhaps in this world, we need to have less enemies and more allies.”

The Elder took a step back and bowed. “May you have a long, prosperous life dragon, may you be strong, hearty and hale, and may we protect each other against the world.”

Surprised, Mera awkwardly lowered his head as well and returned the bow.


“Ugh. I thought you were so concerned about your pride.” Logan muttered to the dragon when Sonia noticed the Guester leaders approaching and went over to talk to them. “That was embarrassing.”

Mera smiled back at the Forester with a gleam in his eye. “Eh. I like your mate, Logan.”

“Har har.”

The Boys of Blue Hill - Off to California/The Harvest Home

From evvonic ! Thanks!

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